Timestamp: 34th of Winter 512
Time of Day: Dusk
Time of Day: Dusk
Ayanna was getting antsy in her room, she had recently woken from her sleep, she cat napped through the day to avoid just sitting in her room in boredom because the sun's light was harsh on her eyes, and now she was energized and ready to go out into the woods to climb and get herself some food. She began the painstaking process of wrapping her body in her silk body wraps her kind favored before slipping her exoskeleton shirt on, and her wool stockings she belted her shirt to her and tied her felt cloak. She pulled her fur trimmed hood up to hide her face as she placed her sandals in between her belt and her shirt to keep them secure. After a brief deliberation she looped her Lash to the belt as well, forgoing her bow in favor of something easier to maneuver with.
Anticipation clogging her throat she flung her window open and gracefully climbed to the sill, without a thought she crouched on it, her body balanced perfectly. She turned her body around and leaned out, reaching a long arm out to grasp the stonework above her window, her other arm followed, claws biting into stone and tiny skin hook holding. She pulled her body up until her feet could grasp the stone work as well then she was off, scaling the wall like it was no trouble to her at all.
She continued this odd way of traversing the city for a little until she spotted and empty alley near to the gate. She pushed herself off the wall, performing a necessary flip to get her feet under her, and she crouched for a few moments, checking for danger before she relaxed her stance and slipped on her sandals. She made her way swiftly and silently through the white blanketed streets. Her dark winter cloak hid her body and the way she ghosted through the walkways made it hard to see her if you didn't know what you were looking for exactly. Even in the white of snow, the dark clothes hid her because the darkness of night ate up the pure color of the sky fall.
She left the gate with no trouble and she was swiftly immersed in woods after a short jaunt down the road. She ignored the burs and branches that scraped across her clothes, she was used to them now. Her feet had long ago become near frozen in the snow as her light sandals were no covering to protect them with. She'd have to go back sooner than usual but she would deal with the pain and cold for the sake of freedom.
She didn't know that in the woods a small group of hunters had foul luck catching anything larger than a sickly rabbit. They had passed around the alcohol more than a few times to stave off the cold. It made their bad mood worse and stroked the flames of violence in their hearts. As Ayanna climbed her normal tree she didn't know they were closing in on her, that they would see her tracks and the claw marks in the tree and try to shoot her down.
But they had yet to meet the delicate woman's tracks, for the moment as she scaled the tree she was safe. She couldn't climb as high for her feet were nearly numb and not trustworthy for such a task. So she sat on a sturdier, lower branch and looked out at the night world, a world that was as easy to see through as broad daylight was for a human.