Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Kreig Messer on March 1st, 2013, 11:51 am

Spring 5th 513 A.V. 10th Bell 9th Chime.

"Sera, welcome back from a long journey"Spoke one of the Knights at the gate with a respectful tone, he and his collegue boing respectfully to their comrade "I hope your travels treated you well"

Natasha nodded and gave a gentle smile to them " It was long and tiresome brothers, but what it has tought me was invaluable" She said respectfully as she gently grasped the reigns of her horse.

one of the Guards shot an inquiring look at Kreig who stood besides Natasha as she rode on her horse "Is this man with you Sera? He doesn't quite seem to be so? Is he a squire?"

Natasha nodded as she gently looked at Kreig, who seemed to be feeling overwhelmed despite the fact they had not yet entered the city "He is to become one under the recommendation of one of our brothers, I will personally take him to the recruitment office" The gaurds simply nodded as they allowed Natasha and Kreig to pass. Content that one of their own is keeping an eye over Kreig.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Ka'Rael on March 3rd, 2013, 9:49 pm


5th of Spring, 513 AV - Midday

Ka'Rael approached the majestic gate leading into Syliras without much in terms of expectations, but then again - his taste for masonry and architecture wasn't particularly advanced. In fact he cared very little for the gate, his attention was fastened on the people guarding it and the rich activity near it. Population centers wasn't much the Kelvic Tiger's cup of tea. Not that he cared much for tea either, though.

The simple clothes and belongings that the Talderan wore and bore did little to alert the guards, and as he reached the immediate vicinity of what appeared to be the lead guard - he offered him only a short up-and-down before, in an authoritative tone, speaking up. "State your business within the city of Syliras." Ka'Rael raised a brow a tad at the official tone, not that he hadn't expected it - but he always found it decidedly curious as to how officials seemed to speak in that particular kind of tone. He offered up a facial expression of what was in fact him trying to seem as genuine as possible - in the eyes of the guards he simply looked a tad foolish. "I am here to meet up with the caravan - and in the meantime cause no trouble." He added the later part without hesitation. The guards showed no signs of finding him a likely troublemaker, but still they made further inquiry. "Which caravan?" Ka'Rael shrugged at that. "Zeltiva. I did not mean a specific caravan." He replied, all calm.

The lead guard waved him onwards, and so Ka'Rael entered Syliras.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Keira on March 13th, 2013, 12:37 pm

Here again. The familiar sight of the vast stone walls makes her shiver, you would think growing up here would mean she would be comforted by the sight, but even after being born and raised in Syliras she could never call this place her home. Home is where you can relax and feel comfortable, two things she could never do being Kelvic.

Slowly walking towards the main gates Keira takes deep breaths preparing for the onslaught of senses. She scrunches her nose annoyingly as she passes the guards and into the small courtyard detecting the first of the cities foul smells. Then came the noise. It was midday a bad time for Keria to return and she curled her fists as her sides mad with herself for not thinking of this earlier, the noises of the streets come over her in waves as she continues through the inner gates.

Keira pauses, closing her eyes trying to calm her senses, her legs burn as they long to turn around and run to escape the torture. After a few seconds she starts to relax, only ever so slightly but that's the most she can get in this place. She can sense a few stares but ignores them, they have no idea what its like to have her feline senses overpowering her.

Her breathing becomes regular, her eyes open and still gritting her teeth she starts to make her way through the crowd.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Nissa on March 14th, 2013, 7:26 pm

The vast stone walls loomed over her as she approached the gates, it had only been a brief stint out of the castle, a casual walk and then returning. Nissa felt tired, her limps seemed to ache as she approached the gates in her human form. She was glad that she had the sense to dress before joining the crowd. It amazed her how quickly the guards could sift through the people, picking out the horribly ill or the bad natured in order to protect the city. A guard loomed in front of her and she offered a small smile towards him. "State your business within the city of Syliras."
"I live here" She muttered, the man was tall and she felt slightly afraid but did her best to remain attentive and polite. She knew she was not carrying very much, let alone anything which would alert the guards attention. it was rare for her to carry very much, belongings bound her to her human form and the fluidity made her free. The guard nodded and allowed her to pass, having no bags to search through sped up the whole process.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Vaspira on March 30th, 2013, 6:45 am

Finally, after traveling for many days, seasons changing from Winter to Spring, Vaspira had made it to Sylrias. She saw the small fortified gate up ahead, knowing she probably should introduce herself in human form, and she quickly shifted and clothed her naked body. She had not been in human form in many days, traveling solely in her Kelvic form for quicker traveling to Karjin, getting on a small ferry type boat, taking her to the city of knights.

The gates were fairly large, slightly intimidating to the young Kelvic, but she continued forward determined to enter the city. Two Syliran Knights flanked the entrance, inspecting the woman with their eyes. Above them Vaspira observed archers looking out, ready to shoot anyone who caused trouble for the knights. Well at least they have proper protection.. Vaspira thought casually as she approached the Knights. They asked her to state her business within the city of Syliras. The tone was stern, official, and obvious that they were not joking. So Vaspira replied truthfully, telling them she was passing through for information about her father, keeping a small smile on her face that she hoped would be taken as friendly.

The Knights seemed to accept her answer, and let her through the gates. Vaspira exhaled a large breath she had held from being so nervous, but she had made it through the gates, and she was in the grand city, Syliras.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Akilia Dosert on April 1st, 2013, 10:30 am

Akilia Dosert
12th of Spring, Morning

Akilia approached those imposing gates with confidence, her horses reins in tow. She had been in this city before and at least felt more comfortable of going in and out as she pleased. Her tidal pony, Cinnamon whined softly and Akilia tugged the horse forward impatiently. Cinnamon went silent and moved behind her mistress docilely, Akilia frowned reflecting on the name she had given her horse. Cinnamon was a rather odd name to give a black pony but she didn't care at the time she had given the name. Akilia and her horse weren't exactly on the best of terms, Akilia being a wolf Kelic and Cinnamon a prey animal...a horse.

Akilia had made her way up to the gates by now and was stopped by the guards as usual.

"State your business." One of them asked.

"The usual." Akilia replied, one of the guards raised his eyebrows in a 'your going to give us a little more than that' expression. Akilia sighed as if by telling them she was revealing a secret. "You see now, I'm just heading in for a bit of fun. Going to check in with the Welcome office and see if I can snatch me some work and the like. That's all."

The guard nodded probably not really caring what the heck she was going to do in the city. "Your horse healthy?"

"Healthy as could be." Akilia said reaching out a small hand and petting poor Cinnamon on the nose. The pony tensed under the hands of Akilia not liking the contact made one bit. "She's such a good girl. Kind as any."

The guard snorted, quite done with going through the list of things that were required to ask he moved aside to let her through. "Try to stay out of trouble girl." He warned her half heartedly.
Akilia walked past him swiftly calling over her shoulder, "I will!" She had entered the Syliras City only thing left to do is find that Welcome Center. She spotted the building continently just ahead. "Come on girl." She clucked to her pony as she made her way over to the building.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Fubuki Kouri on April 1st, 2013, 3:42 pm

Fubuki Kouri

10th of Spring, 513 A.V

"....Ah... this is... Syliras", Kouri thought as she jumbled through her memories of her visiting this city with her parents in the past, when she was alive. With unfocused eyes and sullen expression, she slowly starts to float to the gates, as she approached nearer and nearer to the gate, a rather tall and muscular city guard, completely dwarving her, stops her.

"(A ghost... hmmm, she doesn't look dangerous, but I should be cautions nonetheless) Halt! What is your business here, Miss?"

Kouri slowly looks up and stares at the guard, a bit dazed, she slowly answers, "...uuh.. uhm.. to find... Mama.. and Papa...".

The guard, feeling pity for the girl and is assured that she won't cause any major problems, relaxed his expression and said, "Very well, you may past... and I hope you find whoever you're seeking for.", and proceeded to open the gate.

Kouri ignored the guard's response and just floated to the gate, entering the city.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Cyrus Blackfire on April 2nd, 2013, 2:22 am

9th of Spring, 513 AV

The road had been long and harsh but he was here at last. Syliras; the so called crown jewel of the Sylira region and one of the last bastions of order and civilization. Cyrus had travelled a long way from Ravok to the Fortress City, running into a few problems along the way but at least he had made it, others had not been so fortunate. The tall armored man strode up to the main gates, a guard hailing him as he approached. Cryus, although road weary received the armored man warmly.

"Hail Ser knight, my road has been long and hard and I seek entrance to fair Syliras," Cyrus said, hoping that was the correct form of address.

The knight looked the tall muscular man over, raising an eyebrow slightly at his massive sword. Cyrus was not surprised, though it was certainly not the most formidable weapon in his arsenal it was certainly eye catching.

"What business does so armed a traveler have in Syliras?" the knight question, no doubt common procedure, which Cyrus could certainly respect.

"I wish to warm myself at a tavern's hearth and perhaps join the fabled order of Knights Syliras is so famed for." The traveler answered honestly.

The man nodded as though it had been expected, perhaps he could point him in the right direction.

"The Rearing Stallion has hearth and bed for a weary traveler, and if it is admittance to the order you seek head up to the recruitment office. You certainly look able enough, they should sort you out easily enough." The knight said, waving Cyrus along.

The warrior thanked the knight and crossed under the massive gateway, already liking his first impression of Syliras. They seemed to respect order and the need for discipline, he had a feeling that he would come to appreciate this place very much.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Ignatius on April 14th, 2013, 12:48 am

The travel to Syliras from Zeltiva was a long and dangerous journey. Going there by foot would pose a challenge for these siblings. However, as luck would have it a merchant was on his way to Syliras as well. The merchant was an old man with a horse drawn carriage filled with crates of goods. Ignatius asked the old man if he and his sister could join him to his on his travel. The old man simply nodded and the siblings climbed aboard, and so began their travel to Syliras

Along the way, they encountered wild animals, a few travellers and an unexpected broken wheel. However, they finally reached the gates of Syliras. The old man told the siblings that he still had something to do before entering the building and so he left them to wander past the gates. Ignatius looked at Laeva, his little sister, and began to take the lead. He walked closer and closer to the gate, but got held up by a knight.

“A bit young to be traveling without an adult, aren’t you?” The knight said with a slight chuckle, leaning over

“Yes we are” Ignatius said in a blunt tone.

The knight stood back up and looked at Laeva, who in return gave a short gasp and hid behind Ignatius.

“You’re not here to cause trouble are you?” said the knight in a stern voice, swapping his gaze between the siblings.

“No, we are not.” Ignatius said again in a blunt tone.

The knight simply nodded and allowed the Siblings to pass.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Castor on April 19th, 2013, 1:31 pm


Castor finally made it to the city of Syliras. He hitched a ride with a merchant who was on his way to a city past Syliras. The merchant agreed to take him, but under one condition, that he’d keep far away from him as possible. Castor looked very intimidating will all of his weapons strapped onto his body.

When the merchant dropped Castor at the gates of Syliras, Castor look in awe at how large the gate was. There was a man who stood at the gate, he had shining armour and was armed. Castor casually advanced to the gate, hoping to walk through. However, he was halted and question by the guard on duty.

“Well, hello there lad. Are you lost?” The knight said in a demeaning tone.
“No, I this is the destination I chose to be at.” Castor bluntly said.
The Knight stood tall and towered over Castor.
“You’re not planning to cause trouble are you? Those weapons are real.” the knight stated.
“No, I won’t cause trouble; and yes, these weapons are real.” Castor said bluntly once again.
“What do you plan to do with these ‘real’ weapons of yours?” the knight questioned.
Castor looked around and lent towards the Knight.
“Hunt Ghosts” he whispered.

The knight was slightly taken back. The knight felt sceptical about the boy’s profession. However, he’ll trust the boy to enter the city under the condition that he doesn’t cause a commotion, or else its imprisonment.

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