Profile Subject to Editing and Change(is super ugly right now)
Basic Information Beau: Pronounced "Boh", though friends do call him by the phonetic sound of "Beu", or Booboh. Race: Inarta Birthday & Age : 13th Day of Winter; 491AV ; 19 Years Old Gender:Male Physical Description Appearance: As with all Inarta Beau is touched with red hair, though not as dark as some, and sky blue eyes. The detailed lines of a toned upper body are left bare half of the time, though he does wear a thin shirt while handling raptors; however he never removes the sontavi strapped to his arms. All of his clothes tend to be white or shades of blue, with only one decorated pair of bryda he saves for special occasions. A smirk or grin is never too far away from his honest face, peppered by freckles. And despite a constant effort to keep clean a light fuzz of stubble runs across a smooth jaw and chin. Long in both arms and legs Beau makes a good boxer, and an even better archer. Height: 5'11" Weight: 175 Eyes: Blue Hair: Lighter Shades of Red Other Details: Some Freckles, Piercing in Right Ear Personality: Beau is the perfect example of Inarta society. He loves to revel in the moment, not thinking about the past, or much about the future other than his own aspirations. Beau has spent his life, since he was eight, slaving away to become an Eagle Rider and doesn't let anything distract him from that goal for long. He leads a more socially desirable life than half of the people his age and enjoys it to the fullest. Any free night he has is usually spent at the dance club drinking away the hours, or unwinding with good company if their allotted apartment is free. But more often than not Beau doggedly peruses his dream of becoming an eagle rider by devoting himself to falconry. He has a natural talent when it comes to the predatory birds, but strives to make it a first nature. When not slaving over the birds he loves to be surrounded by friends and a fun time, and is very hard to anger. But when he is provoked enough he doesn't stop with physical retaliation, but makes the offenders life a social nightmare for weeks on end. This also extends to the lower casts. Beau doesn't have much care for the deks unless they have something he wants, that's not to say he's vile towards them. They just suffer what anger he has more than others, it's the way he was raised and how things work in Wind Reach. Character History: A Brief History :
When a gruff, accomplished mason, meets a wine drunk musician, debauchery is bound to happen. Korlas and Amalta set eyes on each other during a summer festival while Amalta played her fiddle on the stage. Not one for pleasantries, or even talk, Korlas was soon carrying the tipsy musician back to his apartment. Such a quick romp in the sack was uncommon among the Inarta's upper echelon where name and status meant everything. The lust filled relationship lasted through the winter when it was wise to have someone else to help heat the bed in the cold nights, but when spring came again things had changed. Beau was unplanned, and mostly unwanted for both parents still had much to accomplish in their chosen professions, and a child would only hamper their efforts.
Korlas proved to be a distant father with a heavy hand and zealous belief in respecting one's elders. Amalta was a free spirited woman who did what she wanted, when she wanted, often leaving young Beau to his own devices in the dangerous company of Korlas. The basic lessons of manners, attitude, respect, and social responsibility were quickly learned by Beau to stay his father's hand. This isn't to say Beau had a hard childhood, but quite the opposite. Amalta treated her son more like an aunt would her nephew. She spoiled him with tiny trinkets, recitals from her fiddle, adventurous stories of the gods, and no real bed time to speak of. At eight Beau followed tradition like all Inarta children and was considered to be old enough to learn independence. However, Beau wasn't to be schooled by any normal means. One day Korlas's brother, Kurdin, an eagle rider, took Beau to The Edge of The World for a spot of fun. It was a particularly windy day and many children were leaving for fear of being blown into thin air. Kurdin was just about to follow suit and take Beau home when he realized he'd lost sight of the boy. Keen Rider eyes spotted him shimmying across the giant rock face to a raven's nest on the very edge of the wall. When Beau came back he had a young raven cradled in one arm, who would subsequently not leave the child's side. Master Fabek, the master Falconer, heard of this tale the next day, went to visit Beau and his bird, and so began Beau's apprenticeship in Falconry. He wasn't to be the Master's apprentice though, instead he was handed off to a buzzard of a man, Jacien Falrathi. Jacien was another hard man, and an even harder individual to live with which was required of Beau so he could immerse himself in the art. There was no room for relaxing with Jacien, or flirting with drudge girls (or any girls for that matter since any sickness could be caught by the birds). Beau had to get his assignments right the first time because if he lost a falcon, or it wouldn't come back to him there was a weeks worth of drudge labor he had to endure; and a sharp peck on the head from Jacien's own condor. Still, the lofty position of Falconer was not lost on Beau and he carries himself as such; an artisan. He not only tends Jacien's birds but some of the Eagle Rider's raptors when they are away for the time, and he's even been allowed to tend the Valintar's bird twice. Beau loves his trade but still wants more, like any sensible Inarta, he wants to be an Eagle Rider. Jacien being the perfectionist he is hasn't allowed Beau to attend to many of the hatchlings, demanding that Beau be less than clumsy, in his eyes, which would be competent by anyone else's standards. That's not to say he hasn't been allowed in with the chicks, but Jacien scrutinized him as Beau commented on what he saw, the condition of the birds, and what could be done to improve them, preventing any chance Beau might have had for a bonding. Sometimes the pressure of studying under Jacien is immense and Beau has to go and relax which entails playing his fiddle with his mother for dancers at Inclement Weather. It also includes drinking the night away with the woman who is more a friend than a mother, flirting with women, and passing out at his parents place, then rising early the next morning to meet Jacien at the Raptors coop. All problems aside though, Beau is determined to bond with an Wind Eagle and he's hoping Jacien might finally be willing to let him try. |