Closed [Red] Where are you brother!?

Aradia finally arrives at the Spires after a long journey, tired and sore from riding Shadowmere, but yet she has to wait on Red, as usual.

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Aradia on January 22nd, 2013, 9:24 pm

65th of Winter 512 AV

Aradia had finally reached the Spires, all worry erasing from her soft features. She did not like this city already, for the fact that she did not have her Shadowmere with her. They had bonded during the long journey, and the bloodbane saved her life a few times on that journey. She was a beast when it came to thats sharp canines of hers. She felt unprotected now, and uncomfortable walking the way the Jamoura had pointed for her to go to reach the Wind Reach Trading Post.

Red, her half brother, was supposed to be there with his Wind Eagle. They were to catch up on each other's life and actually get a chance to get to know one another. Their previous meeting was brief and awkward, and Aradia did not stay to hear much of what he had to say, as she was in a hurry to get to her journey. Aradia sighed when she finally reached a large wooden structure that had a gaping rectangle for a door. This city is just strange.. Aradia thought. She grew up in tents, so she was used to the whole nature thing, but this city took it to a new level. She did not miss Ravok though, she doubted she would ever miss that place. It was too cruel and rough for her kind and soft nature. She was told that countless times, by countless people. Aradia winced as she remembered Noric's words, driving a dagger into her heart, twisting it for a killing blow. She liked Noric, a lot, she used to like him more than a friend. But after what he did to her, and what he said, she disliked him a lot, she didn't hate him though, she never could be able to do that.

Aradia sighed on a large exhale of breath, it leaving a big white puff cloud in the air. Aradia swatted at it in her own frustration as she set on the steps of the Wind Reach Trading Post waiting on Red, he was late, it was the 8th Bell, the time he said to met him. [b] "Where are you!?[/i] Aradia whispered loudly in frustrating, receiving a few strange stares from passer bys. Aradia sighed again and wrapped her arms around her small frame, getting lost once again in her memories and thoughts, as she waited for her half-brother.
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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Red Daghul on January 24th, 2013, 6:14 am


The wind changed with a rouge gust that sent Daghul slightly upwards, but the Wind Eagle was pretty good at finding his way back to balanced with these rouge winds. The wind was different in the area Red had found as the Endal and bird had been traveling towards the spire for five days now which was behind the timeline he had planned for at first. Luckily he had planned to meet his half sister the day after he had planned to be there, so she should have just been reaching their meeting spot now.

Noting the trees coming into view Red marked with his eyes where the Wind Reach trading post was set up, and with a mental nudge towards Daghul the two agreed to speed up the trip. Balancing himself on Daghul's back the Endal used his knees to steady himself on the bird and then gave the okay to go. Daghul tucked his wings back, and started a dive towards the ground to gain speed. Wind sped pass the two making sounds from around them quiet as they were replaced by the howling wind.

The feeling of free fall surrounded Red as he felt his body trying to lift off his perch on the eagle's back, and Daghul sensing it started to extend his wings a bit to cut through the air leveling the two out slowly while keeping their speed. The trees that marked where he was to land came into view much faster, and Daghul started in a wide circle as he extended his wings.

The bird made the turn to the left, and Red moved his body to balance the two out and Daghul made the choice of landing spots as close as he could to the trading post. The two circled down with graceful movements, and all at once touched down on the ground where Red slipped to the dirt floor seeing his half sister waiting with a not so joyful look on her face.

Red had known about this half sister like the other for a while, but fate had brought them together a few year before where he just finally met Arandoyla. It was different for the Endal knowing he had a family out there after being alone with Daghul for so many years.

Figuring his half sister was upset for him being late, which he was only by a bit, he wondered how bad it was going to be and truth be told he hoped in the end she would dismiss it rather then try to fight him. If she had seen what it took to get here she might be singing a different tune. Never the less, a Endal arrived when he did and it didn't really mater if he was a little late.

"Greetings Aradia" he offered her for there was no reason to be rude "it is good to see you again" it truly was Red enjoyed any chance he got to meet and get to know his younger sisters. The was hope that he would get to have the family he always wanted.

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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Aradia on January 24th, 2013, 3:36 pm

Sitting there, Aradia was murmuring to herself about Red being late. When she was excited about something, she became impatient. And she was so excited to see her half-brother; they have only met once before, and it was only for a brief moment, not long enough for Aradia. She valued family more so than her own life. She could not wait to see her older half-brother again, to catch up, to get to fully know one another. It was hard to contain the tears of happiness that so wanted to slip out at the thought, but she held it all in.

She did not have her parents anymore, they were still in the Cyphrus region, at least she hoped they were. They wanted her to find her place in the world, to grow and experience what the world had to offer. Her first destination, Ravok, proved to not be what she expected. She had hoped that she could use the mark of Rhaus to bring some happiness to the cruel and depressing city, but she realized that, that dream was futile. So she left the dark city behind on her bloodbane, Shadowmere, running hopefully to the light, to a new place, somewhere she would fit in and be welcomed. Aradia wasn’t a fighter; she wasn’t strong like most women. She was soft and loving, and knew that it would be hard to find a place she would fit in. It seemed most places valued fighters, not singers. Aradia let out a hefty sigh, a white puff cloud coming out of her mouth. She wrapped her arms around her body to regain some warmth, as her thoughts assaulted her.

A familiar yet still strange voice reached her ears pulling her away from her thoughts, and Aradia stood up and spun around to see Red standing there greeting her so formally. Aradia ran and jumped up on the Endal, “Red! I have been waiting for 2 bells for you! I was so worried you wasn’t going to come. The tears she held back finally slipped down her cheeks as she hugged her half-brothers neck, and jumped back down to the ground, playfully punching his arm. “I am so happy to see you brother. I have missed you.” Aradia wiped at the tears of happiness that made that wet trail down her soft cheeks, and looked up at her brother, a glowing smile brightening her face.
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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Red Daghul on January 24th, 2013, 7:28 pm


The girl didn't waste anytime and swiftly launched herself over and onto Red embracing him in a hug “Red! I have been waiting for 2 bells for you! I was so worried you wasn’t going to come." he smiled and hugged her back letting the formality fall, for it really was just to make her feel less awkward, but he figured it was clear she was a true Inartan in this. “I am so happy to see you brother. I have missed you.”.

Red pulled away just a bit his hands on her shoulders as he gave her a quick look to see how she had grown. The last time they had met had been a few years before, and it was quite clear that the girl her had met then had been through a lot and was growing into a young woman "I have missed you too, you look good" he smiled at her and looked into her eyes which told him there was true joy to be with him again.

Daghul sent to Red's mind his own greetings "Daghul says he is glad to see you again" and the bird hopped over close to them "and wants to know if you remember him?". It was nice to have his other sister close, and he couldn't wait to hear about her adventures.

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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Aradia on January 24th, 2013, 7:40 pm

Aradia smiled brightly at Red, “You look bigger and stronger, Red. I did not think it possible, but you have grown even more!” Aradia chuckled lightly looking back into her brother’s eyes, then over to the Wind Eagle hopping closer to the two of them.

Red went silent for a few moments, then told her that Daghul said hey and asked if she remembered him. O f course she remembered the glorious, beautiful Wind Eagle, how could she not. She walked up to Daghul, wrapping her small arms around the soft feathers of the Wind Eagle, laying her head softly on him, kissing him lightly. ”How could I ever forget such a glorious, handsome, and strong Wind Eagle like Daghul?” Aradia smiled and stepped away from the Wind Eagle smiling at the intelligent bird, then turned back to Red.

”My travels did not turn out as well as I planned…” Aradia said in a low tone, as she casted her eyes down to the ground, not speaking any further, letting her words linger in the air. She was ashamed that she did not find what she was looking for, and left her brother. She had missed him a lot during the travels; he was a light in her darkness it seemed. His kindness and love he showed her was what kept her going, when traveling to the Spires. If it had not been for Shadowmere, she would have surely died.
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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Red Daghul on January 26th, 2013, 12:29 am


Red smiled at his sister's words about him growing, though the may be true he never really thought about it that much. After Red translated Daghul's words Aradia went over and talked to Daghul who sent the idea he was glad she remembered him "he is happy to know that you remember him" Red laughed because most people didn't know that Daghul could be a softy.

When Aradia explained that her travels hadn't gone as she had planned Red nodded, for he understood what she meant, life had a way of doing what it wanted and only ever now and then did it work out the way one planned. "Well, Im glad you are back, and i can't wait to show you around the Reach soon, but till then please tell me there is somewhere we can get some food" it had been hours since red had gotten any food and his mind was having a hard time thinking with that on his shoulders.

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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Aradia on January 26th, 2013, 9:31 am

The mention of food made Aradia's stomach complain at her, she had not eaten in a day or two, and she was feeling a bit weak herself. "I think there is a place around here called Grath's Rest that may have something to eat." Aradia said with a smile, as she walked past Red, gesturing with her hand for him to follow her.

Aradia did not know the Spires very well, she had just arrived here herself, but her sense of direction was pretty good, plus the scent of food cooking would surely stick out in such a place filled with nature. At least that was what Aradia thought, as it took them a 30 chimes just to find Grath's Rest. Aradia turned with a shrug of her shoulders, as she walked towards the strange bar.

The place named Grath's Rest was a peculiar sight, to Aradia at least. It loooked as if a large chunk of the tree had been carved out, the tables, chairs, and bar were also carved out of wood, and remained a part of the tree. Paper-like lanterns filled with large insects that glowed filled the place with a soft and warm glow, making the setting even more nature revered. Aradia walked and and frowned slightly, it seemed that the tree also was the floor, ceiling, and the inside wall as well. Jamoura were scattered around on the inside, sitting on the rather intimidating large furniture, laughing amongst themselves with their company. Aradia found some smaller furniture, and sat down at the table, awaiting her brother to come. As she waited a female Jamoura came by, "Welcome to Grath's Rest, I am Kashal. Would you like to order some food, or perhaps a drink?"

Aradia gave the female Jamoura a warm smile, slightly intimidate by her size, but she replied in a kind and polite voice, "Yes I will have the standard lunch please, and just some water to drink will be fine. My brother would also like to order some food." Aradia looked to her brother with a equally warm smile, her stomach grumbling with it's impatience of the thought of that tempting meal, making a small blush appear on her cheeks at the humiliating sound, and a soft chuckle escape her lips.
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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Red Daghul on February 4th, 2013, 5:51 am


As the walked into what looked to Red to be a tree, and it was almost surprising to see that the room inside was for the most part carved from the tree itself. All in all it was something of a new experience for the Endal, and he was happy to say he was enjoying it. It didn't take long for Red to notice the Jamoura, which he was sure would have surprised him had he not been told before hand then looked into some of who they were back in the libraries at the Reach.

The race was amazing, and Red was looking forward to getting to know some at some point. For now though their server had come by, and Aradia had already ordered. Snapping back into reality the Endal offered the easiest answer "I will just take what she is having, thanks" once he ordered the sound of his sister's hunger made him grin "Hungry I see".

It would be a lie if Red said that this was not a little bit odd meeting with this girl after so long, but then again at the same time it felt pretty normal. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had gotten in touch with both his younger sisters. That brought a question to mind "So how long do you plan to stay in Wind Reach, you know you are welcome to stay in one of my spare rooms for as long as you like" he gave her a smile and added "and what things were you looking forward to doing? I want to make sure you get to do it all".

There were going to be days that he was going to be busy, but maybe he could ask Aran, or iosha to hang with her he was sure they wouldn't mind at all. Then again he had started to learn that it was impossible to figure out women, and at times the right answer is totally the wrong one... It was a puzzle that all men faced at different times in their life, and a battle that all men had to war with.

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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Aradia on February 4th, 2013, 6:09 am

Aradia sat there quietly, smiling at her brother. She was so happy to see a family member, family was everything to Aradia. No matter how many people turned on a person, there was only family, family that never turned their backs on you. It felt nice to be in the presence of her brother, knowing he would accept her for her, that he would protect her. Although it was a little strange since she had not seen him in so long, and that they only briefly met before this. Still, she casted those feelings aside, enjoying the feel of the happiness her half-brother brought her.

When her brother grinned and stated ‘Hungry I see.’ A light blush appeared on her cheeks. ”I have not eaten in a couple of days.” Aradia sighed slightly. She did not know anything about hunting really, and felt a little stupid that she did not. She should of taken time to learn the skill, but she had no time, not really. Red continued to speak, asking her a question about what she planned on doing once in Wind Reach.

This made excitement bloom on the young girl’s face. Her eyes glistened slightly as her voice came out excitedly, ”Well I would like to learn more about how to use my short bow. I want to hone my Reimancy skill. Of course I would love to find a place to sing, I love singing. I suppose I would also like to learn more about the Wind Eagles, and falconry as well. I did not get to spend much time there, so I suppose I would like to tour the area and learn new things.” Aradia smiled brightly and continued to speak, ”I plan to stay in Wind Reach for a while. I have missed you too much brother to leave soon this time. But I do not want to burden you by staying at your home. I can find my own place if it will be too much of a burden. I am so excited to get there, I can not wait! I have already taken care of my horse, and I am prepared.” Aradia’s tone was soft and pleasant, as she gazed at her brother with a small smile lifting the right corner of her mouth.
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[Red] Where are you brother!?

Postby Red Daghul on March 5th, 2013, 11:40 pm


Red gave her a grin she was a ball of energy from where he was sitting, and the fact that she was so excited to get to see the city of the Inarta was refreshing to see. The girl would do well in the Reach he could already tell.

"You are more then welcome at my place and it would be no burden at all... being a Endal has a couple of advantages, and at least use it till you can find a place of your own if you feel the need to spread your wings" he added a understanding smile to let her know that he understood the feeling.

As he took in the rest of what she was saying. all the while eating from his plate, he remembered to add "there will be plenty of options as far as learning goes" he nodded as he looked at his next bite "and if I remember correctly we have a club where lots of people enjoy singing and dancing" truth be told he hadn't ever gone to the place, and couldn't quite remember the name, but he had heard it was a fun place... just not Red's style.

Soon they finished their meal and Red sent word through his mind to Daghul to ask if he was ready to start back, and then he looked to his sister and said "Though this place looks like a place of adventure and beauty, if you are ready, we can make our way back to the Reach" he offered towards her looking for a answer that was more for manors rather then asking the question he was sure he knew the answer to.

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