Timestamp: 84th of Spring, 511 AV
The Kelvic lioness, unnamed as yet, played in the sand under the sun of Eyktol. She had found a short, crooked tree by some luck, and scampered around it, chasing a small lizard. High pitched noises of play were emitted from the cub's mouth as it padded along through the sand. She was hungry, and the lizard was a moving, living thing. Instinct told her there was a connection, but, motherless, she did not understand what it was. Instead, she play-chased it under the heat of the morning sun.
At last, she struck her paw down upon the creature... Nay, it got away. Through the loose sands it scurried, up along the leaning trunk of the wispy tree. The Kelvic pouted, turning in the sand in frustration at her belly. She basked, upturned, in the hot sand, and watched the sky, meowing softly to the sparse clouds above.