58th day Winter 512 AV People, lots of people. It was something the tall human woman could not particularly handle right now, but she wanted a couple more weapons. She didn't feel versatile enough. And because she knew that there was a smithy here, one with a good reputation apparently, she decided to pay it a visit to see if she could procure a weapon or two there. Onto the Ironworks it is. Reaching the Ironworks was a load off Revy's chest. Her hallucinations hadn't acted up, even though she had felt uncomfortable amongst the mass of people for a while already. It had felt like eyes burned on her back, but that was over. Now she was at the smithy, so now she could see if there was something she liked. Entering the Ironworks, she was greeted by a familiar smell, yet one that she hadn't smelled in a long time. The heated steel, burning coals mixed with the sweat of men. While it was not particular bad, it wasn't a smell she wanted to be in for long. ”Is there anyone that could help me?”, she shouted, trying to get above the ringing of the hammers. A younger blacksmith came over and asked her with what he could help. Explaining that she was looking for a weapon or two, preferably something with a bit of weight behind it and a bit of range, she was guided to the stands with finished weapons. There she looked at the various warhammers, greataxes, longswords and many more weapons. There was a particular one that drew her attention. It was a greatsword, a weapon she remembered to be wielded by the myrian Siiri, one she lost to. She made it known that she wanted it. The smith allowed her to at least try a swing or two, to see if she could handle it. Revy, not really objecting to it, nodded and grabbed it with two hands. She placed one as closest to the hilt as possible, the other as closest to the pommel. It was about the same as when she trained in Riverfall for the Katana. Taking a deep breath, while the tip of the weapon rested on the ground, she grabbed her focus and lifted the weapon. Lifting it overhead, then bringing it down in a quick short strike. Yet the weight of the weapon caught her by surprise and it went further down then she had wanted, but the mercenary still managed to stop it before it hit the ground, possibly damaging it. Revy didn't have to try anymore, she knew that she was going to buy it. It felt balanced, just like her longsword and above all, it had weight, so it could smash through a defense. Just the weapon she had hoped for. Giving it back to the smith, she then noticed another weapon, or rather a bundle of weapons. They seemed like spears, but were too short for that and they also seemed too fragile for it. Asking what they were, the smith then explained that those were javelins, weapons intended to throw from a distance, at an enemy. Revy, hating the bow-type weapons, felt that this was a ranged weapon she could grow to love. It required one to come at a much closer range then with the bow, making it more of a personal weapon. Logically thinking, Revy concluded that it was a weapon intended for a short useage period. So if she wanted them, she should take a couple. Maybe fifteen to start with? After all, being a total novice with a weapon like that, meant that she was bound to break numerous ones. The smith that had helped her, now carried a greatsword over his shoulder and a bundle of javelins under his other arm. Before Revy was going to pay for her equipment, she also asked for a standard scabbard for her greatsword. After all, normal steel wore more quickly when exposed then cold-steel. So in the end, the price in total was: 50 GM for the greatsword, 15 GM for the javelins and 4 GM for the scabbard, adding up to a whopping 69 GM, somehting that almost made Revy's heart skip a beat, but it was a price she'd pay for versatility. |