The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 31st, 2010, 5:59 pm

She silently soaked up his every word, savouring them for no particular valid reason.
She answered his question in a strangely distant tone
“I guess me fondest memories are ones from seven years ago...I had a friend once, he was probably six years older that me in an age where those years count a lot. He followed the circus for some time, and he helped me with my chores, training and in general brightened up my days. It was good having somebody watching out for you, covering your back.
I remember he had bright grey eyes and unruly flaming red hair, he was not ordinary at all even in appearance but even more so in the head: he was completely mad I think, but in a good way.
I remember long hours in the kitchen, him peeling some vegetable and throwing knifes at me and teaching me how to catch them, a skill that I still have.
I owe him my sanity I guess, though I was distraught when he left: his stay was all to brief”

She smiled those were her happiest memories, she thought of her father for a second and then shook her head. He had played a small part in her life and she still wasn’t quite sure how she felt about him.
She quickly thought up a question
“You say you haven’t and never had someone close to you, I’m sorry but I can’t quite believe it. Please tell me more?”
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 2nd, 2010, 8:22 pm

He litsened to her tingling voice as he was doing his best not to trip over the incoming crowd. His thoughts were triflling over many things, none worth much mention, all meaningless, yet so real. Litsening to her sweet voice, no matter how distant it seemed, was a mending tone to his broken ears. He spoke silently again: "Seems like you had.....a good friend" his gaze went down looking at his feet as he was wandering how come he never had someone like that. He continued: "Mad? Yes, he truly seems like someone who would make a good friend. All people i have ever met had that spark of insanity in their eyes as i talked to them, but i never met anyone who had any form of madness similiar to mine. Our madness just differed too much" his eyes closed briefly only to let him open them up again in the new light of things.

His mouth opened slowly as he was answering her question: "I....i seem to have never met someone brave, desperate, or anything enough to make any form of a bond with me. I never understood why did everyone in my village throw stones at me and call me names. I never understood, why they do not do so anymore? I do not understand...." his tongue was getting numb, he already said too much. He wanted to think of a question, but in the current setting he was, that option was not avilable to him, as the tides kept rushing onto one another inside his mind.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 3rd, 2010, 1:38 pm

She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow “Our madness? Why is your madness so different? What do you see in my eyes?”
She listened to his words feeling him drift away with every word into his past she then said calmly
“They are afraid of you, maybe now you’re grown up. Or maybe they think you carry misfortune, they are afraid that happened to you could happen in their house. In either case I would forgive them, I would pity them and their petty lives. It’s a difficult thing to do but it’s the only way.”
She didn’t know how to relate to his situation, her mind was an intricate mass of silver strings often contradicting each other, she was darkness and light crammed into the same place.

She felt herself withdraw into her frozen ocean, cold fingers crept along her spine she breathed and the air seemed strangely cold, she touched her pale skin and it was freezing. Did she have to relive her single incessant dream? She ran her tongue on her cold lips she rubbed her hands against her arms trying to regain warmth.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 3rd, 2010, 5:37 pm

His face stretched somwhere between a wide grin and a depressing expresion, it was in that line of emotion that he spoke as slow and silent as ever: "I may be mad for believing this, but yes, i believe we are all insane in some wierd way, some forms of it are not even considered madness" he paused for a second before continuing: "I do not feel so different, but i was always thought of different, and i embrace that fact, hell, maybe i even enjoy it. Your your eyes i see life, death, memories, something cold, something that you will probbably not tell me. And by the way you are avoiding my look and keeping your hands together, you are either cold or you see something bad in what either of us said or did, and maybe it is both" he took a deep breath after finishing the sentance.

"Yes, forgive.....i truly wish for that, but i can`t forgive them all, i just can`t, some things hurt too much" he paused quickly changing the topic as subtle as he could, wich was probbably not very well: "Are you cold?"
"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
"where" you see the things you only wanna see

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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 3rd, 2010, 7:15 pm

He spoke so quietly she had to lean in to listen, the pondered on what he said then said slowly and calmly “Its normal to enjoy being different…you will feel,do,say and think things that other people don’t usually do. But it comes at a price, its all in handling the price…” She took a deep breath
“The price is heavy and leaves us with something less but something more” She shook slightly her head “It’s weird” A lock of hair fell onto her face. "And I'm still paying I guess"
She smiled sadly and said “What you see in my eyes is my frozen ocean, it haunts me, it follows me it calms me, it makes me cold. Moreover it makes no sense…”

“I am cold, but I’m not.” She paused wrinkled her forehead and muttered quitley “Yes, very”
She pressed her hand to his cheek not caring what she would feel, it was ice cold. She let her hand linger her mind in another place entirely.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 4th, 2010, 12:06 pm

Since she was always talking so slow, he never had any problems hearing what she said, but after hearing the last few remarks her lips made, he was starting to question his hearing. Cold, not cold, frozen ocean, so many things, Elliot thought hard on what to say, and all that could come to mind was a couple of breaking the ice jokes, well that and asking a Vantha what to do. His face kept smiling as he asked carefully, but a bit louder: "What do you pay for?" his thougts driven by curiosity, he had more yet to ask. Not awaiting for a response, he continued in a unusualy quick tone: "That frozen ocean of yours, will it ever melt?" his eyes became a bit wider as he bit his tongue like a punishment of sorts, just so he could feel it was a bad thing to say that out loud.

He was about to ask more, when one silent, silver, and above all cold touch grazed his skin. Not sure about what to do, he reached out for her hand while touching it gently and saying with a smile on his face: "Cold, but not cold, i understand".
"there" most everything is nothin'
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 4th, 2010, 12:27 pm

It was a strange concept almost as weird as him thinking that everybody was mad. It was a difficult subject to think about and even more to explain and it probed some of Fades most painful experiences.
“I pay for having such a weird mind I guess. But I generally meant is that which makes us different is usually unpleasant for example I don’t think like most people or feel things as them but that comes out of a lifetime of slavery…” She trailed of leaving his hand in hers.
She didn’t move as he spoke a bit louder, her eyes glazing over when he asked if her ocean could melt. Hope is the last to die she thought sceptically.
“My oceans would probably melt with heat. My frozen ocean is all the things that have frozen from my body to my mind, it would take a lot of heat to melt an frozen ocean…”
She looked at him her eyes betraying her sentiments her fair fluttering in the light wind which had started to caress Syliras.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 4th, 2010, 8:57 pm

He litsened intently until the last couple of words, where he had to really concentrate to be sure to hear everything. Her words, no matter how wierd they seemed, were pretty plain and easy to shape in his mind, after all that was one of his ways of madness, he could see something in anything.

His smile fading slightly, not able to laugh or smile as she seemed more and more distant and lost with each word she said, finally he spoke softly: "It is just like you said, everything comes with a price, but some things are worth paying for" he left his words a bit unclear as he was not sure he wanted to explain his views on it, or if he even could, explain that is.

"Yep, like i said, we are all mad in some way. How can you say you are frozen up, you both seem and feel all so warm to me" his tongue went silent for a second only to grant him the divine power of laughter the very next moment. As he awaited for her to respond, gentle wind flew around him, as he once more thought of the mightiness of Zulrav.
"there" most everything is nothin'
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on June 5th, 2010, 1:24 pm

His laugh caught her unexpectedly, breaking through his soft words like a bell.
“Well…”she said carefully a smile like no other forming on her lips “Maybe I’ve begun thawing” It was such a strange thing to say that when
she thought of what she had just said and her smile grew wider though no laugh escaped from her lips.
She couldn’t bring herself to laugh not even when he did for some reason she was unable to, her lips relaxed, smile hiding away, and eyes suddenly as sombre as ever.
She parted her lips unsure of what to say, she looked at him a silent question in her eyes, a question with so many answer, a question with so many meanings.
She knew all to well where she had frozen over, which parts of her mind were locked away afraid of the light, which monsters lurked round the corner and where the numbness embraced her.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on June 6th, 2010, 10:56 pm

Looking at her unsure what to do, he payed close attention to her little words, that were spilling out like blood from a grave wound. Thinking about what to say or do was more than beyond him while in this state, while in this company. Go with the flow of things, be one with the surroundings, and all that, sounded pretty much like the best option right now.

Placing a hand on her shoulder numerous words escaped his lips: "Well... i guess i understand what you mean to some extent, or at least i wish it to be so, therefore it is, for now. I am a mere stranger, i can understand if you are unwilling or afraid to speak of your past, troubles or stuff like that" pausing briefly only to look at her gently, and continue: "So how come you are so stiff all the time?"

What more to say was beyond him as he was now laughing at himself for blabbing something like that out all of a sudden.

"Why don`t you laugh?"
"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
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