Day 2 of Summer, 422 AV.
I ssscarcely ssslept the night following my father's disappearance. That night, I had a sssingle dream. I was in a room not unlike that of the Queen'sss apartmentsss in our nessst. It was damp and mosssy, and a few insssects roamed around the room among ferns and mussshroomsss. I was sssomehow at the same time in sssnake form, in Dhani form and in human form -- a beautiful woman with dark ssskin and sssulfurous black curls with incandescent, golden eyesss, and a golden ssstreak on my left eyebrow, the same as my mother. Beside me stood a figure that I didn't recognissse though I knew it to be a rattler. In front of us, sssleeping in her bed, was a huge, emerald coloured conssstrictor in snake form, coiled in interminable knotsss, her tongue flickering as she ssslumbered. I turned around, and a ssshimmering figure vaguely the ssshape of a sssnake peered intently at me through glasssy, green eyesss. I knew ssshe was my goddesss Sssiku. She issued one firm command: "Ssslay them all!" and vanissshed with a puff of white sssmoke. The rattler and I then proceeded to the beautiful constrictor sssleeping in her bed. One on each end, we ripped her body open itsss full length. Then the rattler and I coiled up around each other, interlocking our bodiesss into one another, producing a ssstrong hisssing sssound as our ssscales rubbed againssst each other. I don't remember what the next thing was, but afterwardsss there was only me, and I had a rattle on the end of my tail. Constrictorsss poured in the room where we had killed what was presumably their queen, and I devoured every one of them in sssingle bites. The dead queen behind me was wailing noisily as I ssslew her children one by one. Then I woke up.
It was early in the morning, and my mother was sssobbing noisily in her bed. "Vengeance will be met, mother," I said to her in the manner of snakes. The words came out of my mouth without me really controlling what I was sssaying, and my voice seemed to me to be the voice of another. "Vengeance will be met, I ssswear it upon the life of me."
A faint flicker of a sssmile crossed her face in-between two hiccups of tearsss. "Make them sssuffer, my child," she answered, her voice quivering with an insssatiable rage. "Make them sssuffer as they are making me sssuffer."
Ssscouts had been posted overnight around the entrance to the nest. As they regularly reported their sssightings, there was a lot of running back and forth throughout the underground tunnelsss of the nessst. No constrictors had been ssspotted since the assault the day before. I sssecretly wished they would capture one so I could personally torture him. It was the firssst time I felt such an urge. Later that morning, I learned that an urgency council was called in a private room. My mother was to attend. Ssstealthily, I crept towards the door where the meeting was held and ssstrained my ears to hear what was being said.
"What you are proposing is quite out of the question, Hsssaani," the queen said.
"But, my queen -- with all due ressspect, this act cannot go unaddresssed," the man she called Hsaani anssswered in a ssslippery voice. "We must take immediate action, lessst the constrictors recommence their dreadful deedsss."
"You dare quessstion the authority of your queen?" a second man said, his voice rising many octavesss.
"Ysthrusss, that's enough."
My queen, I was merely --"
"I know what you were doing, and I want you to ssstop it," her voice cackled like a whip.
"Yes, my queen. Forgive my rassshnesss."
"Now, Hsaani. I'm quite aware that we need to do sssomething, but we can't jussst mount a campaign against our cousinsss without knowing exactly what we're dealing with."
"They attacked us, my queen. This meansss war."
"No, it doesssn't, fool. How do you know this isn't an independent faction? Nothing tellsss you this is Snham'sss doing. We can't even be sure she's aware of what happened yesssterday."
"There aren't any independent Dhani factions, my queen."
"One wouldn't know, would one?"
There was an uneasy moment of sssilence before the queen spoke again.
"Then there's the isssue of abducting Zvwardi. Why do you suppose they did that? I don't mean to be insensssitive, Vvesebeth, but we need to fully understand the purpose of their capturing your lover."
"Capturing, my queen?" mother said. "They have killed Zvwardi." The spiteful bitterness in her voice was unbearable to me, and the way she spat out the words was like poison to my ears.
"No, Beth. No Dhani relishesss in fast murders. Even if it's only for the sake of torturing him for their own pleasure, he is being kept alive. I'm sssorry, Beth."
Mother let out a high-pitched hisss of anger and burst into wails. She ssstormed out of the room, nearly swinging the door off its hinges. "What in Sssiku's name are you doing here, Syliss?" she accused, her eyes shot with red. "Come back at once."