Okay, so I'll probably repeat myself a bit here, but since you feel that a lot of us didn't answer your question, I'll try again.
Why is Zinrah not as valid a location for plots?
I don't understand what you are talking about. Just make some plots. How about running a quest where the Dhani try to break the blockade? Or better yet, why haven't the dhani just tunneled under it? Run a quest, doesn't matter if they succeed or not, but run a quest where the dhani try to spread out. That sounds like an excellent plot to me.
What are players looking for in a region/domain like this?
Quests. Seriously.. for me, that's what brought life to Ravok. I mean.. you can make plenty of cool locations, but honestly, people don't use location threads very often. Not from what I've seen in Wind Reach and Ravok, anyway, the two cities I'm most familiar with. Locations are great as a reference, but they aren't what attracts players. Plots are. Plots in which they can affect the story of the city/domain. My first quest in Ravok introduced a rebellion. I have kept that plot alive for.. however long I've been an ST now. I started a war with Sylira. In the region as a whole, we came up with the regional quest involving the fragment. In Zeltiva, they've got that crazy labyrinth thing now. Echelon and I have been discussing quest ideas to bring Nyka to life. Devlopment is great, but players want stories most of all. You can have the prettiest city of all, filled with amazing locations and a rich lore, but without quests for the players to do that actually have real impact on the world, they won't come to the city.
I ask this even more for constrictor Dhani who might otherwise call Zinrah their home!
I put my dhani on hold because I didn't see enough storyteller activity. Pretty much all there is to that.
So what do you think, believe, and know about Falyndar exactly?
I think Falyndar is a really cool place. I wanted to play a dhani, who was a phylonurist, and do phylonuristy type stuff. Why? Because the lore said jungle phylonurists have the hardest job of all of them, and I wanted that job. I know that Falyndar is extremely dangerous, so I wanted to start off in Zinrah, so I could build up my skills before striking out into the wilderness to care for it. I know that if you aren't Myrian, you're extremely limited to where and what you can do. But I didn't want to play a Myrian. I think that Falyndar is a really cool reason, but it needs a lot of work. Even for the players there, unless you are Myrian, there isn't much you can do. You asked why Zinrah isn't a valid plot location? Well.. it's a hole in the ground with only 200 citizens. That's fine, but what plots really can you do? Other than to try to expand.. I mean, there shouldn't be a lot of conflict inside Zinrah simply out of necessity. It doesn't make sense to have cool quests in the city, because quests usually involve conflict of some sort, and if the dhani want to survive, really they should avoid all conflict with each other. They should all be working to find a way out of Zinrah, a way past the myrians.
Please drop by, whether you're thoroughly familiar with the zone or just gave the region a few read-throughs.
I am not thoroughly familiar with the zone, but these are my opinions.
Hopefully we can make something happen to open the zone up a bit more without losing its integrity: that notorious reputation for being the bastion of wild danger, Caiyha's own playground.
I think most of the stuff mentioned in this thread should help to do that, if you would consider it all. But what I think the players want, what I as a player want, is stories. Lots of awesome stories that I can be involved with. I personally don't care about locations. They are a tool, an accessory that I use to enhance my stories when I need them. But what I, talking as a player rather than a storyteller, want is cool quests to get involved with. Or if not that, like Jen stated, stuff that I can do on my own. In Ravok, I have the "Rumors of the Ravosalamen." Most of these rumors are just thread ideas which generally do not require moderation, but often are somehow linked to the overall story of Ravok. I'll be making revealing a more advanced version of that soon. But again, it gives players stories they can get involved with other than their own plots (because the stuff we make up, we always have to get storyteller approval of anyway if we want them to affect more than just ourselves) but still don't require me to mod. And of course, I am always running more modded threads than I can handle, but that's just my style.
Anyway, these are my answers to your questions. This is what I would want as a player, and things I think other players might also want. If I repeated myself.. well, good. So.. bye bye for now. Happy threading!
~V |