Thank you Scarab and Duvalyon. I'm glad people are actually reading this! Duv, that was an excellent thread. His piousness is one of the surprising things about him. He might not care for humans, but Viratas encourages the preservation of blood, and not always just Symenestra blood. Although I bet part of his inclination to help was because he enjoyed spiting the girl and Abashai who would rather see him as a monster. Ah, I may be wicked, but look how helpful I am. I dare you not to be grateful. Anyway, I'm glad you spoke up Duv. Talking about your eyes has inspired another addition to the series. Kiss my glorious glittering ass. Symenestra Are Creepy-Looking It would be fantastic if Mizahar had a hired artist to accurately draw each race so we knew exactly how we looked. Unfortunately that would be expensive and I'm definitely not going to pay for it. Most of us use photographs to showcase our characters, and the wiki is filled with borrowed art that hints at the concepts the Founders are going for, but neither of these pictures exhibits a good example of how Symenestra actually look. Syms are creepy spider people. I think many players forget that. Creepy Looks We all know the Syms are pale, they have colorful eyes, and they're slender. What fewer people take note of is that they are also very long limbed. Enough that it's noticeably unnatural. Colombina once told me that a Symenestra can cross his arms and hug himself at the same time. That is creepy. You can't mistake a Symenestra for a human. They're too graceful, too skinny, and too oddly proportioned. You can't wear a little makeup and convince someone you're a human. Symenestra are not only pale, their skin is mildly translucent. If you look closely, you can see delicate gray veins under their skin. There was a rather gruesome story a few years back about some people who were locked in a basement somewhere in Europe for a decade or two. When they were finally rescued, they were so pale that sunlight was actually harmful to them. Imagine what generations of living underground would do to a race of people. Sym skin is of course a little hardier than this, but it's still more vulnerable to sunburn (so I'd estimate), and it's still super pale. A little grayish. Not actually gray, there is a LITTLE color, but still pretty gross. The Symenestra don't like hanging out in the sunlight. It hurts their sensitive eyes and it's bad for their skin. And it's very unflattering. Speaking of their eyes, it's the most colorful part about them. Gold, violet, or red (burgundy if you want to be prissy about it), they stand out. Duvalyon knows that Syms with red eyes look creepier than Syms with violet eyes. It means they have to try that much harder to impress a surface girl when a flowery name simply won't cut it. Creepy Moves Appearances aside, Symenestra move differently. They're like cats. Fluid, graceful, and making it look easy. They glide on their feet, more than walk. You can be like Laszlo and wear a hood, trying to conceal your Creepy Looks, but you can't hide those Creepy Moves. He still slides along the street like a petching phantom. And that's just when Syms are walking upright. Remember how I called Syms creepy spider people? It's because they are creepy. Spider. People. They are frequently on all fours on the sides of walls. Syms climb. They are natively arboreal. Like birds, they are more comfortable when they're up high. Symenestra like to perch, on rooftops, in trees, or in Kalinor, inside their homes. And they don't climb like mountain climbers. They climb like creepy spider people. This is what their claws are for, and as a benefit their skin sticks to surfaces (even though some fabrics, a lot like Spiderman). You can be having a perfectly civil conversation with a Symenestra walking along a street, and then you'll see him skitter up a wall. Creepy. This is also why Symenestra usually wear sandals, not shoes or boots (this is a mistake many Sym PCs make as well). Yes, sandals are unflattering to humans, but to Syms they're quite stylish. And practical! Easy to slip off if you have some climbing to do. Also like spiders, Symenestra like to sleep in holes. Their beds are niches in the wall of their hanging… house thing. When Duvalyon lived with Laszlo for half a year, he constructed a fort out of his desk and mattress so he had an enclosed space to sleep in. Laszlo politely said nothing but he and Abalia joked about it when they had lunch at the tea house. Laszlo of course has slept like this as well, but that was before they met and not worth mentioning. Being former tree dwellers, Symenestra still have uncanny balance. The idea of slipping and falling to them is a far and remote fantasy. A Sym could slide down the bannister with as much ease as going down the stairs. Ever seen people walk on tightropes? That's what Syms use for roads. The difference is, Syms crawl on it, not walk. Symenestra are very far from humans. If you meet a Sym in a city, you won't quietly wonder whether he's human or not. You'll know he's different. And a clever Sym will know how to play that to his advantage. Humans, especially intelligent ones, are ever so curious. From A Poisonous Delivery featuring Alses and Duvalyon. Thanks for letting me use you as an example/teaching instrument, Duvy.