Closed Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

In Which Ana and Zand get trapped in the snows

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on January 27th, 2013, 9:50 pm


Winter 39th – Zandelia’s Tent Home

Zandelia’s eyes fluttered as she stirred, the chilled air finally making its presence known upon her consciousness. Underneath her warmed pelts, still retaining her body heat, she was safe from it for the moment and she tried to sink back into the darkness of sleep to escape the morning. She pulled her blankets up towards her chin from where they ended upon her abdomen, trying to twist as she did so, grumbling trying to meld herself into a balled shape. It took a few chimes of useless effort for her to realize that for some reason there was no give in her bedding material. She begrudgingly opened her eye and rubbed it blearily with her left wrist, struggling to bring her vision into focus as she lifted her head. When she was able to see what impeded her memory flooded back into her skull.

Ah…Neilles. Must’ve fallen asleep in the middle of our planning she remembered tiredly.

She tried to slip out from under the smaller woman but every time she moved her bunk partner was disturbed and a deep frown furrowed her brow. Zandelia knew Neilles got little enough sleep as it is so she did not have the heart to wake her. There would be no harm in staying where she was for a little while longer after all, the covers were warm and wit Neilles’ body heat helping to warm the bedding it was a mite warmer than it usually was – a pleasurable sanctum within which to experience idleness. Neilles shifted a little and draped her arm over Zandelia’s chest, her leg trying to wrap around hers as well. She smiled and pulled the covers further over them both and looked at the ceiling of her tent.

“You know, I’d say that this feels strange, waking up with you on top of me, but to be honest it’s really rather nice” she muttered into the empty space, the four person tent far too spacious for just the two of them.

She continued to gaze, wondering if the roof was always that bowed under the weight of the weather. The snows were gentle for the most part but she knew that, at times, the tarpaulins she set up above her humble abode were strained under the weight of the snows. As she considered this she started to become aware of the winds, high pitched and whining as they rippled the front section of her tent. She had chosen a secluded spot for the most part, three sides sheltered naturally by trees and large stone piles covered with moss. She had attached two camouflage tarpaulins above her ten in two tiers, angled to cause the snow to shift to the sides of her tent. She reached out her free hand and stroked the wall closest to her, it barely rippled and she could feel solidity beyond her fingertips.

Shyke she thought, beginning to deduce exactly what had happened as the pair of them had slept.

The reason the front of her tent only rippled slightly, that the winds seemed far off in sound and why there was a radiating chill from the walls became painfully clear to her.

“Trapped,” she spoke into the silence, broken only by Ana’s tiny breaths of air, “we are trapped. The first storms have come and we were caught off guard. Petch it all” she grumbled.

At least we’re trapped in a warm embrace though she chuckled, wondering how long it would take for Ana to awake.

She planted a small, lingering kiss upon Neilles’ brow and hoped it wouldn’t be for a while yet – she needed the damned rest.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on January 27th, 2013, 11:51 pm

In the darkness that was her mind, the nightmares which usually plagued her sleep had let up towards the end of her rest- giving a sense of peace afterwards. Mere images flickered in her mind, soundless, movementless shifting brought her mind to the forefront of her subconscienceness. Such quiet serenity, and peaceful tranquility, warmth filtering its way to her body and giving her a warm fuzzy glowing feeling. The shape she was attached to was simple, and curved, and so she wrapped her arm around it and snuggled deeper and farther into her mind. Nuzzling the shape she was sleeping against gently before drifting back to the darkness, it was such a welcomed feeling, how long had it been since she could sleep like this?

Undisturbed, not terrefyed by the nightmares, fretting over nonsensical images, qaulms and worrys of the past day to be intermixed with her past.

None of that mattered in those few moments. For she was sleeping deeply.

That when her eyes popped open, and her head felt clear, the aches and pains of her body seemed to dissipate and the headaches dissapeared. Her eyes were still somber, widely opened, as if they were still sleep deprived but Ana felt more alive than ever when she began to look around. Trying to discern where she was, or how she had gotten there, the days events of yesterday skidding past her eyes as memories followed. Ana and Zandelia had been plotting for their departure of the Spires, supplies, travelling, and training; the small thief must have passed out cold suddenly because she remembered nothing more, or the fact that she was now sleeping partially on Zandelia, and cuddling her.

Ana turned her head so her chin would rest on Zands collarbone, and looked at the woman wearily, and with a sleep filled expression; just because she felt more awake didn't mean she wasn't affected to having of just woken up
"Hullo" she murmered out to the older woman, oblvious to the storm raging outside, her eyes shut again and she seemed to stay in that position. Before coming back to life again, with a deep sigh, and releasing the older woman, turning, and then stretching her body out. Arms up, and her toes strained, with her back arched so she could push the blood through her system easier; in turn waking up more.

Sitting up she looked about the tent, and noticed it seemed to be a little indented.. This didn't register in her head. Nor did the howl of wind outside, as much as it had entered her ears, her mind was sluggishly slow to pick up on the hints that there was something happening around her. Rubbing her bleary eyes, she stretched once more, reaching her arms up high and brushing the tents ceiling to feel a type of firmness above. Taking her hand down she glanced up at the indentation of the tent, trying to figure out what was going on so she looked at Zandelia
"How long have you been awake..? Or I asleep?" The question was simply put as she pushed the covers away to enter the chill, the cold waking her up far quicker than any morning routine could have.
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on January 28th, 2013, 7:54 pm


“Morning Neilles,” she grinned down at the smaller woman, golden eyes bleary and squinting, “hope you’re enjoying your free stay down there. I usually charge highly for such an honor” she chuckled, noting that Neilles didn’t really seem to notice her words much.

After all, who could blame her? She spent most of her time within bouts of insomnia so bad she was beginning to become nutritionally deficient. Weight had dropped at her, she had noticed that of late, not to mention the fact that – if her little birds were anything to go by – she had almost jumped off of a Petal before having a rather more delicious time with Ximal, of all people. She reminded herself to have a small talk with the other woman about that, a circumspect conversation of course so as not to raise the suspicion that Zandelia was having her watched. It was not so much out of a fear of betrayal as it was out of a caring that she was only beginning to become used to. She watched Neilles stretch herself and slink out of their shared bedding. She was, in her own way, quite beautiful – if one was inclined to be attracted to someone who in many ways was damaged beyond repair.

Though, hopefully that is not the case. She has shown herself to be capable, all she needs is a way to fight her own demons without being consumed by them. As are we all, I suppose… she reflected for a few moments before heaving herself out from underneath the covers also.

She looked down at herself and found that she was fully clothed and sighed at having spent another night in her armor and robes. She casually began to strip them off, letting her robes bundle upon her blankets and hoisting her armor into the nearby corner of the tent. She considered leaving her clothing on, eyeing Ana’s back for a few seconds before shrugging and beginning to strip even that off as well. She had lost her shame long ago and was only concerned for the other’s reaction. As she kicked of her boots and pulled off her trousers she was left with nothing but her undergarments. Standing up she let the cold prickle her skin and awaken her in the delightfully malicious way only the cold could. She stretched her shoulders out and set about flapping her clothing free of wrinkles and dust.

“Not overly long Neilles dear, a handful of chimes at most. It was too comfortable to leave willingly but the cold got the better of my unconsciousness” she responded as she finished the last of her ‘cleaning’ and let her clothing fall on top of the robes upon her bed.

She then walked to the entrance and pried the gap open slightly to reveal a wall of whitened snow that told her definitively that they were not going anywhere for the day. She sighed and pulled the leather thongs closed once more, securing them all even more tightly than they had been before. They were trapped, though at least they had a natural barrier between the elements of the storm at the edge of hearing and her flimsy abode. In many ways the snow now kept them alive, encasing them in a boundary that would not give now it was solidly built. If anything the winds would merely freeze it harder, trapping them for longer perhaps but keeping them safe until they could free themselves.

I am in no rush to brave the winds she told herself, her back itching as if a bug were crawling over it repeatedly, a swarm of bugs perhaps.

“Well, you’d better get in for an extended period in my life Neilles because for now we have no way out of here,” she turned to tell the other woman, “listen….a storm is out there and I doubt we’d have much chance against it. Wiser to stay here I think” she continued thoughtfully, hands upon her hips in a matter-of-fact pose.

Silence reigned at her words and she brought her gaze back to Neilles’ honey colored eyes.

“What?” she snapped slightly.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on January 30th, 2013, 2:00 am

Standing slowly, she heard the rustling that was Zand behind her as the small thief had her back turned to the woman and was more facing the tents exit/entrance. She swayed on the balls of her feet, and held her arms out slightly to maintain balance, feeling her body prickle fiercely from the chill underneath her clothes. Most of her clothes were on, or rather, they were all still on but her sword and dagger had been placed to the side, as well as her belt; most likely Zands doing from the night before, was Ana's small thought. Mostly awake now, she acknowledged Zandelias words better and therefore nodded with a small, light grunt akin to a
"Hmmgh.." to show she was awake enough to understand words without incivil responses, who knew what a bedraggled Ana in the morning could do?

It was when Zand scuttled past Ana that the thief froze in her spot, having of lifted her arms up to begin stretching, her hands stayed in place. Jaw slightly dropping, eyes widening in surprise at what she was seeing, and swore she felt her body temperature raise ten to twenty more degrees in the form of a red flush on her face seeping down her neck and taking over her ears. Ana tried to choke out a reply to the older womans words on a storm, and they were stuck, that when the sharp 'what' sizzled along the air at the smaller girl she felt as if she had been struck out of a spell. Sitting upon the words full words impact and turning her head down to stare at her feet, fumbling with her hands and twiddling her fingers.

"No-nothing, Zandelia, nothing at all" she squeeked out, embarresed at a very unclad Zand, it was too cold to be undressed that was for sure "it-it's just uh.."

"H-how are we going to get out of here, if we're stuck?" She finished off, keeping her gaze firmly to the ground and not anywheres else. Smooth, Ana, smooth, a voice echoed from the back of her mind, taunting her inability to react normally.

The Spires itself had both women and men running about skin clad and naked, they were free to do as they wished, and more than once Jakobi had tried to get her walking about naked but she did not. Clothes held a certain respite from the worlds eyes, she felt that if she hid her nutritionally deficient body, then everything would be fine. No one would have to worry about her, and she didn't have to worry about them poking around her personal life; despite her eating more, and healthily, she found that her bodys growth had been stunted. The ribs which had shown gravely back in Sunberth had receded, her skin was creamier for the most part but still rather pale and especially white around her face (that is without the deep red blush dominating her face now.) But she still held a sickly look about her due to the severe insomnia she was plagued with.

But to go around naked? Ana couldn't possibly begin to imagine what was going on through Zandelia's mind at that one moment; she was tempted to try auristics but reasoned out that the older woman hadn't used her own magic against the small thief, and therefore Ana would do the same unto her. Glancing to the pile of clothes Zandelia had set down earlier, she glanced between the pile and the woman and must have sounded as embarresed as she was
"C-could you put clothes on?'s.. It's... Uh.... Cold. You'll catch cold." Ana squeezed her eyes shut to hide insecurity, why was she wigging out over partial nudity? Those that were nude around the Spires, Ana most likely didn't really know at all, and therefore could ignore, but to act as if her mentor and friend wasn't there? That was tough.
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on January 30th, 2013, 6:28 pm


Zandelia watched Ana as she talked, her body language screaming out at her one single feeling – that of embarrassment. It was a strange situation she found herself in, inside her own tent and with a woman who could not even bring herself to look at her body, which in all fairness would not show her anything that the other woman had not seen before, of that she was certain. Cocking her head to the side she swept her gaze across Neilles’ body, noting the downcast face and the extreme suffusing of red color to her skin. She shook her head and could do nothing but giggle slightly, the sound more melodious than her usual chuckling and growling in the back of her throat. Hand still upon her hips she wondered what more she could do to see if Neilles could withstand such a ‘shameful’ affair.

After out talk at the beginning of winter I had not expected her to be uncomfortable with nudity, the damned Spires has it everywhere! she mused, Neilles still not quite meeting her eye fully, gaze shifting away from her and back to her intermittently.

“I don’t think we are getting out of here my dear Neilles, not for a long while at least. I’d rather not let in the storm to be honest. In here, behind the wall of snow protecting us we are at least safe, for now” she responded to the question first, teasing the other to see if she would break and actually look at her – she did so like to have women eye her form.

The tableaux remained frozen for a number of chimes, silence reigning but for the shifting of Neilles’ feet and the breathing of the air, air which she now realized would need to be replenished at some point. They would not be affected too much for a while, but she knew that eventually they would have to brave the ferocity of the tempest. She decided not to voice that concern for now, things were actually rather pleasant. She had Neilles by herself for an extended period, without the other woman having the luxury of being able to storm off. No, this day they would be forced to interact fully and without reservation. What they would do, though, she was not so sure. She had a few bottle of red wine but little else to occupy them beyond plans that had been over-thought already.

“I didn’t figure you for a prude though Neilles, not after your revelation at the Shrine of Dira, with all that lovemaking you’ve been getting up to I’d think you could at least give me the good grace of the leer my figure is due,” she teased slightly, breaking the silence and walking towards the other woman. She put a little sway into her hips, she wanted to see how far she could…push.

“Have you never seen a woman naked Neilles? What have you been doing all these years? Did you not know that we are far more beautiful than men, they don’t have any form at all!” she jested, finally letting her hand reach out to cup Neilles’ chin and force her honeyed gaze to Zandelia’s emerald green.

Oh my little pet, you really are naïve aren’t you? In some ways? she told herself before she let her hand fall back to her side. She could see scarlet spread further across the other’s cheeks, especially once she had smiled in amusement.

“Very well, I will put some clothing on…just top please you. But I don’t worry about the cold, its invigorating after a fashion” she sighed, shifting past the other, brushing her slightly with her body along the way.

She set about pulling on her trousers and her blouse, deciding not to put anything else on – she had spent too many days in them and would enjoy the liberation of spending a day without them. There were no enemies here, after all, unless you accounted for embarrassment. Still, she left the garments loose and only pulled the thongs tight enough to keep the clothing on her person, she wished to relax. Adequately clothed now she fished around in her baggage and pulled out a bottle of wine, holding it out to the other woman.

“Here, if we are trapped for a while then we can at least have a drink or two hmmm?” she asked, voice trying to sound casual but laughter filling the edges of her tone with merriment.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on February 8th, 2013, 2:40 am

The information sunk in slowly about how they most likely wouldn't be leaving the tent for a good while, even going so far as to think they were trapped. Zands giggle from beforehand had unnerved her, it made her think of the older woman as a cat watching its prey, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Golden eyes travelled to where the eventual entrance and exit would be, to land on Zandelia all brazen and proud, flicking her own sight from the curves which graced the older woman and then away when the feline stalked lightly over to the small girl. Swaying, tip toed, light on the feet as she would pick Ana's chin up and turn the small thiefs attention back to her and gazing within the emerald green eye. Furthering the scarlet reds stark contrast to the rest of her usually palor milk white skin; eyes widening as another blatant reaction.

Try as she might have, Ana could not speak and whatever attempt she made came out mute, or squeeky, stuttery; sentences would form but diminish just as quickly as they were thought out. What else could the thief do at that moment besides stare, and remain frozen to the ground? It wasn't that Ana was shamed of the female body, or nudity in general, she just related it to other things.. More sensual, and instinctually driven, even lustful if she were to go so far as to describe it as such.

This won't end well.. What are we going to do? We can't stay here.. The thought was sharp within her mind, if they were going to stay their refuge underneath snow and ice, then what? Ana would be driven crazy before even a day of captivity could be finished, it just was not a possible solution, she was far too antsy to be kept in one place for so very long.

As Zandelia would retreat tactfully, Ana cleared her throat and pulled at her own shirt repeatedly in hopes of cooling herself down; the embarresement had brought a petch ton of heat to seep through her body, and she couldn't help but wonder if maybe she was panicking a little too hard now. Eyes now to the entrance and exit of the tent, biting her lip as she thought, what would they end up doing? If one or the other didn't drive eachother insane, then they would have to resort to many sanity creating things, or as such, whatever said things happened to be. There was some relief as Zandelia would comply to wear at least some clothing

"Thankyou Zand," Ana choked out, her voice stressed into a whisper.

Once Zandelia had dressed, the small rustle of cloth moving about, a plop to the ground and shifting of body mass- that Ana finally decided to look back, still very much locked in her spot that Zand had left her in. Eyes roved over Zands reclined figure, and then to the red bottle now held out to her, regarding it warily and recognizing the bottles shape to be perhaps of an alcohalic variant; but what ever type it could be- Ana had no idea.
"What is it?" Ana chimed a little more confidently, more suredly, despite the crawling warnings hanging within and around her ears "..and it's not like.. it's not like.." Ana began to add in slowly, feeling her confidence slip away once more, and return as a haggard replacement called paranoia.

"Well it's not like I've never seen a naked woman.. I mean!"

Ana tried to begin, failing as she did so, but found her legs to be shaking from the strain of staying absolutely still; trading height for comfort, she sat down with a plop of her own and sighed another sigh, with many more sighs to come.

"I just never had to deal with being trapped with them before.."
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on February 8th, 2013, 3:30 am


Zandelia smiled to herself privately as she continued to rifle through her packs, looking for the other bottles she had and generally wasting time as she considered Neilles’ words and her previous reactions. She had noted how her golden eyes had widened as her gaze had been forced to Zandelia’s, how her cheeks had deepened in scarlet shading, her lips pursed in surprise. There had been no disgust there, though, just embarrassment. As far as she could tell Neilles was not averse to seeing women naked, nor did she seem to think her form repulsive – she was just worried about being trapped in one place. It was a reasonable worry for most people but, knowing the other woman well enough now, she knew it would be hellish for Neilles.

Such a shifting person does not do well with idleness, which is why we need the drink! Relaxed and dulled from panic she might enjoy a bit of isolation for once she mused as she found the other two bottle and pulled them out of her pack.

“Ah, I understand my dear. I can help with that, I know all about being forced to spend time in one place,” she told Neilles simply, “and the first thing one must do is remove their boots and bloody well relax. Come, I will help you” she placed the other bottles bext to the bedding and knelt in front of the other woman.

Ignoring Neilles’ protests she pulled one boot off quickly, making it so that the toher one would have to come off for a sense of balance. That first hurdle a success, despite the thrashing of the other woman’s limb, she took her time with the other one. She was intrigued by Neilles’ reaction and had never figured her for a woman-love, she needed to know if such a connection would one day be possible between them – it could be a powerful bond for the future perhaps. She let her fingers stroke the back of the woman’s calf as she hand slowly came to rest at the heel of the other boot, the other palced upon the knee and shifting down to pull the second boot free rather than tug. She threw both into the corner and out of the way.

“There!” she smiled up at Neilles from her still knelt position, the other woman’s lower leg still in her hand and her blouse slightly more open now, revealing more flesh than before. “and now we should relax and drink” she pulled the cork from the bottle Neilles held and watched the steam drift from the now open tip.

Clothing loose and mildly revealing she lay down upon her bedding, situating herself behind Neilles and propped up on her right elbow so Neilles could still easily turn and see her face – not that she was meeting her gaze much at the moment. Still, she was willing to wait and let either frustration or intrigue cause the woman sharing her bedding to turn and mimic her display when she chose. A large part of convincing others was to let them convince themselves after all, especially in the matter of how they conversed upon bedding. She merely took a swig from the bottle and felt the sweet tang of the alcohol slip down her throat and caress her tongue.

“Delicious,” she licked her lips and considered Neilles once more, “Am I that hideously terrible to be trapped with then Neilles? Should I be offended? I mean, you could be trapped with Ximal, or Jakobi or anyone else. You had the misfortune of being trapped with an understanding, attractive woman – you have my condolences” she chuckled again, wondering whether she was being far too harsh in her teasing of the woman.

“At any rate, it is customary in such occasions for those who are trapped to drink, talk about whatever they wish and generally pass the time in each other’s company. So drink,” she placed the bottle in the numbed hands of the woman, her abdomen brushing the small of her back, “and talk about whatever you wish. For instance, why I was delivered a rumour about a kiss between a certain small woman and a giant with muscles of steel?” she slipped the question in innocently.

“Honestly, he gets a smooch and I get told to put my clothes on for fear of polluting the landscape” she tutted with a jesting tone, amusement covering the edges of her words.

It was a cruel work around trick, the very idea placing the idea of intimacy inside the other woman’s skull and therefore further up on her agenda. Reasonably she would explain it away and would consider it unfortunate, however she would still be thinking about kissing…intimacy. Not to mention the wine would hopefully relax her enough to actually lean back, Zandelia was positioned to be an ideal leaning post. In many ways what she was doing was manipulative, however in many ways – as far as she was concerned – Neilles spent far too much time not enjoying herself. She finally had an opportunity, and a reason, to do so and Zandelia would not let that go easily.

Besides, she is so delightfully attractive when she is scarlet from toe to nose and not knowing how to react she grinned inwardly to herself, a hunter setting a snare for their prey.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on February 12th, 2013, 3:15 am

Ana barely had any time to react, let alone panic at the advancing woman, her words had been all spirit and no yield. Zandelia was un-booting one of her feet, and so Ana tried to flail back in an attempt to avoid her, failing quite poorly to boot. Off went the boot and into the corner of the tent, on to the other one, with which the stray touch to her leg had given her no choice but to pause. Her muscles in her body freezing, and then locking, almost to the point it was painfully so for the small thief; body immobile as she watched Zand take this boot slower than the first. The force which kept her still slowly faltered with the strain in her muscles to just relax, there was no danger here, but she kept very still despite shivers crawling up her spine.

She was entranced by the motions, she may have even forgotten to breath, that which she remembered how to perform after a moment of Zandelias cheery voice popping back out with the smile on her face. Ana heaved a sigh, only to be dismayed as she eyed the bottle warily
"What is it?" Ana repeated her question.
Still not entirely sure what Zandelias offered drink could be, it could be grape juice, it could be water, or alcohal. It never occurred to her that Zand could, or would drink; she was a strong person, but just as Ximal had began, looks could be decieving. Ana felt her body tighten, stray thoughts of her fathers not so sober anger invaded her mind. She wouldn't look at Zandelia, wouldn't let her see the horrid face she was making at that moment. Disgust laden eyes, with sourly puckered lips as she tried to decide what to do.

If it is alcohal, I don't want it. Ana thought to herself.

She began to feel a little uncomfortable with how this was going, and that when Zand had exclaimed Ana thought her to be ugly, she feared for the worst that the older woman had caught sight of either her emotion, or her face. Turning her body slightly, and angling her head to look Zandelia in her one good eye the small thief tried to explain, her mouth opening, gaping, and then closing as she realized the meaning to her words. That ever present blush, which had slowly died down in her paranoia, had fired back up, eyes wide, and blinking; there was a bottle in her lap now and a tickle to her back to signal within her mind that someone was getting a little too close.
"Wh-what?" Ana managed to splutter out to the older woman.
Disbelief unfurled itself as Zand would mention a small woman, and then a giant with steel muscles, had she meant Ximal?

"No-no! It's not like that! I don't think you're ugly, and I certainly didn't kiss...
"Well I didn't! HE did first!"
Ana paused, froze was more like it.

They had kissed when he was drunk off his own bloody arse, alcohal was a taboo to her, and whilst Ana was in one of her more delusional moments, well that was something she didn't have in her control to be honest. Really, what was Ana suppose to do? Here Zand was offering her a drink, was reclined in a position that revealed a little much and gave Ana the feeling that perhaps there was something more to this than met the eye. The small thief swivelled her eyes to look back to the entrance of the tent, away from Zandelia at least, and then to the bottle. She contemplated it, looked at it, held it up and swished the contents a bit. Was it alcohal, or not? The temptation was great, and with how warm it started to get in the tent, a drink would be nice right about then.

Ana simmered underneath, pursing her lips into a straight line as she set the bottle down next to her, she wouldn't risk it.
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on February 27th, 2013, 6:09 pm


Zandelia could not stop the light ripple of giggles from slipping out of her mouth as she listened to Ana’s words, watched her body language and processed her reaction to the comment. In truth she had not really expected the story to be more than a flight of idle fancy, a misunderstanding of the event that had been noted and passed back to her. Yet here she was with what amounted to a fully signed confession in the way the other woman reacted. It was amusing in the least, her elbow giving way and rolling onto her back with her laughter, hair obscuring her vision for a good few moments. If nothing else she could count upon Neilles to provide a jovial evening when given the right stimulus. It was a few moments more before she managed to lever herself back up to her semi-reclined position, looking all the more disheveled from her fit of hysterics, and take another small swig from her bottle.

“Oh you did then! I had wondered about it, I mean the logistics themselves are difficult to imagine. He is twice as tall as you are after all,” she managed to get out, mirth still coating her tone of voice, “I didn’t figure you for letting his type of man sweep you off your feet my dear Neilles. Perhaps I should help you develop the romance further?” she asked, her tone rhetorical and teasing.

There passed a few tense chimes then where nothing was responded to, causing Zandelia to feel a trickle of worry seep into her. She had not wished to offend Neilles, she was one of the few she could bring herself to like, much less trust, in her life. Still, she felt the silence slipping by as if an icy wall might be being built between them over her flippant remarks. The other woman had turned away and focused herself upon the tent wall in the distance. Her gaze had strayed to the bottle too but she had not deigned to drink from it. Zandelia tried to puzzle that one out, in her mind it was merely a small bottle of wine. Yet, perhaps, given the other woman’s history there was reluctance to imbibe. She shook her head, wondering why people deprived themselves due to others actions.

“Oh come now Neilles, I didn’t mean anything by it. I say he’s found himself a prize catch – golden eyes and a stubborn nature. You’ll sort him out soon enough my dear” she took another swill of her wine and felt the warmth begin to suffuse her as she let her free hand rest upon the other woman’s shoulder – physical touch often broke down most things in time. The small jest had been designed to try and bring Neilles’ attention back to actually trying to enjoy herself.

She needs bloody help, I swear she mused, opting for a small obscuring of the truth to create a positive result.

“And it’s just grape juice in the bottle, mostly sugar really and a bit of flavor. I find it helps to keep the spirits up as it has a warming quality, strangely enough. Try it, you might like it. They certainly know how to make even juice enjoyable here – one of the few things I shall miss I think” she spoke out loud, her voice almost distant towards the end, a tactic that gave a flippancy to her words that would not arouse too much suspicion of a concealed half-lie.

“Come on then! Sit back and ask me something, say anything. Honestly. It’s better to at least partially converse with the pretty lady you have to spend time with for a while than sit in silence. Go on, one free shot at me, can’t say fairer than that can you hmm?” she tried to lever herself into the crack in Neilles’ isolation and get something out of her.

Like blood from a stone sometimes she thought wryly as she let her hand fall to rest upon the woman’s back then as holding it in the air had become uncomfortable to say the least.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on February 27th, 2013, 10:46 pm

Ana had her back turned to the older woman, her words of defence to the topic of kissing Ximal had done her little good, Zandelia was now giggling, hysterically at her. To say the least, it put the girl on edge; a frost of cold layering her thoughts, and thankfully not her actions. Laughing with someone was perfectly fine, having fun, and being generally cheerful was a good thing but all Ana could relate the giggles to was being 'laughed at' and not with; being laughed at was not a good thing. Maybe it had been her reactions that brought the lighter side of Zandelia out, the thief thought on it, quietly, hardly noticing that the older womans laughter had died down. Was it so bad to be laughed at, if it allowed her the small privledge of seeing or hearing Zandelia be cheerful? But being laughed at, was it okay if Zand liked to?

Not in Ana's mind it wasn't, but she bit back what she wanted to say; or do and handled the laughter calmly, or rather moodily by not responding to her cheery words. Blood rushed to her head to continue flushing her cheeks into a rosy red color, perhaps they would be that way forever? She found it embarresing to be told that it seemed hard to believe that she or Ximal couldn't be a thing, and even more so at the offer to help 'develop' a romance between the two. Honestly the idea was alluring, and very tempting, after all the pain she had caused the day before and the very reason as to why Ana had seeked refuge inside Zandelia's tent. (Truth be told, she killed two birds with one stone, in a metaphorical sense.)

Her head turned only slightly to signal she acknowledged the hand on her shoulder, eyes flicking to her perephrials and then away just as quick. Chin tilting forwards in a down casted manner-
Hah, me, a prize catch? Yeah right.. Her thoughts went darkly in reponse to Zandelia's compliments, Ana hardly believed them; she was ugly, and had no bust nor curves, she was short, small, fragile and in a sense: petite. The downside to all of that, she looked like a feminine pretty boy now with her hair shorn off boyishly so. What ever made her such a stunning catch besides being a sticky thief and apparently a heartbreaker? She couldn't see any evidence pointing towards such an assumption; her already low self esteem dictated she couldn't think anything otherwise.

"Hrmm.." Was all she responded to Zandelia's kind words.

Then upon hearing the drink was grape juice, her eyes went back to the bottle again suspiciously; and then to look at Zand as her hand would rest on her back somewhat pointedly, or accusingly, still unsure of what she was saying.
"Promise it's grape juice?" Ana asked her, watching the woman, and hearing her encouragement face to face; the small girl picked the bottle up and uncorked it as effectively as she could. Grape juice wouldn't hurt her, and indeed she was thirsty; and if Zand said it was, then it simply was just plain ol' grape juice- or in this case, special Spires grape juice.
Spirians do eat alot of fruit.. Ana thought to herself, being so high up in the trees I imagine it's easy to get this stuff.

Of course Ana being herself, had little knowledge on fruit; coming from a Zeltivan background where the cities staples pretty much filled (or didn't fill) ones dietry needs.

Contemplating her words carefully she rocked the bottle around a bit, listening to the swish inside before taking a small sip of the drink; bedwazzled at the amazing fruity, syrupy, and slightly tarty tang taste within the bottle resonated on her tastebuds. There was a little something more lingering within, but she hardly noticed it as a response popped in her head and a trickling warmth in her belly; her body turned to face Zand in a more sociable manner.
"What did you mean by developing romance with him, er.. Ximal?" She questioned, and then stated with an increasing stutter as she tried to look away, embarresed still of the topic "I c-can't say I don't like him... b-but I can't say I like him's awkward...because h-he's a friend."
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