Krillor listened intently to Xenova's explanations though his true attention was becoming more obvious as he continued to steal glances at the woman's flirtations. It was obvious to him however that she did would not be truly convinced of what he was telling her. Krillor suddenly took on a thoughtful look and after Xenova had spoke of giving slaves more responsibility, he said, "It is obvious that we will continue to disagree on the core principles of this topic. Perhaps I could show you were I do business? There I believe I can show you the truth behind what I am saying." The woman seemed intent on thoughtful discussion although he could not leave the conversation as it was without at least giving her a glimpse of the fruits of his labor. If he were lucky, perhaps he could get a little more than some discussion out of her. "One of my warehouses is but a short walk from here. There I have former slaves working for me out of choice. Perhaps you can see what I am able to accomplish with individuals rather than property." Krillor's companion eyed him warily but with a but a nod from the merchant, the bodyguard shifted his posture in acknowledgment. |