Open In a Stange New City

Ayda arrives in a beautiful but foreign city

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

In a Stange New City

Postby Ayda on January 30th, 2013, 3:25 am

60th day of Winter 512 av

The Warriors that had found Ayda and travelled with him had left him to fend for himself in the city. They had given him all that he needed to survive but he still felt a bit hopeless, he had only been born on the first of winter after all. It seemed like only yesterday he was torn from his home in the celestial realm of Syna and awoke in the cold and unforgiving ocean, struggling to reach shore. Now he was in a big city full of people and yet he felt so alone.

He found a sitting area and sat down to escape the crowds, he tried to think positively other wise he was afraid he would burst into tears in front of all of these people. He forced himself to look at the beauty around him in an attempt to calm down. The city was very beautiful, the buildings shined magnificent colours in the light of the sun and the architecture was breath takingly elegant.
He also liked how much trees were present and the carved animal motifs present on most of the buildings. The city had a thin layer of snow on the ground but was much more milder than it was outside the city for some reason.

While Beautiful sights were not enough to truly make him feel better they did help him calm down a bit. Ayda noticed a squirrel climbing down the tree to the right of him. Ayda quickly grabbed a piece of stale bread from his bag, ripped of a piece and threw it in the direction of the squirrel. The squirrel took notice of the piece of bread and went for it. Ayda noticed that the squirrel was different than most squirrels he remembered in that he had tufts of fur at the end of his ears. Ayda wondered if the squirrel was the exception or the rule in this city. The squirrel grabbed the bread in its mouth and ran up the tree. "I'm glad someone finds enjoyment from that bread" Ayda thought. He wasn't sure if the food he ate was truly bad or if he just didn't like eating.

OocI don't have any particular direction with this I was just thinking social thread but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ahria on February 2nd, 2013, 11:17 am

Ahria had been in the city for a number of days now, but everything about it still fascinated her. The buildings that shimmered with their own light, reflecting the colours of the sky. The artwork, so varied in both subject and material. Even the people fascinated her. Everyone seemed to have their own purpose here.

The Kelvic herself was still not sure what she wanted. Being here was making her think about things she had never even considered before. Work, housing, friendships. All these were new to her. As such, Ahria decided to focus on the one she would get no help with. She wanted to know people, although her timid nature made it difficult to pluck up the courage to approach strangers.

She had been sitting alone for a while on a group of empty benches when someone took one near her. Immediately, Ahria's eyes were drawn to the pair of horns spiralling from the sides of the strangers head. A beautiful green, she had never seen anything quite like them before. She drew her eyes from them, to the strangers face. He... or she, the Kelvic was unsure, looked so incredibly sad. She watched as the stranger gave bread to a squirrel, before deciding to be bold and approach herself. It was now or never, and she had to learn to do it sometime.

The stranger was only on the next bench, so she could speak without having to go up to him. They were the only two around the area, so there would be no confusion as to whom it was she was addressing.
"Excuse me, why is that you look so sad?"
Of course, there are probably better ways to approach a stranger, but everyone has to learn somewhere.
Last edited by Ahria on February 2nd, 2013, 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ayda on February 2nd, 2013, 4:45 pm

In Ayda's sadness he failed to notice the girl sitting on the bench near him. She had enquired about Ayda's visible feelings of sadness but in an oddly worded whisper that was difficult for Ayda to understand. He still got the gist of her Question however and turned to her with his emerald coloured eyes, which sparkled more than usual with tears he had held back. She was a fairly young girl, small in frame and delicate looking. He noticed the pupils in her blue eyes were oddly dilated, he wondered if it was side effect of her nervousness.

He didn't really feel like company at the moment in his weak emotional state but was not about to be rude to someone showing him concern.
"Thank you for your concern, I was simply having a moment" Ayda explained in a soft voice
"I have fallen not to long ago and am still adjusting to the life of a mortal... I suppose I am also not quite adjusted to this city" Ayda said while trying to keep his emotions at bay.
He though about why this shy girl decided to talk to him, for all he knew this girl was new to this city as well. From his knowledge of the natives of Lhavit she didn't seem to share their appearance. Maybe she was feeling as lost as he was and trying to seek him for mutal comfort.
"My name is Ayda, what might yours be?" he added in an attempt to make her feel more relaxed.
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ahria on February 2nd, 2013, 5:14 pm

Ahria was watching the stranger carefully, her head tilted ever so slightly to the right. When they turned, she saw that the strangers eyes were a deep green, much like the curious horns that grew from beneath his hair.

Ahria nodded at his words. His voice was soft, seeming to mimic the sadness that showed in his eyes, though there was something about it that told Ahria it was how this person always spoke. She sort of understood him. Sometimes she would feel sad for no reason that she could discern.

What he said confused the young Kelvic though. However, she smiled at his name. Ayda was a pretty name and she liked it.
"I'm Ahria." Her head tilted again.
"You don't need to be sad because you fell. Did you hurt yourself? There's probably somebody who could help you."
The Kelvic was unlearned in many ways of the world. She had never met an Ethaefal before, much less heard of them. Her eyes kept flickering ever so slighty as she tried not to repeatedly look at Ayda's horns.
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ayda on February 2nd, 2013, 8:43 pm

The girls name was Ahria, it was a very beautiful sounding name. He was begining to become curious of her mannerisms though, she seemed to act fairly strange. The response she gave to his problem made it clear she didn't know what an Ethaefal was. If only his fall had been a simple lapse in judgement that resulting in a bruised knee it would not cause him to feel so hopeless.
Ayda thought back on her unnaturally dialled eyes, she otherwise appeared human but could she possibly be a kelvic?

Kelvic...that word, it just dawned on him that he had never meet a kelvic nor had anyone explained what they were, and yet he knew. It wasn't the first time this sort of thing happened, when he was born he could speak common perfectly and even knew the basics of Tukant. Astrology, herbology, and animal husbandry knowledge came alarmingly fast to him as if he had practised them for years. This fast learning had astonished the company he was with, probably why they though he would be fine on his own. Except of course he wasn't..

He glanced back up at Ahria who he had left to wait while he pondered internally, he caught her give a quick glance at his horns.
"oh..sorry about that. I tend to get lost in thought from time to time" Ayda apologized
"The fall I spoke of was from the Celestial realms..the realms of the goddess Syna to be exact. I am an Ethaefal, a person who worshipped this goddess and when I died I was taken to her realm. I cannot remember it well but it was a magical place were pain, hunger and unhappiness do not exist. I cannot remember very well what this realm was like, or my past lives before I was in Syna's realm." He said with surprising composure
"I could have had a life where I was a rat...or a monkey perhaps." Ayda said hoping that would be enough to get the girl to confess her Kelvic linage.
" I still have some parts of me from my time in the Syna's realm" he said while gesturing to his horns "My horns are one of my favourite presents from my mother Syna"
He then stooped talking to give the girl time to speak. He hoped the the information had not been to much for a young kelvic to handle.
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ahria on February 5th, 2013, 9:43 am

Ahria waited patiently while the stranger thought things over. She had decided that it was definitely a man that sat opposite her. Her sense of smell was not quite as good as it was in her feline form, but it was good enough for her to tell this much. The girl had her head tilted to one side again, a curious habit that a bird or perhaps a cat may do.

The man spoke about falling from a place called the 'Celestial realm' where a Goddess lived. It sounded lovely to the young girl. She listened very carefully to his words and was silent for quite a time afterwards, trying to sort this new information out in her head.

"So, you went to see a Goddess when you died? And that is Syna?" Ahria knew nothing of the celestial beings people had faith in, however she did know that they each had something they...looked after in a sense. "Her present to you...they're very pretty." Ahria smiled and took another glance at the beautiful emerald horns. "Being an animal can't be so bad." A smile quirked at the corners of her mouth. Ahria was not about to tell him what she was. Perhaps if he told her that he knew she would admit it, but until then she would remain quiet.

There was one thing that she did not understand though. "How come you fell away from Syna? Did she need you to do something?"
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ayda on February 6th, 2013, 2:37 am

Ahria became silent, Ayda was patient and let his possibly kelvic friend process the difficult subjects he had just thrust upon her. He wondered how old she was, probably not very old considering her lack of knowledge of the world. His body was a newborn baby by most standards but he wasn't natural, at least not anymore. Ayda had the connection to his past lives, a weak connection but it helped him know things a few things without learning them personally. He was fairly certain that kelvic's learned fast because they were a product of magic but they still had to learn things through personal experience. Ayda envied Ahria a bit in that she knew where her info was coming from, Ayda's wasn't usually sure the origin of his information or if it was even accurate.

Ahria seemed to be showing interest in his mother Syna and had a few questions about her, to which Ayda was prepared to answer.
" Yes, I met Syna when I died, I cannot tell you much about her because I do not remember my time in the celestial realm, but you can see her in the sky, she is the sun. She helps the plants grow and the world would be pitch black and lifeless without her." Ayda proclaimed proudly.
He then paused breifly and his expression changed to sadness once more.
" I do not know why I have fallen..but I like to believe Syna has a reason for me being in the mortal realm" Ayda said before changing the subject.
"I'm glad you like my horns, they are my favourite feature but they are only present during the day, when Syna is in the sky. At night I look much different, I become very tall, muscular, my skin becomes purple and my hair becomes short and black. I change much like a kelvic, least I think kelvic's do, I have never met least I am pretty sure I have not. you would not happen to be a kelvic would you?" Ayda enquired with a smile both to relax his friend and so he could pass it of as a joke in case he was barking up the wrong tree.

He wanted to know more about Ahria, and about kelvics. He didn't normally talk to other people but he liked animals and if Ahria was indeed a kelvic she would be the best of both worlds, at least in Ayda's opinon
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ahria on February 7th, 2013, 9:30 pm

Ahria's mind tried to process the fact that this man sitting before had died and then come back to the world. It was a strange thing for sure. She knew of the Gods and Goddesses, and that they were powerful, but still. To put someone who was dead back walking? It was almost too much for her to handle.

She listened attentively while Ayda explained who Syna was. The Kelvic's eyes flickered up to the sky, narrowing as they moved across the golden orb hanging there. So the sun was this man's Goddess? Ahria tried to picture what she could look like. Of course she couldn't really be a yellow-gold circle. She must be a beautiful woman with blonde hair and flowing clothes.

Her head tilted once more in curiosity as the man explained to her what happened at night. He told her that he changed shape, much like a Kelvic. Ahria had never heard of any non-Kelvic creature or human who could do such a thing.
She almost fell off her bench at his question though. The smile on his face seemed to indicate he had a clue what she was. How could this man have known? Ahria was unaware that her eyes hinted at something else, and that her mannerisms could be a little odd to normal people.

"Uh...I uh..." She wasn't sure what to say to him. The Kelvic had never told anybody before, and she had certainly not had anyone ask her. In the end she settled for a nod and a small, '...yes..."
After a pause she tried again. "Yes I am...I... How did you guess?" Another pause. "Kelvic change with light... Is it the same for you?"
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In a Stange New City

Postby Ayda on February 8th, 2013, 6:12 am

The kelvic girl seemed taken back at Ayda's question, Ahria must have not though she was doing a good job emulating a human. Ayda would have to be tactful in how he proceeded, he didn't want to offend her.
"I hope I have not insulted you. I just noticed your eyes... they are very unique, I'm not sure humans have pupils that shape" Ayda explained " there is nothing wrong with being a kelvic, I actually prefer the company of animals. what type of kelvic are you? if you do not mind my asking?" there seemed to be a bit of hesitance in Ayda's voice at the end of his sentence. Ayda knew Ahria didn't feel comfortable talking about herself and wondered if he should be asking her more personal questions.

asked about Ayda's transformation and how it works compared to a kelvic, he wondered what a kelvic transformation actually looked like, he'd never seen one in action he simply knew that it happened. "I transform with a light too, a yellow light that wraps around me like vines, I do not think that every Ethaefal transformation is the same, I'm not even a season old and have yet to meet another one of my kind with which to prepare, I was told their were many here but they seem to be few in number compared to a the humans." Ayda said contemplatively.
While he should have been disappointed at the lack of Ethaefal representation, he wasn't sure he wanted to see other Ethaefal. They would remind each other of what they both lost it would be to much to handle, especially now that he was already in a weak state emotionally.
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