[Location] The City Gates

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

[Location] The City Gates

Postby Colombina on August 20th, 2011, 1:23 am

The Gates of Ahnatep

When the Pressors began the ambitious task of reassembling shattered Ahnatep, the city gates were the first endeavor. They were a warning and a promise for all who entered, and the statue that loomed over the entrance was an idol of the city.

Before the Valterrian, gates served a stronger purpose, but in the absence of true rivals and meaningful enemies, they are now empty gestures. Ahnatep revels in pomp for its own sake, so the structure is still a wonder to behold.

The processional road begins forty strides before the gate proper. Sand gives way to marble patterns in deep green and lapis blue. Every ten steps is marked by a line of the rare aubergine marble found only in Eyktol. Black statues of narrow jackals mid-stride line the last ten paces of the path, as if trotting nobly alongside the traveler. The intricate path is the pride of the house of the East Winds, and explains their lack of a totem over the final gate.

The gate proper is a large rectangular arch painted with icons of the sun and winding rivers. Standing atop the arch is the lady of Ahnatep. Her flesh is stone and her robes gilded iron. She stares into the desert, commanding its praise. Six arms radiate from her, bearing symbols of the city. One set of hands raises a diadem over her head, a single hand holds a bundle of wheat tied with a poppy, another a furled scroll of wadj, a shell sits in the palm of another and the final is clenched around a writhing snake. One raised foot steps on a carnelian skull completing the symbols of the city.

The lady of Ahnatep has a merciless face despite the beauty of her form, and some observe that of all the symbols, the skull was depicted with the most care and detail. Only when one passes under her, can they enter the city.

The cedar and iron gates are open at all times, unless a Hik-Zulrav rages. Jackals and Foxes, the city guard, flank the entrance watching all who enter. Most people are waved briskly into the city without a word. Many feel the lady of Ahnatep has spoken for them.

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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Adnys on September 12th, 2011, 10:43 pm

Fall 1, 511 AV

Adnys saw the gates in the distance and knew that his journey was finally at an end. Relief was the first emotion that washed over him, then he reminded himself that he still hadn't established himself within the city, or even entered it for the first time. For all he knew, he would find himself incapable of earning his keep.

The guards standing by the gates were of some interest to Adnys but he knew that any attempts to speak with them would fail so he continued inside the city without even talking. The guards did not even bother to ask why a person was going into the city? It was a strange thing, because surely that would make the city more vulnerable to attack.
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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Orchid Hightide on August 9th, 2012, 4:36 pm

31st of Summer, 512AV

The group that had let her tag along for so long was mysteriously gone. How or when she wasn't sure though it did surprise her to wake up alone and her the long forgotten sound of waves crashing. For a second Orchid thought of home, of her ship that never smelt of anything but fish but it was nothing more than a mirage. When her eyes focused she could feel the happy bubble that had nearly burst suddenly deplete as the gates loomed before her.

Well it didn't matter. She would get home eventually. Besides there had to be a lot of things to do in a city that was that shiny. Although she didn't really understand exactly why the lady on the wall had more than two arms. Art was not something she understood well. Picking herself up she brushed off some sand that never seemed to be completely out of her clothes and loped forward. Now that she was awake she realized she hadn't eaten in awhile, food sounded pretty good.

Copying the others that walked confidently into the city she gave what she assumed were guards or doorkeepers a short wave with a smile ready to take on her new city. This place had water which meant she was that much closer to getting a ship and then sailing it off into the Suvan.
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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Chiaja on September 9th, 2012, 6:59 pm

fall 18 512, early morning

The lady of Ahnatep. With her six arms holding the symbols of the city, and the skull that was the most carefully crafted. Did it stand for Dira, goddess of Death, patron mother of Ahnatep alongside Syna? Oh, Syna. Beautiful goddess, locked in a never-ending dance with her lover. Leth. Her patron god, her father. Bare feet left the cool sand and stepped onto the even colder stone steps. There was no hikzu to close the gates.

The black jackals running alongside her were more than just decorative - she had often heard that they were Dira's symbol. The desert's symbol. Chaktawe life had started to grow dull. She left after she was reunited with those that called her sister, or aunt, or friend. The Chaktawe found her mysterious and mesmerizing and they were ever curious about her celestial form. Sometimes it made her sick.

A light breeze blew across the steps, bringing sand and blowing around her loose hair and clothing. The red fabric of her wrap billowed around her legs for all but a tick. Her head held high and she walked across the gate proper, past the sniggering Jackals that stood guard. Ahnatep was familiar, and despite never traveling to the giant clay city, there was déjà vu.

She walked briskly through the iron and cedar gates, fur mantle around her shoulders and a leather bag underneath.
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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Nayato on January 7th, 2013, 2:03 pm

Timestamp: 1st Day of Winter, 512 AV.

    The grand architecture of the gates of Ahnatep were a welcomed relief from the silent, shifting waves of desert sand. Even when he was a few miles out from Ahnatep, he could still see the faded ancient settlement through the desert heat. In fact, the heat of the morning sun caused Nayato himself to believe it was simply a mirage.

    It was only until his Eyktolian Desertbred, named Tsutla, hooves trotted against the marble stone of the processional road that he let out a smile of comfort that he had made it through the desert. It was a comfort that several others in the caravan he had traveled with shared. The previous strangers nodding to each other knowing their time together was now at an end.

    They all walked forward together, looking up to the statue of the Lady of Ahnatep as they all passed under her and entered into the city. Nayato slid off of Tsutla's saddle to guide her past the city guard while holding her reins. He had not been to Ahnatep since summer and was happy to see what was new.

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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Ammara on January 9th, 2013, 6:58 am

Ammara had heard of the famed gates of Ahnatep, but had never seen them with her own eyes. Now, in the darkness of night, she took her first step towards them. Torchlight glimmered on the marble, gold, and alabaster. Once Ammara fully appreciated the glory of the entryway before her, she began to notice the statues the flanked her either side. Jackals running along with her up the stairs.

She stopped and looked at one of the statues closer and she could swear it blinked... And then again! Ammara was not easy scared, but something deep in her turned her stomach on it’s head and told her to keep moving. She climbed, stair by stair, picking up speed as she went. She looked out into the vast expanse of desert where she knew she should see sand dunes glistening in the moonlight, but she saw nothing but darkness. Ammara was running at this point, helplessly out of breath, when she tripped at the top of the stairs and found herself at the foot of a guard.

She raised herself up off the sandy steps and blushed as she looked at him. "It’s dark tonight” She said trying to keep her cool. “A woman could get scared.” She looked for a response but got none. Ammara brushed the sand off her dress, and walked through the gates, into the city beyond.
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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Shanapar on February 23rd, 2013, 5:37 am

Time Stamp: 70th of Winter, 512AV

Looking up at the Lady of Ahnatep, Shanapar the Untamed was not impress by the flaming glory of the faded Eypharian glory. Shanapar frowned to himself and asked softly, “Why are I here? There nothing in this city for me. Anymore...” He knew he was supposed to give his respect to the great symbol of the old Eypharian nation, but he didn't care not anymore, and why should he? He was a Chaktawe. He cared little for the affairs of the city dwellers, and most of the time, they would just ignore him or mutter something in Arumanic in his presence. When he was younger, he didn't understand why the people of the city thought he was a stupid barbarian, but he learned over time that he was nothing in the eyes of the Eypharian, and most of the time, people wouldn't even notice his presence. He was below them since he was a outsider. In his younger days in the city of Ahnatep, there was a certain advantage to being unnoticed in a place of great wealth like Ahnatep. Shanapar stared up at the Lady of Ahnatep and smiled to himself and said softy, “It has been a long time hasn't it, Great Lady? I promise I won't cause too much trouble in the city this time around..” After paying homage to the symbol of the Eypharian people, Shanapar disappears into a crowd of people.
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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Asunde on May 9th, 2013, 12:32 am

Asunde dismounted carefully, two of his large hands sliding affectionately over Vashtak’s throat, earning a pleased whinny from the young stallion. His eyes lifted from the sand beneath his feet to the familiar and eternally enchanting silhouette of his home city’s gates. A broad smile stole his face despite the lingering, nausea like knowledge that reminded him that returning home meant returning to parties and fake smiles and all the painted faces the world could boast. He smiled still, knowing the lady and his mother would be glad to welcome him and his father home with a heavy sack of gems to divide first among the men, then to the commissioner of the tons of marble they’d just returned from delivering.

His sun chapped lips turned into a more solemn expression as he and Vashtak mounted the heavy stairs. Asunde’s three right arms resting reassuringly on the dark horses shoulders, as though he cared half as much whether he was trotting in the desert or lounging in the stables. Perhaps the animal’s warm touch was more for his own steadying. It didn’t matter, he was here now.

The jackals were as familiar as his own feet and seemed playful to his accustomed eyes rather than menacing as some might find them. The guards nodded upon seeing his approach, recognizing him as heir to one of the more prominent caravanning families in Ahnatep. He returned the nod, Vashtak flicking his mane in mimicry or coincidence. The young Eypharian dropped to a solemn knee and murmured the traditional words spoken to the City’s Lady, full of vengeance and beauty and spreading her arms to her returning children.

He pushed off the marble step and collected Vashtak, passing into the city uninhibited as he made his way towards his family home, knowing his mother and sisters were waiting while his father trailed behind with the men. There was comfort in the gilded walls of the city, but like a cage the gates seemed to close heavily behind him.
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[Location] The City Gates

Postby Ritsua on September 1st, 2013, 3:04 am

Trudging closer to the gates of Ahnatep, the desert sands scoring across her bare feet, Vhassaritsua moves with a sinewy grace towards her destination. Her pack is slung over her slim shoulder shoulder, the leather not as worn as some but far from new creaking softly as she shifts the load. Ritsua stops before the gates, her amber colored eyes shifting through the landscape, bright red tendrils of hair falling across pale skin. Her skin seemed too pale for this desert climate, and truly if it were not for the fact that she much preferred her Dhani form to fully humanoid she would be far more golden. However she was still newly matured, and still exercised her morphing in various forms routinely.

Finally arriving at the gates, her small frame seemed to be dwarfed by the magnificent constructs, yet her lips parting in a small smile a look of expectation and possibly excitement as she tosses a not quite hurried word to the city's Lady before moving into the city proper.
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