[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Gillar on January 12th, 2013, 7:58 am

Sorry for the glow in the glasses, I'm still trying to fix that. The lighting and color seems off but enough with the technicalities.


As a side note, I left out details of a colony as massive as Xy due mainly to the fact that it will be detailed primarily in the actual city location.
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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Tarot on January 12th, 2013, 3:04 pm

Great video, great info on the Zith and great kitty. From one four-eyes to another... lower your screen's brightness to the very minimum before recording? That's how I got over the problem. :)
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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Phoenix on January 12th, 2013, 3:47 pm

I loved your video, once again blowing my mind with information I had no idea about. I need to play these races now just because they're so awesome.

More awed responses to come when I'm not typing on my phone! ;)
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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Rayage on January 13th, 2013, 8:49 am

Hi Gillar,

I was wondering if you could talk about half breeds. More specifically Zith half breeds. Like a Human/Zith combo and how they are viewed within the Zith society/Maybe how they are viewed by other humans/the half breeds on psychology. I know the generic mixed blood lore says that most are outcasts, but Id like more specifics if there are some. Since they are more human does that mean they are less driven by their instincts?

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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Gillar on January 13th, 2013, 12:16 pm

I've been asked a few times now over a very short span of time about half-breeds in general so this is a great opportunity to touch on the half-zith. I will get a video up later today addressing it.
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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Scorn on January 13th, 2013, 6:36 pm

So I know you've said a lot on Zith colony social structure, but I was wondering about interactions outside of the colony. Most Zith PCs I've seen so far tend to be apart from a colony for one reason or another, so how Zith tend to interact with each other without the established structure of elders and the colony surrounding them?
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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Gossamer on January 13th, 2013, 11:44 pm

Gillar's GI JOE Corpse Box!

This is the infamous GI Joe restoration maniac's box of goodies. It's slightly terrifying if your a toy. I always giggle and tell graphic stories about this box so I thought I'd make a video of Gillar showing off his hobby.

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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Rayage on January 14th, 2013, 12:06 am

That is awesome. Really cool stuff. Now Im wondering, how did Gillar get into GI Joe collecting/restoring?
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Xavior Silhouette on January 14th, 2013, 1:07 am

Hmm Gillar, are we going to see you on that toy show on History channel?
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[Gillar's VBlog] Glowing Glasses and Unshaven Words

Postby Gillar on January 14th, 2013, 10:34 am

Response to questions about Zith, Half-Zith and I tossed in a little about Half-Isur. Also, a little bit on my collecting hobby. No, I will not end up on Hoarders or related shows :) The only things I keep in storage bins are parts and pieces or that which is awaiting accessories. The rest goes on display. Those damn hoarders pile things in boxes and bins and when they run out of those they stack crap all over the place.

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