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Aradia enters the Silver Sliver looking for a job, meeting the people of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Aradia on January 31st, 2013, 5:32 am

Aradia didn’t care about the glares she was receiving from a certain woman with red stained lips. She just shrugged it off. People that faked who they really were, was not worth her concern. She did not understand why people could not just be themselves, and not care what people thought of them. Sure she changed when she drank, but it was obvious alcohol was her weakness, and drugs and alcohol changed everyone, sometimes for the worse. Aradia learned that lesson long ago, she vaguely shook her head at those thoughts, and cleared them from her mind.

She listened to the conversation between the three of them. It seems Noric was going to escort the woman home, but Kelmar mentioned something about a brothel. Ah, so the woman was a whore, so Noric was going to visit a whore house for some fun. Aradia could not help but snicker a little at that, but as always she kept her opinions to herself, it was rude to be mean to people… sometimes.

Instead she brought her attention back to this Kelmar guy; he was a rather intriguing individual. Obviously up to nefarious deeds tonight, but oh well, she was bored so she needed something to entertain herself. She sipped on her water, peering over the mug at the man, whose eyes were elsewhere. Aradia smiled a michevious smile, and placed her water back down on the bar. Already feeling more like herself, her head clearing and her stomach not rolling, as much anyways. Aradia yawned softly, stretching her arms above her head, popping the joints that lay between her shoulder blades. She kept her violet eyes on Kelmar, watching the way he examined the man across the bar. He was good at this, to the drunkard’s eyes anyways. To people that had learned to be observant due to certain life situations tough, not so much.

Aradia waited patiently for the other two to leave, to have their fun at the brothel house, so she could learn more of this man without their interference getting in the way. If they did not leave, she would just have to do something about that then. Aradia was a sweet and kind person, never wanting to harm anyone or cause any conflict, usually anyways. But she could be merciless if she had to; she just preferred not to be corrupted by the darkness that plagued this city, and this Rhysol that they dearly worshipped. Aradia could not help the scoff underneath her breath at his name, but she shook these feelings off. The red head placed her eyes back on the man, not caring if Noric and Amelia saw it, or how they took it. She wanted to get to know this man, there was something intriguing about him, exciting really. Curious… Aradia thought, biting her lower lip in thought.
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Postby Amelia Cross on February 1st, 2013, 2:20 pm


Amelia couldn’t help but roll her black eyes over once more, she had been doing it far too much for one night. ”A snoop and a thief, perfect company you have got there Amelia” she couldn’t help but complain to her mind, amusing, but not exactly entertaining. She couldn’t find fine men that were into arts, performed and did philosophy for a living, she had to always find the men that killed, spied and robbed for a living…just her luck. ”Guess it runs in the blood, thanks mom, you really set me off for good luck with men” another little complain. Recently she has been complaining too much.

”love, let’s just say…the hearth is missing me” she added playfully to Kelmar’s words. The man had probably noticed her interesting references to the places at the city, so she assumed that he guessed she was referring to the temple as the ‘hearth’. It was an excuse, she had no business to do at the temple and even if her father was there she had doubt he wished to see her, but she couldn’t just let the man slip away with the words now could she? ”As for my company, hope you haven’t forgotten about our little meeting, I’m patiently waiting to introduce you with someone” the voice of a tease, as if she had been holding priceless information and refused to spill it. None the less, she couldn’t hide the honest smile at his words, for a man that’s a wall; it’s probably quite hard to say he is enjoying any company at all.

Amelia finally stood up from her seat and straightened her dress properly, locking her eyes with Noric as soon as he offered her his company. She wasn’t sure how to react. If she goes with Noric it might be fun, but she will have to most likely walk circles back to the docks and sneaking around was not her best trait. ”handsome, but probably a little dumb… charmer, but wants me for other things than our fine little snoop...”Finally, she made up her mind with all the pros and cons. Leaning her body closer to Noric she walked her index and middle finger playfully from his elbow to the shoulder, tilting her head a bit to reveal the pale skin once more ”I’d like that …” her voice not hinting the slightest bit of flirting, just giggle and familiarity as she pulled a bit back ”and it really can get quite lonely” now these words where purred and complimented with a small gab between her lips, before she looked around the tavern.

She didn’t listen to what Kelmare said about the meeting with Noric. She knew he did job as a spy, so she didn’t see herself being interested in it. Instead her attention was caught by Aradia. This girl was something she couldn’t put her finger on, she didn’t really want to befriend her anymore, but curiosity was a thing she couldn’t really tame. Somehow she found herself in a daze far away and not really paying attention to the two men anymore, she was thinking about the events that unwrapped in this tavern. Only to be knocked back to reality by a loud man from behind them all, seems like a bar fight is about to star,those Amelia did not enjoy anywhere nonetheless in a tavern, a drunk man can grow twice in strength. The way she crossed her arms clearly identifying a bit of fright and concern, even though she tried to still appear confident ”let us fly, I don’t want them to burn my wings”she said, her voice trying to hide any signs of being scared, but failing.

OOCSorry, I got a bit confused, so, if I messed up just let me know

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Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Noric Sidhe on February 5th, 2013, 11:30 pm


He smiled like a cat to a cornered mouse. Noric knew this Kelmar could only be a benefit to him, and he to Kelmar. He wasn't going to scour around like a lost child, though, to try and find him tomorrow. So when he gave his answer, there was an unmistakable ring of finality. "I will meet you tomorrow night in front of Tine's at the docks. Right after sunset." This way, Noric didn't have to wait around at the brothel for nothing, and Kelmar wouldn't have any sort of upper hand. Who knew how long he'd be looking for the man who could very well just hide and observe Noric in an alley. One could learn a lot about someone by merely watching. Especially when well trained and practiced. He couldn't have that.

He touched two fingers to his forehead in salute to the stoic figure then placed Amelia's slender hand through the crook of his elbow. He would have a lot of fun with this one. All the pleasantries were said and done, and now it was time to leave. He was only a little interested in the connection between Amelia and Kelmar, but he was confident he could learn what that was easily. Tonight he didn't feel like working much, only enjoying the company of the beauty he'd obtained for a small time. She was tense, too. Some patrons were getting rowdy, stirring up some noise and throwing insults. Her voice failed to hide her apprehension, so it was all the better to make their leave.

"I'll see you later, Jeb," he called as he retrieved his loaf of bread from the counter. "Aradia, Trychu," he said in farewell, and stared for a moment at the newest woman in the cloak. Then a glance to Aradia showed she was watching Kelmar like a hawk. He looked between the two and couldn't help but laugh softly, his head rocking back. "Good luck, Kelmar. The lioness is on the hunt." Noric smiled brightly at Amelia. "Come along, beautiful. We can't let those wings get injured. They're much too valuable." With that, he led her from the dim tavern, holding up an acknowledging hand to the few men and women who called farewells to him.

OOCLacking in those creative juices, but I feel this was a good enough exit.
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Postby Aradia on February 8th, 2013, 4:44 am

Aradia did not speak or wave good bye to Amelia or Noric, she was lost in a trance, not really staring at Kelmar more in a meditative place with in herself. She grasped a hold of what she was looking for and looked over at the men arguing. Great.. Aradia thought, watching Noric and Amelia flee the scene. Aradia let a ball of Res form in her hand, concentrating solely on holding that form, it was a small ball, only a marble sized one, so it was not that hard to keep it formed. She ignited the outer layer of the ball, a flame circling the little thing as she glanced around. It seemed everyone’s attention was on the brawler, including Jeb. She rolled the ball between her thumb and index finger, and thumped it at the brawler. She was worried it would not hit its target but it did, although not in the place she was directing it. Of course not, Res has a mind of it’s own! Aradia thought and shook her head as the man’s hair caught on fire.

It seemed to calm the fight down, but now everyone was rushing around trying to find a glass of water. No one seemed to be drinking water besides her, so her glass was quickly snatched up and thrown on the poor man’s head. Aradia ducked her head down, a hand over her mouth as she snickered at how the man looked. No one would be able to see this, besides maybe Kelmar, as her shoulders shook with laughter. The man had a lovely set of locks, that cascaded down to his shoulders, brown and silky. Now though, it seemed the top of his head was bald and blackened from the burn, and he still had hair on his lower skull that traveled to his shoulders. The sight was really humorous, especially the man’s face. He just stood there, shocked looking around, wondering how it could of happened. Everyone seemed to blame it on a ember that shot out of the fireplace and shrugged it off, the brawler left of course, crying about his beautiful hair being gone. Well, that solved that. Aradia thought, yawning slightly as she moved closer to Kelmar.

”So, you interest me Kel-mar. I must say you are a curiosity. Walking in her all dark and mysterious, but only mysterious to fools and of course having a set plan and agenda. Rather intriguing I must say.” Aradia glanced over at the man after she finished speaking, a cold smile playing at her lips, she said his name a little differently, sounding it out, feeling a little groggy still. Aradia was a good person, kind and soft, most of the time anyways. Sometimes a girl just liked to have fun, and why not have a little fun tonight, since the black haired harlot and the womanizer left. Aradia was kind to those who deserved her kindness, not to those who did not.

OOCTrychu wanted his turn skipped, the other lady is not a part of this thread anymore. Just letting you know.
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Postby Kelmar Hedos on February 12th, 2013, 10:25 pm

Of course, Kelmar understood the reference Amelia had made, he just didn't understand why she would bother visiting. Clearly she was not a Rhysol-lover like most of the city, so was there something else there that called her at this bell? They still had their rendezvous at the temple in a few days time, and the snoop had every intention of showing up when the time came, and he was curious to see who this person was that Amelia wanted to introduce him to. Someone at the temple? Possibly her father?

Something about Noric's arrangements rankled with Kelmar. He'd been unpleasantly surprised in past encounters, especially one with a little noble-merchant who had beat Kelmar at his own game. Such a specific point would be easy to observe, and there was nothing that annoyed the snoop more than being watched without knowledge of the watcher. Still, he made no alterations to the Svefra's plans, instead trying to think his way around it as Noric and Amelia stood up to leave, acknowledging the man's informal salute with a nod and watching as the two of them left the tavern and the mess that looked as if it were about to start.

Indeed, two men - probably drunks - were beginning to raise a ruckus that attracted the attention of the rest of the tavern, their voices prominent and loud even over the din of the establishment. Shoves were exchanged, slurred words were yelled, and soon the two of them were standing up and in each others' faces. One threw a punch, and that's how the action started, and the roar of the tavern was soon to follow. Kelmar had little interest in what their squabble entailed, in their current state they wouldn't be saying anything worth listening to, so his eyes wandered over the patrons until he looked for someone worth paying attention to. Nothing could be heard in this din, so instead he had to find something to look at.

What he found alarmed him initially. The redhead from earlier, whose name still had yet to be revealed to him, seemed to have a candle in her hands and was playing with it in her hands. However, a closer inspection revealed that there was no wick, only a small dot of fire within her fingers, burning seemingly without fuel. Yet she rolled it around with ease, playing with it before flicking it over at the fight that was brewing. Some commotion happened to do with what the little ball of flame had caused, but Kelmar's eyes were riveted on the woman who threw it. Magic. Of what sort he had no idea, but she knew magic. His interest in this little woman suddenly increased exponentially.

When she sat nearby and began her play of words, immediately Kelmar was on them for any potential hidden meaning or a look into her thoughts. So far she had not said anything of note, mere observations that even a fool could have made, nothing insightful. Her movements were still a bit sluggish, probably still recovering. This was a good time to make an impression. People tended to return favors, and as more favors were exchanged between two individuals the harder it became to keep count. At that point, a sort of understanding was reached, but to get there it always needed to start with a simple offering. If this woman could use magic, then her worth potential worth was impressive, much more so than that of another thief.

"It sounds as if you have questions that you aren't quite asking," Kelmar observed without emotion, keeping his gaze on her for any supplementary information or tells. "Before that, may I treat you to something to ease the discomfort? Something weaker than alcohol, certainly much weaker than the Sliver you already poisoned yourself with."

OOCSorry about the delay and uninspired post, a bit busy on my end with a few different things.
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Kelmar Hedos
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Postby Aradia on February 16th, 2013, 5:55 am

Kelmar’s words rang true. There were indeed questions that she was not asking, yet anyways. ”No, I have some water, but thank you for the offer. As for the questions…” Aradia cleared her throat, and leaned in slightly, ”I will ask when the time is right.” Aradia leaned back to her own personal space, and placed a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

This night started out as an innocent arrival into a tavern that had a stage, and then spiraled into so much more. Things that she did not really know what to think about. She acquired a job with Jeb, met interesting people, tasted her first alcoholic beverage, and now had met someone with a wicked agenda. The city looked romantic, calm, and actually quite nice from afar. But once the layers had been peeled back after tonight, there were hidden agendas lurking in the depths of the city. It was quite fascinating, but Aradia was too tired to really think much on it.

”It is late though, and I must say that I am feeling a little woozy still from my earlier encounter with that poison. So I must bid you farewell, and I do hope that your agenda goes well for you tonight.” Aradia stood up on legs that felt like the rushing waves of the water. But she kept her composure, albeit a wobbly one. ”Until we meet again Kelmar. Oh and in case you have not learned it yet, my name is Aradia. Maybe I will see you around here again sometime.” Aradia gave the man a warm smile, as she fled to the cold night air. The pleasure of that air hitting her heated face was delightful, and the promise of a snug bed away from people seemed even more delightful after such a night.

OOCSorry about taking so long. RL became busy. But I think this is a good stopping point. Feel free to add something about your target if you’d like. I am going to go and submit this thread now. I feel sorry for the ST that has to grade this, it is so long! Haha. Anyways, it was enjoyable!
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Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Kelmar Hedos on February 17th, 2013, 2:48 am

Aradia. The name stuck in Kelmar's mind, and he would be sure to remember it. Anyone who knew magic would be most useful. Even as she bid him farewell, he said nothing, remaining silent at all her words and almost unresponsive entirely. But his eyes followed her to the exit. Yes, he ceratinly would be seeing her around here again sometime. After all, an man who worked in the trade of intrlligence required associates, and those with special skills especially.

But it was time to go. His moron of a target finally got around to finishing his meal, getting up on his legs and heading quickly for the exit, not even a chime affter Aradia had left. Sliding the cup and a copper across the bar to Jeb, Kelmar stood up just as his target left the tavern, moving quickly to follow. As he stepped out onto the paved plaza, he steaded his feet, stretching out the muscles and tensing them to minimize the sound as he walked quietly after his target, keeping his distance and thinking towards the two new contacts he made just today.

For five years, he helped the Galatos build their intelligence network in various areas. Maybe it was time he Startung thinking of doing the same for himself.

OOCYay, what a way to end the thread... :'( Anyway, it was fun, and I'm looking forward to threading with each of you individually!
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Postby Acarnatia on February 18th, 2013, 10:24 pm

Trychu watched from his plate, still wondering about her as Aradia continued her interactions with the others. Aside from conversing with the hooded man who had stared at them from before, she did nothing that interested him-until a fiery spark spawned in her palm. He had seen that exact same technique in class before.
That's reimancy. She can use magic.
He watched her as though she was a predator about to pounce on him while she shot the paltry flame forth and singed a drunken man, inciting him further into a fight. The bar erupted, and she returned to her conversation with the conspicuous man in black.
That lying, two-faced woman was a sorceress, and a spiteful one at that. How he had misjudged her. And what of the man? Her magic certainly seemed to peak his interest, at least by her devilish grin. What was his business staring at him earlier, then? The only person in this entire city that knew he knew magic was Ame-
Amelia. Could she have told him? Or was he looking at him for another reason?
His questions went unanswered as Aradia, apparently finished, left the tavern, and the man returned his attention towards-he followed his gaze-a withdrawn man in the bar? He certainly sensed something predatorial in the hooded man towards the other. And, indeed, the moment his quarry left, he followed. Enough ignorance. Trychu stood himself, set a coin down on the counter and said to Jeb, "I'll be back later." He waited by the door a moment before exiting into the dark after this dark watcher.
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Drinks, Music, Mischief and Socializing

Postby Verilian on April 4th, 2013, 4:56 pm


Thread Award


  • +1 Persuasion
  • +1 Singing
  • +1 Dance
  • +1 Reimancy
  • +1 Rhetoric

Lores: Jeb the Bartender, Noric - the Majestic Stallion, Getting Drunk for the First Time,

Notes: Just a reminder, there are no bridges leading into Ravok. It is a 3-4 hour boat ride from the shore to the city, covering many miles. Also, regarding reimancy. It is not something you just casually flick around, especially not at novice level. Even creating a small ball of fire like the one you did would take great effort and concentration for a novice, and it should not be used lightly.

Noric Sidhe

  • +3 Seduction
  • +1 Observation
  • +2 Rhetoric

Lores: Aradia the Entertainer, Amelia is a flirt, Kelmar does secret things,

Notes: In your ledger, can you please put what season your living expenses are from. I know it's from winter because you joined in winter, but in the future it may not be that easy to tell. Put the season and the year, actually. So Winter 512.

Amelia Cross

  • +3 Seduction
  • +2 Rhetoric
  • +1 Observation

Lores: Aradia - The Cyphrus girl with changing eyes, Noric the Charmer,


  • +2 Observation
  • +1 Rhetoric

Lores: Helping a Drunk Girl Vomit, Aradia knows reimancy,

Notes: The Silver Sliver is not an inn, just a bar that serves meals. No rooms.


  • +1 Stealth
  • +3 Observation
  • +2 Intelligence

Lores: Tailing a Mark, Noric is of Svefra Descent, Aradia knows fire magic,

Melanee Tolyn


You Question My Logic? :
So I gave out a lot to a lot of people. If you feel I missed anything, feel free to PM me with your concerns.

Notes: Sorry for taking so long on this, guys. Life got the best of me, but I'm back in the game now. It was a good thread, very entertaining, and with a lot of intrigue and a little weirdness. Good job everyone, and keep writing!


As per the request of the Founders, threads cannot be graded unless your CS is up to date. This means you need to add threads to your thread list when you make new threads, keep your skills up to date, ledger, living expenses, ect. If you aren't up to date, you'll get a PM from me before i grade your thread. If you are up to date, disregard this notice.
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