(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)
The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.
Okay, I've just wanted to get this out. I've recently heard a lot of stories about people's days being ruined by one or many events at once. Not just Hurricane Sandy, but also people who got their boyfriends arrested, lost a family member, and a hit and run, (yes he's okay.) All these stories I've heard recently in the past month.
Of course, everyone has gotten the lecture to be nice to someone and of the such. No, I'm not going to be your mother or father and tell you "no don't be mean". I'm going to get straight to the point- sort of, not really. Everyone also knows that little things affect people greatly. (at least I hope so) I think it always ends positively if we just do little things for people, even if it's just helping someone pick up their stuff after dropping it, or letting someone in when in traffic, or even just smiling when passing by them. When someone is having a bad day they almost always look back on those things and it almost always make there say.
I speak from experience here; I'm always one to smile, right? I'm at school and I just can't stop smiling half the time. I laugh at everything, even if it isn't funny. I say hi to everyone in the halls just because I can, literally. And I have a friend who is commonly smiling as such too. I walk with him home since we live like, a block away from each other. He never really says anything to me and just lets me ramble on about Mizahar, since that's basically all I ever talk about. But a few days ago after I ran out of things to say he flat out told me "thank you." I had no idea what he was talking about at first, since it seemed really random at the time, right? But I looked at him and asked what for, of course. He then told me that his last close friend, besides myself, was put in jail for caught drinking and driving and he appreciate how I always walked home with him because no one ever really talks to him and the people who do are all drunkards and criminals.
I was honestly shocked, because I had no idea that he would be friends with people like that- But I was also shocked that he thanked me for something that was no problem at all and extremely simple.
That's one of many times I've heard a simple thank you for something simple, but that's one of the most recent ones that really flabbergasted me. But yeah, you guys gets my point? Doing small things isn't hard. Pretty soon if you keep doing them, it's just a habit, like me and smiling. You just do it all the time and it's something you don't even think about. In my opinion, doing something small is better than trying to do something big. Yes, big things are important and change many lives, but it is definitely possibly that you could save a life with just a hug when they are down (also an experience). Even if you're not a hugger, just a sincere smile and a wave and all that nice stuff that you can think of would be just as affective on someone who is not having teh best day.
I don't know one person who has regretted being nice to someone. Ever. If you have for a reason or another, I would love to hear your excuse for being sorry about it. But I always think it's easier to be nice then to be rude. It takes more energy to honk the snot out of your car from road rage then to just smile (or whatever) and wait. It takes a little more muscles to frown then to smile, more time to think of a clever insult or sarcastic comment then to just say something nice or not say anything at all.
I know I'm rambling now and I'm basically being a hypocrite for saying I wouldn't be giving you the lecture of being nice, but we all know it makes a difference. I'm pretty sure we all want to make an impact somehow. Just being someone everyone enjoys being around and being nice is the best way to start, in my opinion. I just needed to say that out loud...If this counts as out loud.
Last edited by Gale Austin McCenry on January 1st, 2015, 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hey guys, check this out. I wasn't able to get any sleep or get any posting done because of my lack of a muse right nw, right? Usually when that happens I scroll around the internet, looking at pictures, looking at other sites that are absolutely hilarious fails, ect. I came upon this one site, right? It was mainly a private site that was just for a group if friends and such but had a public chat box, correct? Well, I decides to stay for a bit, without saying anything, because I thought their conversations were rather humorous and interesting. But not long after I started lurking was there a troll that popped up. I thought it was extremely funny because while this group of friends is just going "whaaaaa?" To this troll, I started to troll the troll, since I ahave been lurking.
Since you are able to change your name in the chat box and such, the troll started to mimick the group so it looked like chat was repeating itself over and over again. So, after a bit of this repeating, I copy the trolls name and started mimicking its "gangster" speech it used originally to repeatedly apologize and tell them I'm leaving. After a bit the troll went away and I was left laugh my lazy butt off.
Here's how that started:
weirddomcat9000: YO YO YO, HOW U DOIN'? !
18: ...
L: Uh...
18: ...
L: Uh...
weirddomcat9000: well?!?!?!
Mae: Okay...
weirddomcat9000: How you doin' 18?!?! Huh?!?! Why they call you that, yo?!?! That your age or somethin'? !?!?
18: No, I'm like an Android. ._.
18: No, I'm like an Android. ._.
weirddomcat9000: That make no sense, yo!!!
L: You make no sense.
18: Like Android18. O_o
18: -snickers-
L: You make no sense
18: Like Android18. O_o
18: -snickers-
O-o: Hahaha!
weirddomcat9000: I make perfect sense, yo! U just ain't got the brains to understand!
O-o: No, it wasn't me, I was just laughing at the situation.
O-o: Hahaha!
18: Anyone else's cbox repeating? o.o
O-o: Trolls are very interesting to come by, you know. I was wondering when we were hoing to get another one.
O-o: No, it wasn't me. I was just laughing at the situation.
O-o: Whoa.
18: Anyone else's cbox repeating? o.o
O-o: Someone is using my name
L: Not me! I swear!
O-o: Trolls are very interesting people, you know. I was wondering when we were going to get another one.
O-o: Whoa
18: DX
O-o: Someone is using my name
O-o: I apologize, 9000 but you have been deemed a troll and I will no longer pay any heed to you or your actions. I hope you have a good day.
L: Not me! I swear!
18: DX
O-o: Because s/he is mimicking us.
18: okay, this is starting to confuse the crap out of me.
18: This makes me happy he blocked new members joining
L: I'm just ignoring it. =falls back in chair, kicks feet up=
O-o: Because s/he is mimicking us
O-o: and I won't care to tolerate it. S/he can spam chat all s/he wants but I have chosen to ignore him/her.
18: okay, this is starting to confuse the crap out of me
18: This makes me happy he blocked new members joining
L: I'm just going to ignore it. =flops in chair, kicks feet up=
weirddomcat9000: Y U NO MIMICK ME, YO?!?!
L: Because you f-in suck as spelling
18: Hahahaha. XD
18: Hahahaha. XD
weirddomcat9000: That no funny, yo
O-o: Because mimicking is a childish, immature expression of someone's boredom or lack of an intelligent comeback which is one of the flags that proves a troll is in the area.
18: o.I
18: Erm. L. I'm getting confused.
O-o: A trolls main goal is to frustrate or upset a group of people or a single person through ridiculous remarks, actions, and ideas. Thus the mimicking and the use of our names is to get on
O-o: our nervs.
O-o: But the troll thinks it's funny as hell because it is 2:02 in the morning
weirddomcat9000: Yo, now my brain is hurtin' from all that info no cool, yo.
weirddomcat9000: Sorry, I will leave now.
weirddomcat9000: Yo, not cool man! Don't steel W-cat's name!
weirddomcat9000: and I know it no cool, yo, So I will leave
weirddomcat9000: Not happin' yo!
weirddomcat9000: Whatz not happenin' iz me stayin' here with all you homez, yo! See you laterz, yo!
(These two weren't me though.)
weirddomcat9000: I'll just be leavin' yo. Yo sorry I came
weirddomcat9000: Sorry, I will leave now
weirddomcat9000: and I know it no cool, yo, so I will leave, yo.
weirddomcat9000: Whatz not happin' iz me stayin' around here with you homez, yo! I'll see you laterz, yo!
The troll wasn't seen since.
Now, why I thought this was so funny? Don't ask, I have no idea. Maybe because it's 1:50 in the morning and I haven't decided to get some sleep yet? I don't know and I'll likely never know, but this was absolutely hilarious in my eyes.
Last edited by Gale Austin McCenry on January 1st, 2015, 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Here we go! I have made a list! A list!! A nice....organized....list. For all you people waiting on me, I am going to reply in this order. Straight forward, makes me remember all the threads I have so I don't forget anyone. However, if you are getting really (I mean REALLY) impatient for a reply, then just let me know, I'll try to move your reply along faster.
Anywho! Presenting my list! *plays music*
The Heist Job Solos Death is Thicker then Blood Atlas of Anatomy Some Shyke About a Son Dancing on Edge Sharing a Drink One is a Lonely Number Gorillas in the Sand Whatever Our Dreams Hold Meeting Something New Two Steps Out of Place Uncertainty of Newcomers And the Body Count Rises Ghosts of the Past Atlas of Anatomy Care to Dance Poetry and Pose Make thread with Phil and Cryktos
Signatures and BC's
Crypt Nadia Ricky Anchor
Last edited by Gale Austin McCenry on January 1st, 2015, 11:08 pm, edited 8 times in total.
I wanted to stop by and say thanks for trying my little scrapbook exercise. It was hard to make a story that short. Took me a couple tries and even then it was iffy. I also saw this dandy fellow and it reminded me of your avvy for Gale, which is oh so elegant. I don't know how anachronistic the clothes are for the game, but I love a dandy
[Insert awesome picture of scantily clad woman and something with wings here] Feeling very poorly lately, have mercy on your absentee merbadger. (2/20/13)
You're a wannabe writer and you have dreams of becoming a Graphic Designer in the future. You're still young, maybe not out of high school yet and you come along this wonderful, absolutely gorgeous site where you can both write AND practice some photo manipulation to get you started on that graphic design path.
Now, you've been around for several months that feel like years on end. Your particular character for the site is rather loose and has no goals in mind, no particular plot in their life. You eventually tire of writing "meet and greets" and maybe the occasional fight. Possibly even a few threads about this characters job. So, your solution to this was to try and create a plot. Yes, a plot.
You get to thinking about this idea, this concept of what you see your character as in five years. You think," A Knight? Nah. A world wide criminal? Nah. Assassin who uses his skills for good? Nah." You start to linger and think about different ideas for possibly a month or so. Then it hits you.
You want your character to be a phenomenon expert. It would allow said character to travel, meets tons of people, and learn about (and possibly help develop) one of the most interesting parts of the site. There would always be something to thread about and there would be excitement around many of the corners, you can't get any better then that, right? The issue is...
You're character is a kill joy. They have never gone anywhere ever. They never even thought about it before. They have no self defense at all except for the useless 1 and 2 states they have in some sort of skill and said character has many issues with basically everything wild. How are you going to take this type of character and turn them into one that travels all of the world in search of rare stories, species, and legends? The answer, yet again, is simple. You converse with others who have stories of distant places, you research using books, you do a little dabbling, and you head off with a traveling party.
Now in order to do these things, you have to create things that the sites calls "Threads". You make the arrangements for the date, how they are going to meat, ect, ect, then after all this conversing, you actually post the thread and you start to make a small pile of threads to help this idea of yours get moving. But wait.
Your character can't just suddenly change their mind! They'd still see and possibly talk with friends, meet other people, and possibly get drunk or get into a fight. So in attempts to keep this transition realistic, you make another small pile of these types of threads. Eventually this pile begins to grow and your other character development pile is growing and you're managing to keep relatively on top of it all.
Then you have those photo manipulations you have to do. You're not the best at it, as shown and compared to the older players on the site, but others seem to enjoy your work and you're starting to make a small list of people waiting for a picture edit or some sort of banner. You stay on top of them for a while, making several sets and doing quick edits for people.
So over all, you're doing fine. You have all this in the bag! People are taking their time with replies and you have been "addicted" to this forum's chat room. The people are hilarious, they are helpful, and over all addicting people. This was all coming together perfectly! Right? No.
While you're doing all of this you forget you have this thing called "Life" you have to deal with! It hits you like a baseball bat to the balls and you're left crippled under all the Real World issues such as school and family. You decide you have to drop something off your schedule in order to meet the satisfaction of this "life". You decide you can take a quick break from the writing and the photo edits and it wouldn't be a big deal. You were obviously wrong.
"Life" finally settles down once more and you are now able to get back into it and kick some jobs in the butt! So what if all your threads need replies. So what if you have a list of long, time consuming edits to complete. You can get all of them done and get back on track, right?! Once again, you were utterly and horrible WRONG.
You make a post, maybe two a day, for the first week, You're thinking about 20 threads-2 a day would result in a little over a week. Then possibly the rest of the second week to finish the edits. In about half a month you'd be on top of everything and everything will run smoothing. But every single time you finish a post, it's as if someone zapped them with a "Make Posts like you're The Flash" ray and they reply to them within that day or the next. So you're back to square one once again. But you still got this, you'll get the photo edits that you left done first so that way you can focus all of your free time on the forum on your replies.
It takes you the majority of the day the find even 5 pictures that you COULD use for this signature or banner and you slowly start to piece it together, while lurking around in chat. You find out that those five picture won't work at all and you have to do the search all over again. You get so sick of having to find useable, decent looking picture to make this person's preferred theme that you give up and decide to go back to the replies first, since after all, that is what the whole forum is mainly for. But then the whole process starts all over again and just repeats itself.
Now picture ALL of this repetition and failed attempts to be topped off with everyone you have a thread with in chat going,"You owe me a reply," "It's been a few months since you replied for me," "I can't even remember when I posted for that photo edit," "You need to REPLY!" "Speaking of...You haven't replied for me."
Because of all of this nagging and complaining, you have lost all interest in doing basically anything at all. So you are reduced to sitting there starring and rereading all your threads to maybe think of some inspiration to get you in that "I can do it" attitude again with very few of the people in chat saying ,"You can do it!" Without you saying anything about having no inspiration or "muse", which could potentially be embarrassing because there is most likely people you owe a reply to in chat.
Now, think about this long and hard.
Now, tell me this...
Is this the type of situation you want to be in?
Better yet!
Tell me this :
Is this the type of situation you want to keep Gale in or help him get out of?!
I get it, you all have been waiting for possibly MONTHS on end for one simple reply from me, and it could possibly be the last round of one as well. I get it! I'm not blind, I'm not deaf, I can hear every single one of your guys' pleas and cries for my attention. I understand how you all feel, being the person on the other end of this situation as well, but you all have been on my end at some point or another. I don't think you liked all the constant nagging and such when you were behind on everything, did you?
I am aware that I have been snippy with those who have been telling me to get a move on with their post (Hence this whole post practically) and I apologize, but telling me, or anyone for that fact, that you need a reply from them is NOT going to get them to reply to you ANY after.
I guess what I am trying to get at with this rant is instead of throwing a fit and reminding me that you need a reply every single time you see me in chat or anywhere else (the nudges are fine every once in a while, especially if I was suppose to make a thread but I forgot) a better way to actually help me to help yourself is to either 1: Say something that is cliche like "You can do it" or "That isn't a whole lot of threads" or something to keep me from just sinking deeper under this pile of things to do OR 2: Don't say anything at all.
You got it? Do you understand now? Apologies for the rant but I HAD to get this out of my system because I was just about to explode. I still love you all but sometimes you guys are just like the annoying younger siblings I never had.
Last edited by Gale Austin McCenry on January 1st, 2015, 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gale, I think you deserve a HUGE hug right now. It really sucks when something you do for fun, because you love to write & create, becomes a chore. That's an awful feeling.
But here's the good news: I really do believe you can do this and get out of your pit of threads while not hating every minute of it. Focus on what you feel inspired to do at one particular moment, and don't worry about the line of people who have been waiting. You'll get to everyone eventually. If you don't really feel inspired to do anything but desperately want to get something done, maybe force a few uninspired posts out to get your writing brain flowing again. Everyone will understand; it's happened to all us at one point or another. One particular piece of advice I remember seeing in Malia's scrap from way back when has stuck with me:
Malia wrote:"I will start practicing the “writing whenever I have time” method. It’s what Sama’el and Gossamer and Nim and everyone else who is such a fast poster does. It’s about writing whenever you have the time to write, no matter if you’re tired, have a bad conscience, think you will produce crap or anything else. There are no excuses anymore. You just write and that is it. I really admire this method and everyone who is able to use it. I want to be someone who is able to use it as well, so I must practice. And practice I will, that’s on my mental “To Do”-list now."
I'm sorry to hear that there are people getting on your case about posting and doing photo edits; that's never acceptable. Your feelings are completely valid, and I can see why you'd be frustrated. It's important for people to remember, particularly with photo edits, that you are volunteering your time to do create something for another person pro bono. On the positive side, that says to me that people enjoy writing with you and are eager to continue. It's clear that these people are excited about having you as a writing partner/artist extraordinaire!
Third, I think your plotting ideas with Gale are awesome. Throw uncomfortable situations his way! Force him out of his comfort zone; you'll find that leads to a lot of character development. Joining an adventurer's group sounds like a great way of doing this, and I wish you the best of luck putting it all together.