Winter 26th, 512 AV – Canopy Training Area
Another brisk afternoon found Zandelia sitting in the rest area of what had become affectionately known as “The Canopies’, the name designating the general are the training grounds were part of but also its own walls. It was the more popular spot in the Spires these days, outsiders and citizens alike flocking to watch, learn and take up arms in the pursuit of further integration. She had never really imagined that controlled sparring could bring a community together, that violence could be used for positive ends as well as negative ones. Living in Sunberth had not afforded her such a luxury, you either fought or you died there – there was no middle ground. The Spires however held a different philosophy – that of inclusion. It was heart-warming, ever so slightly.
It won’t last though, things such as this never seem to. Something will come and disrupt it, corrupt it, destroy it. Not even a thousand Akalak warriors can defend against the insidiousness of time he mused, her thoughts decidedly darker now, they had been developing over the last few days.
Time flowed onwards, the great river stopping for nothing as the priest of Tanroa often stated between meditations. It had been seven days since that fateful meeting with Ana, seven slow days as her mind began to truly grapple with the realizations it had brought her. They were leaving the oasis that was the Spires, the pool of tranquility and peace, in favor of somewhere that fashioned itself as the beacon of civilization. If there was truth to that claim she expected it would be far more actively destructive than her current location. She looked around, at the people and the trees, and wondered how they managed to keep it the way it was. No, it would not last. Eventually chaos would come and it would devour the heart of the Spires. She did not know why, but sorrow filled her heart fort a few minutes at that inevitability.
“Even now they begin to play politics and position for singular positions of authority. Marn is the best of them perhaps, but he is an old Jamoura in a new Jamoura’s world. He won’t last forever” she sighed as she tested the tension of the bowstring with a few soft, gentle pulls.
That realization was the main reason behind why she had invited Ximal and Ana to ‘The Canopies’, to train and begin the foundations of a team that could survive the harsh wilderness together. They would be travelling hard, fast and as quietly as possible. They would need every edge that they could get and an improved ability with weapons seemed an apt place to begin. Of course, Ana would know her motives well enough, as she would know there were other developments they had planned – but those were for another day. Today was about focus, discipline and preparation.
So she waited for them to arrive in silence, fiddling with her composite short bow idly as she felt the chimes pass by. The river was moving and she only hoped that they would be able to sail it without sinking.
Where are they?! she thought with mild irritation.