Price List Addition Requests

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Gillar on January 14th, 2013, 1:41 pm

Howdy all,

While I am working on implementing all the wonderful suggestions that have been submitted as of late (the revamping of various sections in the PL have slowed progress a bit), I have another somewhat larger update to the Price List to mention. This one deals with clothing. First, I apologize to players and storytellers ahead of time for the changes as it may cause some amount of hassle in regards to shop locations and their listed prices for items. Now, before everyone goes changing their shop price lists, let me know what you all think of the new format for the clothing section. If there is a general like of it, I will keep it and add to it from there on. Otherwise, I can revert back to its original format. My idea for the change is to allow a greater potential for customizing clothing in your shops and making shops stand out more.

A short list of the changes to the clothing includes simplifying the costs of items down to one or a small handful of different base prices for various items. Then, there are modifiers based on garment size, material used, decorations and adornments, etc. For example, a linen shirt is no longer listed with a single cost with little to no variation in style or cost. Now you can have a linen shirt with embroidery, buttons, bells and in different sizes from pycon on up.

This change will affect overall pricing of items not only in the Price List but also shop locations. Prices on some things may increase while others will decrease based on what modifications are applied. If the majority of comments on this new format are good, all past purchases from shops or starting packages will be grandfathered and unaffected by the new changes. Only items purchased from the time that the new format is finally agreed upon would be affected (again, if enough people like the new format.)

Any suggestions on how to add to the new format are also welcome.

In the meantime, I will see about getting all those other fine suggestions implemented.

Thank you all for help in turning the Price List into what it has become today!

EDIT: After taking another glance at the new format, I may simplify the specific garment listings into a single list with each garment price listed being the base that all modifications are figured off of.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Imass on January 14th, 2013, 2:13 pm

Hail Gillar,

Thanks for the hard work on the PL! After watching the gi Joe video I think I have a better understanding why you are the one who runs the PL:) Anyways, I would just like to give my first impression of the new list. I think you should make the price boxes or frames (whatever they are called) into shorter rows. I think a column would look way neater. I know this may not help you too much, but I love the idea your going with.

Positive thoughts,
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Garron Strongarm Coglias on January 17th, 2013, 7:19 pm

I like the new layout, it makes things much easier to read. The more compressed information makes it easier to find and price what you want than the old list where you had to scroll down to find what you wanted.

Only small little thing is that the price modifiers keep switching between percentages and the multiplications/divisions. While there's nothing wrong with that, it makes things a little confusing. We can manage though. Anyway, keep this new one, it's real handy! :D
Last edited by Garron Strongarm Coglias on January 22nd, 2013, 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Anchor on January 21st, 2013, 7:47 pm

Hey Gillar, this is just a small point, but do you think some more boats could be added? Or just one specifically, as when they get bigger there is a larger variety. Is it possible we could request a substitute for the svefra casinor for those who aren't svefra but still want to sail? I think a catamaran popped up one time, but I don't see it there. It'd just be helpful so we can call them by their name on the list, rather than just keep referring to them as 'casinor-like boats'.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Svasra on January 23rd, 2013, 1:56 am

I was wondering if the price of woven items, like baskets might be added? I noticed a weaver was one of the jobs listed, though I'm not sure how much their items would really sell for - would that be more of from NPC to NPC difference?
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Valkyrie on January 24th, 2013, 4:20 pm


Could the price for Avanthal's unique ski ships be added? The ships have skis on them in order to sail on top of the sea ice with the aid of Ice Reavers who help the ship transition from ice to water and back.

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Asal Atomysk on February 4th, 2013, 4:29 pm

There were a couple of things that are missing on the list. There is a pottery skill and a price list for pottery. However, there is no listing for Potter under income or a Pottery kit or kiln.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Layla Ailith on February 7th, 2013, 9:19 pm

I was wondering if we could add something along the lines of boxing gloves, or fighting gloves of some sort? I have my skill set with this PC geared toward unarmed combat, and I wanted to include a brother that taught her to fight in her history. The reason I ask for the gloves, is because I wanted to make them her heirloom.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Raccoon on February 11th, 2013, 7:24 pm

Can I ask that a shipwrights kit could be added with a price? I'm trying to use one as an heirloom, but they apparently don't exist. Many thanks.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Min on March 1st, 2013, 5:32 pm

I'm wondering if generic wild herbs could be added? My healer is buying things like foxglove, bear berry, yew, prince's pine and goldenleaf (just things I found googling medicinal herbs). I'm not sure how to account for these in her ledger.

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