TimeStamp: Day 1 of Winter, 512 AV
Location: FlightLeader Academy
It was the first day of winter, and also not by chance the first day that Red had decided to start his training in the Flightleader Academy. The idea had started a few months ago when Red and Daghul were talking as they scanned the land for their next prey on a hunting trip. The Endal had asked his Wind Eagle want he thought about aiming for a new goal, and the new goal would be the flightleader academy. Both had fears, as well as reason to say yes to the challenge.
The next day Red and Daghul had decided to take the challenge, and the endal made the trip and asked to be accepted. after speaking to Damien the two decided that training would start on the first day of winter as there would be a little bit less to do. After all these months the time had finally come, and a eager and possibly a little nervous Red made his way up to the Academy.
Pushing through the front doors which seemed to tower over the Endal, and spoke about a honor and glory that other endal had come to find with in these halls. It was time for Red to begin learning just how far he could go. Moving through the Grand Hall aiming his sights on the head masters office the Endal took a deep breath.
"Well" came a voice that conveyed a sense of wisdom and knowledge "I see you have found your way here early" Red was startled not knowing that Damien was already in the hall waiting for him. With a small jump he took a breath before turning around to face his new mentor "Forgive me Red, I couldn't help myself he said with a gentle laugh. Damien was a wise older man that Red had a lot of respect for, and had at a few chance visits with the man gotten lots of knowledge already now it was only going to increase.
The younger Endal laughed "I guess I am a bit nervous" letting out a half sigh Red didn't know what to say "I never thought I would reach this point".
The older man gave Red a knowing smile and gave him some encouragement "It happens Red, and shows that you really want to learn what I have to teach you" then the man gestured to a hall and said "shall we begin?" and with that Red nodded and started to follow Damien knowing that this was the beginning of a new challenge for Red.