The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The market [OPEN]

Postby Lich il forte Silenzio on May 28th, 2010, 6:37 pm

It had seemed as time flew by and birds chirped merrily from afar that a hallowed set of foot steps graced the gravelled soils of the market place, cast unusually still as their owner observed his surroundings from behind a pair of crimson shaded goggles. It must have been one of their quiet evenings as very little activity if any at all plagued the silence of the streets… strange though. It almost seemed too quiet as the customarily expected prominence of laughing children was heard in naught. The cloaked gentleman in question hummed to himself in unspoken thought as he trundled his weary travel ridden form through the streets of the market place.

~Hmm ... Mi chiedo dove tutti sono?~

The male was an odd character if ever there could be in the likes of Mizahar, with a deep crimson travel cloak wrapped tight around his frame, effectively hiding his appearance from the public as he strode fourth in silence… though such a display of caution would have been unnecessary. On the contrary he had the look of a figure to be cautionary of! in addition to the unsettling silence of his footing. Hadt one not been looking in his general direction, the man would have been fully capable of slicing a knife through the hair’s breadth of said individual and making off with a bag coins in hand. It was a chilling thought to say the least when one considered the other potential uses of such a skill...
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Black Dahlia on May 28th, 2010, 10:46 pm

Dahlia calmly strided into the heavy metal gates of Syrilas. A rugged guard nodded gently at her as she walked past him. She nodded and smiled back. He towered over her. There where so may people. All kinds of people. Warm wind swarmed around her making her midnight hair get i her eyes. Excitement buzzed in her head. Free. Finally free. It felt even more wonderful now that it was happening. Dahlia suddenly noticed a young man talking to a pretty red haired woman just a few feet away from her. It was hard to tell if he was flirting or if they where a couple. A strange feeling surged through her. She grasped at her necklace. Looked back at the man and women one more time and continued walking deeper into town...

Dahlia looked excitedly from left to right finally forgetting how nice the expressions of man and women had been. She had arrived at a market place. There where countless of little stands selling fruits, food and all kinds of goods. But captivated her where still the people though. So many, all so different. There where beautiful pale men and women others with skin the color of ebony. Others with skin as blue as the deepest indigo. Some with white blond hair, chesnut brown hair, and some with hair almost as black as hers. Dahlia slid over to one of the stands where something delicious was being sold. It was fruit. Dahlia grabbed a ripe looking apple and quickly handed the old woman selling them some money. She hastily bit into it. Its sweet juice seeping over her mouth. She continued looking around. " There are so many beautiful boys here." She thought to herself. And certainly there where. Boys that looked about Dahlias age packed the market place. There where probably even more around Syrilas. Beautiful boys some pale some tan. Hair color ranging from black to the lightest of blonds. The darkest of eyes to Sea blue some even with mysterious crimson eyes. Dahlia suddenly snapped out of it. She knew she couldnt fall in love again. Love for her always led to one thing: Pain.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Lich il forte Silenzio on May 28th, 2010, 11:38 pm

With the gentlest fluttering of a wing, a single snow white dove landed on the shoulder of the silent figure as he continued to gaze out towards the anthology of assembled pasture stands. Whether the man hadt noticed or not failed to be distinguished as he set off down the streets again, his flimsy red cloak billowing out behind him. Lich reached into his pocket, feeling inside the hallowed black leather for the last morsel of food he had on his person, coming as it were in the form of a dry cut of loaf. The assassin reached out from the expanse of his cloak, piercing the shadows of the streets with a light so fierce it blazed like the scorching sun above them all, though for such a quick and dazzling display it was but for naught more than to feed the winged angel on his shoulder. As if by chance sensing the depth of his generosity the dove cooed softly into the outstretched hand before flying away…

“Volare sicuro uccellino…”

The cloaked assassin almost seemed to smile for that brief lapse in time, the smallest lining of his lip curling into a smirk before fading away, like angel’s feathers in the wind… “Ti chiamerò il mio piccolo angelo…” He called after the dove before continuing on to his path in life… It was funny how it always seemed to be the little things that brought joy into the world…even if it was only for but a moment… Breaking from his train of thoughts, the silent figure cast a sharp eye throughout the market, looking for one stall in particular he’d heard tell of from a travelling merchant. Strangely it was only then as Lich began making his way through the swarm of gathered crowds, that he noticed a few shady characters giving his form quite the eye full… no doubt the wanderer’s in these parts were marked by the dozen. There was little to be done for a man whose feet weren’t in root with the soil, and little pity shown to them either. With a bitter sigh the assassin made note to steer clear of the darkened streets……or perhaps not...… how many pennies could be carved from a desperate man’s fingertips? A good question indeed…
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 29th, 2010, 2:16 pm

She silently listened his words stabs at her heart.
She had no idea of love or caring, no one had ever spoken to her in this way. It left her feeling sick, poisoned by her past and sickened by the present. She was like a child in emotional things. She thought of her past, she had never hade those experiences that other people took for granted and so easily, she sighed.
She replied her lips almost closed emanating a bare whisper
“I will look at you and smile sadly. It’s the first time anybody has said such a thing to me serious or not. And that I like you to, but I already said that. And now I’m walking on thin ice because I don’t know what to say or do. And that…I’m happy”
She tried to think up a question but there were so many, she wanted to know…everything about him.
She looked at him and made up her mind, it was something indeed she didn’t know about him
“What do you do?” She would have asked how he would react to her words but she decided not to, he would tell her or show her by his own accord.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 29th, 2010, 2:38 pm

A mixture of happiness and some shaken up sorrow were poured both into her words and into his mind, but never the less, this was still a perfect moment. But she was right, it really was thin ice, not even he knew what to say or what to do, for it was long time since anyone talked to him in even a barely friendly tone. Thinking about many things he would like to do, he remembered they were still playing that game with many questions, and now, he needed to tell her what does he do for living, now if only she knew how hard question that was.

"I guess i don`t really have a profession, i live from day to day, sometimes i pend on luck, sometimes skill, sometimes i have no idea what am i going to eat until i check my backpack, so i guess im not really all that into secure stuff. So how did you end up here in Syliras?" his brief speech ended with a question after wich came an unclear grin of sorts, neither sad, nor timid, simply careless.

He continued looking at her wondering does he need to do anything or is it her turn to speak, it was all so much for him, and it was all so new, and strange.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Alynshi on May 29th, 2010, 6:01 pm

The girl looked much like a baby bird fallen from the nest onto the forest floor, wide eyed, panicked, lost, and the feathers she was clothed in surely didn't do anything but add to this appearance. In fact, all she was wearing was feathers, as that was something she had been doing her entire life. Feathers were quite the norm in Chaktawe communities, but here the culture-shocked girl hadn't seen one outfit of feathers, much less a fellow Chaktawe.
Her black hair was in a wavy mess, a blue, silver, black and white feather stuck in the left side of her head were barely managing to stay weaved in the tousled masses of black hair. The skin along her black eyes were considerably lighter than that of the rest of her body, lightened from years of wearing white paint on the area to keep the desert sun from blinding her. Her skin was a coppery color everywhere else, almost seemingly glowing. Black freckles lined her hands, sensory 'organs' which were giving her so many signals of movement it was hard to focus.
She was clothed in a black feather coat, hanging down to her knees, slightly longer than the skirt of her brown-feather dress. The feathers were rather messy and needed to be straightened along their fabric, but the day had been so hectic she had not even had time to consider her own body's appearance, much less her clothing. Tan moccasin-like boots went slightly above her ankles, decorated here and there with a black or blue bead.
She was turning a few heads, to say the least.
Mostly, the girl was overwhelmed. She had never seen so many people, in such different kinds of clothing with such odd hair colors and styles. What varied even more was the varying skin tones, from as pale as the desert moon to a very deep midnight blue. For her entire life, Alynshi had been around tan, black-haired people with black eyes. Now she was surrounded by people didn’t look the same at all.
She was barely able to maneuver around the masses of people walking on these streets. She tried not to stare at some, but occasionally she wasn’t able to help it. Alynshi stumbled, knocking into a person’s shoulder and gained a sharp glance in return. “S-sorry.” She said in common, the words heavily accented by her Tawna-speaking lips. She side stepped to the side of a building, away from the ever-moving stream of people, allowing her a few breaths of rest. She leaned up against the stone wall, sighing heavily. She mumbled something to herself in Tawna, then opened up the flap on the bag that contained all of her belongings, glancing over the items inside with her eyes, then dug a slender-fingered hand into it and pulled out a small leather bag, full of coins. She pried it open with one finger, checking the contents, then placed it back inside, closing the flap and looking back up at the masses.
When a slight breach in the crowd occurred, she noticed a stand that intrigued her. Food. A simple fruit stand, holding an odd red fruit she had never seen before in wooden boxes. She took a step forward, attention locked onto the stand, and ran directly into a passing person. She slammed into the taller figure, stumbling back with her expression turned panicked. She quickly took 2 steps back, taking in the odd cloaked figure's appearance quickly as she could before she began to apologize. "Sorry! Sorry! Thank you!" She said in common, believing 'Thank You' to be some expression meaning 'I'm very sorry'. She glanced up at him, noticing red-tinted goggles, further adding to his odd look. In fact, he stuck out in the crowd in a way similar to the how she did herself.
Last edited by Alynshi on May 29th, 2010, 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 29th, 2010, 6:54 pm

She looked at his mismatched eyes, her gaze needle sharp her eyes searching.
She answered his question “I followed a bird then followed a path that became a road. I let my feet guide me and let my thoughts lose themselves. I followed my needs and peoples words into a city like no other were people are as different as the colours of the rainbow and as wonderful and elusive” She grinned playfully despite her heavy heart.
She stepped closer as a man ran past and asked her question, she had thought about it and decided what to ask, it was a tricky question.
“What do you dream Elliot Skythorn?”

Dreams, they were important night and day dreams. They were hopes and feelings set free.
The mind with no imposing barriers like logic, dreams told you much of a person their feelings and deepest fears.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 29th, 2010, 8:17 pm

From a faint smile to playfull grin, that was the reaction of Elliot`s face after hearing Fade speak so many random things, or at least they would seem random to someone else, but he was wierd himself, so he did not really pay much attention of the unnatural manner of speaking. He felt his heart jumping faster and faster as she spoke, as she asked what does he dream of. Indeed, what does he dream of?

His gaze becoming more and more filled with careless happiness was now locked onto her again as he continued to think about a perfect way to pour his feelings into words. As an idea flashed within his mind, he started speaking quickly cause of the fear that he could forget it.

"I dream of many things. I dream of a place where my family still lives. I dream of being careless forever and ever. I dream of you. I dream of a happy end" his words sounded crapy even to him, but he knew he could not do much better, since he was more of a man to speak with his actions, rather than using words.

"So tell me, what do you dream, what do you fear, what drives you to be cheerfull even when thrown in a corner deffenceless?" Elliot knew it was too many questions but he just asked them all at once not wanting to wait a minute longer.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 30th, 2010, 6:16 pm

She chuckled silently at the “I dream of you” it was overly flattering.
She smiled at the questions that he asked her but she answered all of them.
“I dream of a frozen ocean” She said simply then continued “I learnt something from my years as a slave, everything passes: when I was used I could only count the seconds that passed knowing that each one was blessed. One second less to the finish.
But I also fear this because it means you will fade away and every second that passes is one less in your presence.”
She trailed off and continued in a softer painful tone “And I fear the numbness inside me, the dead parts of me that have drifted to sleep on a stream of blood.” It was a weird thing to say and a difficult one to describe in general.
She then asked him his own questions “And you, what do you fear? And what drives you to be cheerful when you are thrown defenceless in a corner?”
She smiled a small secret smile.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 30th, 2010, 8:46 pm

Elliot knew he over did it a bit one previous statement, but he continued smiling, still too mesmerized, too enchanted to care. His face glared up as he searched inside himself for a next question, as well as a perfect answer, accompanied by the space needed for the rest of her words.

A frozen ocean......that really was a terryfying thought. And no matter what he did, that image could not be erased, a simple pure white space with a girl whose skin is pearl white. He felt sadness as he tried to figure out why were her dreams lonely like that.

His eyes opened wide open as a tear was forming up in his eye, but he quickly shook his head, there was no time to be sad, he spoke softly, and as gently as he could: "Not everything has an end, even we who die remain in someone`s heart, in their memories.....forever. It is not a problem if you are remembered in a bad light, at least someone cares enough to remember you, also.." he paused for a brief second "I am not going anywhere, well as long as you can put up with me, that is" a goofy grin spread across his face as touched her hand using a glove while saying this.

"You may be a bit dead inside, but we all have that part within us, each and every one of us, and it is too little for someone like you to break your head over it" his speech ligthened up, his face seemed happy, his gaze....lost.

"My curse of fear, goes hand in hand with anything i do, i am afraid of having everything i once had, only to have to watch everyone die all over again. My cheerfullnes comes from a different, more of a insolent is there for.......i have nothing to lose. So tell me, what would be your happiest memory?" his mind was filled with questions as he wanted to know more and more about her. He than stopped talking awaitng for her to respond in some manner.
"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
"where" you see the things you only wanna see

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