Carline's Grimoire (Laioath)

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Feel free to start IC Journaling in this forum. Each character is allowed threads here where they can store notes they learn IC, facts, or even talk about their feelings and inner thoughts. Journals don't need to be in written form, they be anything you as a player thinks suits the personality of the Characte.r

Carline's Grimoire (Laioath)

Postby Laioath on January 13th, 2013, 5:32 am

Carline's Grimoire
This is Laioath sister's diary and spellbook. it's filled with notes that Carline's notes and thoughts. Laioath as a child read these notes when his sister was missing, he also studied them.

Carline's Grimorie of time suffered wear damage and some pages were rendered illegible and some pages were missing. Laioath sets a personal goal to collect all of his sister's notes and try and figure out what the unreadable pages were.

~ Index ~
Glyphing Notes:
-Note #1

(None found or deciphered)

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- Please don't post things on here, just a reminder.
- If any notes or journal entries are found, a link will be placed on the entry to direct you to the story on which he found it.
- These's entires are from Carline. Not Laioath. (Just in case you didn't know)
Last edited by Laioath on January 18th, 2013, 3:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Carline's Grimoire (Laioath)

Postby Laioath on January 15th, 2013, 4:23 pm

Page name: Glyphing notes #1
Date found: Unknown

I've been asked to study the world magic, Glyphing. They told me that studying them It should help me channel my personal magic, or even protect myself. At first sight, I thought they're useless drawing. Drawing a circle with pictures within them just seems too impractical. If I If I really wanted to defend myself, I'd just invoke a fire wave. It takes the same amount of time to draw them. My thoughts changed when I saw a wizard who has mastered glyphing. He drew glyphs with such precision and speed that I couldn't keep up with his hand, it was amazing. He also absorbed several frost bolts with one stone, and created a barrier that not only stopped projectiles from hitting him, but sealed the area preventing the use of magic. glyphing is powerful in the right hands.

The first thing I learnt about glyphs is that not all glyphs look that same, some could be writing and some could be drawings. I'm currently practising glyphs with drawings due to studying under someone who draws their glyphs. this was tedious for me at first. My drawing skills are exactly the best, you won't be seeing my artworks around Mizahar. I eventually got the hang of drawing glyphs on parchment. This brings me to my second note

The second thing I learnt is in order to draw a glyph you needed a medium, such as ink, blood, or sand. carving them is also acceptable. This may seem obvious but I've seen my fellow peers try some strange things. Your drool is not a medium, its a liquid that helps you eat. I drew my first glyph in ink. i took it out to the fields and I conjured a minor fire spell at the parchment. it failed., but I expected it to. The parchment just burnt up like any other ordinary paper. I can tell that I have a long way to go.

That's all the notes I have so far, I need to continue experimenting, and continue studying.
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- Carline Tongara
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