[Unverified] Melanee Tolyn

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Melanee Tolyn

Postby Melanee Tolyn on January 16th, 2013, 2:26 am

Melanne Tolyn

Physical Description
Name: Melanne Tolyn
Race: Human
Age: 26 (Twenty-Six)
Birthday: Winter of the 17th

Physical Appearance

Height: 5' 2'' (Five Feet, Two Inches)
Weight: 130 Ilb (Pounds)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Currently Blond, but she changes it to Black on random occasions.
Additional Info: She wears darker make-up, sometimes light if she is in a highly good mood. Her piercings are usually always on her which include; Both Ears, Nose Ring, Nose Stud, and is known to have a lip piercing but she seems to leave that one out. She is light-white skinned sometimes tanned. Melanee is also mildly muscular, but doesn't show it off.

Character History
(In Progress) Melanee was born into a struggling family. Her father left her and her mother is ill. She has three other sisters that she slowly began to separate from, even though they talk near every day. But Melanee remains near silent of anything personal. (Sisters are being looked for.)


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt (Black)
-Simple Pants (Dark Blue)
-Simple Undergarments (Lace Black)
-Simple Cloak/coat (Silver)
-Simple Boots (Heeled; Black)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
Heirloom: Journal (50gm worth)
100 Gold Mizas

An average sized, single room apartment with a bed, table, a couple chairs, wardrobe, and complimentary chamber pot.
Offices of the NHC
Temporary Housing for visitors is available at:
Tarsin’s Boarding House

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages

Skill EXP Proficiency
Artists 15 - 15 SP
Politics 10 -10 SP
Slavery 5 - 5 SP
Stealth +15- 15 SP

Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Nari
Poor Language: N/A

Helpful Lores:
Lore of Ravok Layout

Lore of History of Ravok

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xX"My heart beats for myself, but my words are spoken for you"Xx
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Melanee Tolyn
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Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2013, 1:41 am
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Race: Human
Character sheet

Melanee Tolyn:History

Postby Melanee Tolyn on January 16th, 2013, 11:51 pm

Melanee Tolyn was born into a struggling family in Ravok. Her family suffered both financial and medical problems. Her fathers name was Direk and was the working man of the house while her mother, Sazarka stayed home ill. Sazarka's medical condition remains unknown and worries both Melanee and her sisters. Melanee has three other sisters names, (Currently looking for sisters. PM if interested. Look for the posts below for more details). When her sisters got older, their father left without warning and their mother is still ill but semi-stable even though Sazarka has her days of being sicker then others. Once Melanee turned twenty (20), she moved out and got her own apartment not far off. But ever since she left, she grew distant with her family for she does not speak of her personal life are rarely. Though her and her sisters speak every other day if not everyday.
For three years, Melanee has begun wearing a silver cloak hiding her appearance at night, and venturing away into the alleyways, but no one knows why...
xX"My heart beats for myself, but my words are spoken for you"Xx
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Melanee Tolyn
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Posts: 8
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Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2013, 1:41 am
Location: Ravok (Available)
Blog: View Blog (3)
Race: Human
Character sheet

More About Melanee Tolyn Q&A

Postby Melanee Tolyn on January 17th, 2013, 12:06 am

Do you form close bonds with people: Only if we been together for awhile. It is hard forming close bonds though.

Do you trust people easily: No, I have been hurt too many times especially when I was younger.

Orientation: Straight

Do you have a spouse or significant other:No. My ideal lover would be someone who is smart and knows what actions to take in situations. But looks do not matter as long as you are happy.

Drugs and Alcohol:
Ever been drunk: No, Drink to enjoy. Not to make a fool out of myself.

Drink regularly: No, Socially.

Alcohol prefered: Wine

Ever tried drugs: No.

Opinion of drugs and Alcohol: Don't do it unless you can defeat the demon with them.

Hobbies: Painting, Roaming, Music, Learning

Like to Read: Indeed

Something relaxing: Reading outside

Something Embarrassing to you: Being confronted of something.


Time of Day: Night

Favorite Weather/Scary Weather/ Least Favorite: Favorite: Storms. Least Favorite: Heatwaves

How honest are you with your thoughts and feelings: Poor
What makes you happy: Music and looking at art. Love to sit and watch the scenery.

Who are you willing to die for: My sisters

What makes you angry: Someone who uses force with something, or a someone who acts "dumber" then what they really are

Life and Death:
Best part of life: The miracles of life itself

Best part of death: To know you are in a better place

How would you want to die:Drown

One thing you would like to remember after death: My friends and family along with all the good times
xX"My heart beats for myself, but my words are spoken for you"Xx
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Melanee Tolyn
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Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2013, 1:41 am
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(OOC) Sisters: Things to know

Postby Melanee Tolyn on January 17th, 2013, 12:10 am

1. Their ages are not too close together but not too far apart.

2. Must be human/human-mix.
(The mother has a unknown illness that contributes to the "mix". Illness soon to be discovered.)

3. Last names are the name.

4. Anything goes except super powers.
Example: Flying, Jumping off walls as high speeds, teleportation.
Some talents/skills can be used, just ask for approval for what you have.

5. Must live in Ravok. But Melanee has plans to travel. If she does, do you stay or follow?
xX"My heart beats for myself, but my words are spoken for you"Xx
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Melanee Tolyn
Water Color
Posts: 8
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Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2013, 1:41 am
Location: Ravok (Available)
Blog: View Blog (3)
Race: Human
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