Timestamp: 43rd of Summer, 500 A.V. It was Leto's birthday. Today, the boy turned seventeen years old, and had just finished drawing up a few glyphs for the Reimancers for his aunt and uncle. Having walked to their tent, carrying the bag of glyphs, he entered, and traded the glyphs for the payment that they usually gave to his aunt and uncle. It was enough to get them food for the days, as well as provide for them throughout the year. Leto had learned how to glyph a few years earlier, and in doing so, had been assisting with his aunt and uncle in trading the glyphs for money throughout the year. Once his business was finished within the tent, the young boy, whom was not yet a man, as he didn't have any windmarks to show for himself yet, made his way out of the tent. As he was heading out of the tent, he noticed another drykas sitting down by the tent. Tragedy had struck Leto's family a few years prior, and due to that, he wasn't very social. Originally he intended to ignore the person that was sitting there outside of the tent, playing with an animal... but then he turned back to look towards him, wondering what exactly he was doing with the animal at that point in time, an then something struck him as odd. That man has horns, he thought, i've never met anyone with horns before, and he's so... oddly handsome. Leto began to blush a bit and chose to watch him briefly, and if the other person with horns wanted to say something to him, Leto wouldn't mind. It wasn't everyday he got out of his pavilion to see Endrykas, having spent most of his time simply making glyphs, summoning memosites for knowledge, or delving into the web... |