Flashback Fake Faces (Kyra)

A meeting of crooks and the swapping of some knowledge.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Noric Sidhe on January 13th, 2013, 4:21 pm

48th Day of Fall, 511 AV
The People's Market
Late Afternoon

"Sir, there is no way half a pound of your apples is worth a gold piece!" Noric's face was flushed in anger over the argument he'd been having with this particular fruit vendor for several chimes. The salesman shook a finger violently and motioned to his foods. "These very fruits and vegetables were blessed by Bala herself!" His jaw dropped at the outrageous claim. Normally Noric was in control of his conversations, but this man was absolutely ridiculous. "I can't take this anymore. You're a complete idiot. Anyone who buys anything from you is just as stupid." He threw his hands up in exasperation and shoved his way back into the thick crowd. This evening the market was packed full of women shopping for their families, hungry men, and even a group of children trying to snatch snacks here and there. He remembered when he was that foolish and careless.

And he could also hear the fuit salesman complaining to his wife, surely about him, but exact words were lost in the din of other voices. Noric snorted and wove his way over to a meat stall, hoping for a bit more luck on prices. "Hello ma'am," he greeted the pleasantly plump woman hanging some ham up for people to exam. She smiled up at him and quickly wiped her hands on her apron. "Good evening sir! Can I interest you in anything?" Noric rubbed the back of his neck and let out a gusty sigh. "How good is your jerky?" He leaned forward and smiled crookedly at the saleswoman. "I'm sure if it tastes half as good as you look, I'll be in for quite the treat." Color bloomed brightly on her cheeks and spread all across her face. "O-Oh, the jerky is high quality I assure you. Here, let me get you a small sample."

"I would love a sample," he rumbled without hesitation. The woman's cheeks brightened a few shades before she fetched a piece of beef jerky and presented it to him. Noric took and ripped a small mouthful off the strip. It wasn't too tough and it had a nice, slightly sweet taste. "You were absolutely right. I'll take some. How much would you like for a pound a this?" He finished the sample with great enthusiasm, a look of ecstasy on his face. The woman covered her mouth to muffle a giggle, making her look years younger. He smiled down at her as she got the purchase ready and swaddled it in a thin cloth. "Seven gold rimmed pieces will do it. My husband takes great pride in his cuts. Everything is very fine quality." Noric slapped a hand over his heart and feigned stumbling to the ground. He grabbed a beam on the stall's overhang to hold himself up, a look of pain on his face.

"A husband! And here I was hoping to ask you out to dinner. I could have swore what we had was magical. It was, wasn't?" He smiled and stood up properly again when she laughed and nodded, face colored like a cherry once more. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir. But yes, I am spoken for." He let loose a massive sigh and looked to the sky. "I don't know how I'll go on with my life." She laughed again and held out his bundle of jerky. "How about you accept six golds? After all, you broke my heart into pieces! It's the least you could do to help the healing process along." He smiled brightly as she sighed, raising an eyebrow at him. "Just one gold less. I could start coughing like a sick old man and show you how bad off I am, if that'll help." His lower lip stuck out and wiggled a little.

"Fine, fine! It's only one coin after all. I was never much a fan of the jerky anyway. Too tough for my sensitive jaw and teeth." Noric quickly fished the mizas out of his bag and traded her for the bundle of meat. "I will grow to love you further with every piece of this I eat." He nodded and sighed sadly, holding the package over his heart. She smiled and made a shooing gesture with her hands. "Just be sure to come back, that's all I ask. We love having regular customers!" He gave a small salute before wading back into the bustling crowd. It reminded him of a herd of sheep, pushing and shoving to try and get to the food and water. He pulled a strip of beef out of the bundle and stuck it in the mouth, chewing leisurely on the delicious jerky. It hung out of his mouth and down his chin while he worked on it..
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on February 2nd, 2013, 12:34 am

Kyra awoke, laying on the bed in her room. After a nice turn out and profits gained from the performance she and Marcelo had put on earlier, they returned to their room where Kyra laid down to rest. She was still so young, and often took naps in the middle of the day to recharge her energy. The young kelvic laid still on top of the matted sheets, her eyes opened, pupils narrowed into the center of golden orbs as she took in the bright light cast down from the window. Syna's light shined higher into the sky as the day grew old, and she could hear the bustle of people roaming about just outside of the building. Slowly she sat up, her long blondish hair falling across her shoulders and brushing her cheeks.

She glanced around the room, noticing that she was alone and she felt no other presences. Before she had fallen asleep, Marcelo had told her of an appointment that he had with a friend of his, and that he would be back soon. Either his meeting took longer than he had thought, or the girl hadn't been asleep for very long. Either way it didn't matter much, and she wasn't worry that he was still gone. But it did however, leave her with little to do. Kyra stayed silent for chimes more, sitting still on the bed as her mind slowly woke from the world of dreams. A low grumbling noise echoed from within her belly and she felt a soft tickle as well. She glanced down, her small fingers gently trailing over her stomach. After the nap, the girl was now hungry and there wasn't any food in the room to eat.

Marcelo was still gone, and it wasn't likely that he had left idle coin laying about. Mizas were far to valuable to be thrown about in such a way. She sighed softly as she looked about the room, finding her thoughts to be true as she didn't find any coin or food anywhere. It was up to her then, and if she wanted a meal she would have to go out and get it for herself. The girl wondered if she could persuade one of the stall vendors to give her something. There had been a few who seemed to like her when they saw her about or when she was performing. Kyra figured that it was worth a shot, and if no one felt kind enough to help out the kelvic, then she would just have to take what she needed.

In a way, it could be good practice for her. Having a well balanced hand-eye coordination was good for many things, including magical acts as well as stealing. Finally she pushed herself up, hands planting flat on the bed, as she rolled forward onto her knees. Arching her back downward, she moaned softly and slid forward to allow her chest to press against the bed and her fingers to lightly glide over the soft fabric of the sheets on the bed as she stretched her tender muscles. She moved to the end of the bed, and slipped her feet back into her very tall boots. Kyra was still dressed in her performing attire, a dark colored, gothic style jester's costume. Once they had returned home earlier, she had laid down and without bothering to change into something more comfortable.

Standing up, Kyra lifted her hands and combed her fingers through her hair to work out the kinks, before she left the room to get food. Stepping outside she was immediately greeted by Syn's light and warmth as it gently touched her skin. Kyra stepped lightly onto the street and walked a steady pace towards the market. It was a brisk walk for the girl, though not lacking in strange sights, curious sounds and smells. The market was busy as always, but it proved less of a challenge for the tiny girl to slip through the mass of bodies as it would the much taller and bigger of the city's people. She moved slowly around them, her gaze falling upon different stalls carrying meats of fish and deer, along with a few other types that she wasn't as familiar with.
Last edited by Kyra on June 16th, 2013, 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Noric Sidhe on February 5th, 2013, 1:55 am


Noric stopped at a new stall, one with hundreds of colorful flowers. They nested in baskets, grew in pots, dried in bundles, and were displayed any other way imaginable. His brother always called him a ninny for liking to look at things like this; flowers, shop windows, nik naks. But he was more refined than his twin who hung around prostitutes and homeless thugs for fun. How they'd ended up liking such different things was beyond him. He smiled just thinking about what Allinol would say. 'This is for ladies, not men! When can we go to the tavern? But it was true, he was one of the only men paying attention to this stall. Women bustled around, ooh-ing and aah-ing at the variety of blooms. His eyes were a little distracted when a woman with a very low cut blouse squeezed by. Noric and his brother weren't that different. His smile grew a little wider.

Suddenly, a shoulder clipped him from behind, sending his bundle of jerky straight to the ground. He grunted and tried to grab it, but was too late. At least he could snatch it up before the meat got too dirty or got stepped on. "Five second rule!" he mumbled happily around his mouthful of beef. But then he turned narrowed eyes on the burly man pushing through the crowd away from him. What's the rush, chap? You forgot to say sorry. His eyes gleamed like they always did when he was calculating. The stranger was much shorter than he was, but also more muscular. Long black hair and below average clothing, but not dirty. Noric glanced up and down. Shoes, patched up trousers, shirt sleeves that looked like they'd been cut off. Poor, but not too poor. Obviously poor enough not to learn proper manners.

He quickly finished off the jerky in his mouth, all hope of savoring this piece lost. He also lost interest in being courteous to the surrounding crowd. Noric followed a ways behind the man who was in such a rush, pushing by people and scattering those who expected him to move. There were many advantages to his size.

The man who'd bumped him stopped at a baker's stall, but before the merchant could barely even utter a word to his new customer, Noric popped out of the crowd and shoved the back of the shorter man's head, sending his face right into a wooden post. There was a sickening thump and the man gave a muffled cry before slumping forward, covering his face. The merchant watched, horrified and stunned into silence. Noric giggled wildly, beyond pleased with himself, and quickly ducked back into the crowd. Now he opted for cover, walking stooped through the milling people so that his head wasn't bobbing around above the others. He had to keep a hand over his mouth to keep from bursting into hysterics. A stray hip hit him in the nose and he swapped a few hasty apologies with the startled woman before slipping off again, shuffling quickly in a random direction.

He received a lot of strange looks for half-running, half-crouched through the crowd, but that was fine. When he broke through the other side at the mouth of a narrow alley, he burst into violent laughter. Noric had to grab the brick wall next to him and use it to support himself as he laughed until tears leaked from his eyes. He was bent double, clutching one side and wheezing for breath by the time it finally stopped. The look on the merchant's face and the sound the man made when his face knocked against the post would make him smile for weeks to come. Allinol would wish he'd have been there.
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on February 8th, 2013, 11:03 pm

Everything smelled wonderful and with all the aromas meshing together and wafting into her nose, caused the girl to imagine a huge feast that she could enjoy. With those visions came more rumbling noises from her stomach. She was so hungry and the smell of food was only making it worse. Kyra continued to look around, hoping to find a familiar face and then persuading a gentle donation from their stall. Though so far she hadn't found any but happened upon a baker's stall. She didn't recognize the man, but he had on his table and assortment of meats, smoked, roasted, and with different types of glazes and spices cooked into them. The young kelvic licked her lips, her golden eyes widen as they stared at the foods on display.

"What can I get you? These are all fresh, and the best meats I have to offer." The stall owner said as he noticed the girl standing in front of his stall. He didn't know a lot about kelvics, and while noticing the unique look, hair and clothing, he just assumed that she was a young teen.

Kyra looked to him, after viewing the meats a third time before she decided to speak. "They all look so tasty. I'd like to try one." The girl said, offering him a gentle smile.

"Well this smoked venison here is very tasty. Normally this goes for 5 mizas, but for a pretty girl like you, I'd settle for 3." The baker liked his women much older of course, but he thought the girl looked adorable in the interesting attire she wore, and where ever she came from, one thing he could see is that she was very hungry.

It was a kind offer to go down on the price, but sadly Kyra didn't even have that many mizas. "I have a friend, he has mizas..he would pay you when he gets back." She batted her eyes and smiled brightly, showing a bit too much of her feline fangs.

The baker didn't notice however, as he was more taken in by the striking color of her eyes. "I'm sorry but I can't. I have a business to run. Come back with you have coin to spend."

Kyra pouted and glanced down at the meats again, they really did look so tasty and her stomachache wasn't going away until she ate something. Just then, a burly man appeared beside her and Kyra curiously glanced up at him. He was a stalky fellow with long black hair. The baker turned away from her and looked to his new customer who likely had coin. The baker wasn't going to give her anything, and what she needed now was a distraction of sorts, some way that would take the baker's eyes away from the meat so that she could steal it.

Suddenly the burly man jerked forward and slammed into a wooden post. The attack had been quick, and while the baker was stunned and moved to help the man, or possibly see what had caused him to stumble forward, Kyra slipped the venison off the table and turned her back so that he couldn't see that she had anything as she moved back into the crowd. The meat was very tasty, and it was even more food than she had thought. The young kelvic happily stuffed her face as she moved through the crowd until she had devoured every bite.

With a full belly and nothing else to do at the moment she continued through the crowd glancing here and there at the people and different items the stalls had. She did see one thing that caught her eye. There was a woman, fairly well dressed and carrying a bag that was just as well tailored. In a way, she reminded Kyra of mother and the friends that she had who wore such outfits and carried purses. She couldn't be certain, but the woman seemed like the type who had mizas by the bundles. The young girl wandered through the crowd, keeping an eye on the woman as she quickened her pace to get next to her.

Just as she was drawing near, and could even spot the woman's coin inside the pure, she suddenly screamed and jumped about as a man raced by her in crouched position. It was ruined now, with the woman startled and the people around her as well it was impossible to snatch her purse without being seen. That man, whoever he was had just ruined her chance. Kyra frowned, and moved through the crowd as quickly as possible to keep him in sight. From the way he was moving he was obviously a crock and had probably stolen something valuable.

When he finally stopped just outside of a nearby ally, Kyra saw her chance. Using the bustle and noise from the market as her cover, the young kelvic slowly crept up behind him, taking measured steps to ensure her balance and to make as little noise as possible. Once she was close enough, she shoved him into the wall as hard as she could then reached to his belt to find his coin pouch.
Last edited by Kyra on June 16th, 2013, 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Noric Sidhe on February 22nd, 2013, 5:27 pm


He shouldn't have let his guard down after doing something like that. A stupid mistake. The intruder's footsteps were masked by the sound of the crowd and his softening laughter. The hair on the back of his neck rose at her presence, but it was too late. Noric's face smacked against the building he was shoved against, opening a nasty cut above his brow. Blood spilled down into his left eye from the shallow split, partially blinding him. His teeth pulled back into an enraged snarl, and when he felt fingers probing around his belt, he bucked his hips violently, slamming into the smaller body behind him. A woman, he gauged by the feel of her, and not very big. At least compared to him.

With a grunt, he threw back his elbow, letting it connect with whatever he could find. He had no qualms about hitting a woman, especially when she was the first to attack. Without missing a beat he dropped all of his weight backwards on top of her, throwing her off balance and sending them both to the ground. Scrambling awkwardly and quickly, Noric flipped over so that he had her pinned under his chest. It was hard to find her hands, beating wildly as they were, and while trying to blink the blood out of his eye, but he managed to grab one and pin it above their heads on the cobbles. Her wrist was almost like a child's, trapped as it was in his iron grip.

He hissed through his teeth, a sigh of his barely controlled restraint. Their noses were no more than an inch apart, and when he finally was able to get a good look at her, after wiping furiously at his eye a few times, he found himself staring into inhuman eyes. It unnerved him far more than any normal human's would, and this woman, or girl, what she may be, wasn't human. Her vertical pupils were more like a feral cat's, and her eyes were huge, the irises like gold disks. Noric clamped down hard on his surprise, putting back on the mask of cold scrutiny. "You might want to go for someone more your own size next time, sweetheart. And not someone who could break your wrist in one hand."

His breath smelled of the sweet jerky he'd been eating, the parcel which was lying a few feet away on the ground. So much for the five second rule. Or even the ten second. A loose stone that was biting into his thigh quickly pulled him back from the thought of his dropped food. Carefully, he shifted around and settled his weight back down on top of the would-be thief's body. "Lesson one: Know your target." His smile lacked any humor, far from touching his narrowed eyes. "Now tell me. What on earth possessed you to try and take something from me? Or really, what were you after? Surely not the meager coins I carry through town. Because I leave most of my money at home, darling, for occasions such as this."

"What kind of a thief would I be if I didn't guard myself from my own kind?" Noric gave a warning squeeze to the wrist caught in his hand. "But you gave me quite the nasty cut, I'll give you that. Good girl, getting the upper hand. It won't happen again, I'll be sure of that. Now if you'll apologize, we can both be on our way." He ground out that last sentence through gritted teeth, his hot breath fanning over her face.
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on February 25th, 2013, 9:52 pm


She was so close and she could even feel the material of the pouch against her finger tips. It was so there, held close to his belt and with a tug and slip she would have been a few mizas richer. But the young kelvic hadn't been fast enough, clever enough and quickly found herself in trouble. The violent bucking of the man's hips slammed into the girl's stomach and caused her to almost double over. Kyra gasped from the sharp pain and was only able to lift her arms to shield her head as he drew back with his elbow to strike her.

He moved fast, catching her off guard as she tumbled away, and before she realized what had happen he had her pinned on the ground beneath him. He was twice her size and his body felt heavy piled on top of her tiny frame making it hard for her to breathe. She cried out as she squirmed under him, soft moans and grunts slipping from her parted lips as she tried to free herself. Kyra's eyes widen as she looked up at him, desperate to catch her breath and get from under the man that held her down.

There was a sharp pain in her wrist as he held it firmly in his grip and she could feel her body being crushed under his weight. The young girl trashed around as much as she could, trying to move herself from under the man before she suffocated. She groaned softly, uttering an inaudible please, as she shook her head and body around. His breath felt hot against her skin although she paid little attention to it or the words that he said. Again she cried out, louder than before as she started to panic from the pressure he forced on her chest.

When he moved to readjust himself, Kyra did as well and pushed herself down to where one of her legs settled between his. "Unhand me!" she whimpered. She didn't listen to his lecture, nor was she interested in following his rules of how to be a thief. The young kelvic was hardly a skilled thief and wasn't use to attempting such acts alone. She had made a huge mistake in trying to steal from this man, but that was no longer in her mind, she just wanted to get away.

The man forced another moan from the girl when he squeezed her wrist, and she knew then that she had no other choice. She was in a sense, a kitty trapped in a corner, and when that happened, she had only one instinct. Suddenly she rammed her knee into his crouch as hard as she could, and then leaned forward biting down into his shoulder. With the undoubted surprise he would have along with the pain, she was able to wiggle from beneath him and finally free herself. Once she was back on her feet, Kyra backed away from the man into the alley while favoring her wrist. "You're a bad, bad man..I don't think I like you." she finished with a loud hiss and slowly moved further into the alley.
Last edited by Kyra on June 16th, 2013, 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Noric Sidhe on March 2nd, 2013, 2:01 pm


He rolled his eyes at her attempts to wiggle free, and especially the pleading. It was always the same. Someone gets caught in the act and suddenly they want to be forgiven. She wouldn't want forgiveness if she'd succeeded. She'd be halfway to who knew where with some of his money weighing down her belt. Of course, Noric understood where she was coming from. He was a thief. Personal gain was important. But one had to know who was not a good target. He wouldn't just sneak up on some Black Sun and try to pick their pockets. She obviously shouldn't come after him in the same sense. Look at how small she was, trying to break out from under his weight. It was almost pitiful.

But the next thing he knew, a small, sharp knee was connecting with his stomach. The muscles there constricted as he grunted and tried to arch away from the blow, until sharp teeth sunk into his shoulder. That hurt a lot more. He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth and yelled a foul curse, any that came out of his mouth first. And then she was gone from underneath him, worming her way from Noric's hold and up on her feet in a flash.

He followed slower, a hand on his shoulder. Was it bleeding? His fingers didn't feel sticky with blood, but it sure was smarting. His nostrils flared and his eyebrows were knitted with a deep frown, creasing his forehead. On top of everything, Noric wasn't prepared for what came tumbling out of her lips. He actually had to laugh, it was so ridiculous. His anger now was laced with genuine humor. It flickered in his eyes but he kept the smile from his face, though the corner of his frown twitched upward for a moment. "I find it very ironic that you think I'm the bad person in this situation. I was only defending myself, girly. You tried to steal from me. What did you expect. That I'd just let you bust my face on the wall and then take my money?"

As if on cue, he wiped the slow seeping blood from his eye. The flow was getting sluggish, but the cut burned. It if needed stitches Noric was going to be furious. Absently he scooped up the package of meat that had been dropped, and dusted it off, not taking his eyes from her slow retreat. She looked like a cornered animal, even if she wasn't backed up against a wall or pinned beneath him. His mind was working at high speeds, trying to come to some sort of conclusion. Was she a threat? He didn't think so. His shoulder and forehead hurt, but he doubted she could do any more damage to him now, or at least she probably wouldn't try. The sword buckled at his side would see to that, if she tried anything. But one could never knew for sure.

He rolled the package of jerky around in his fingers, switching it back and forth between his hands like a hot potato. Then as if coming to some conclusion, he underhand tossed it across the growing gap between himself and the wild eyed girl. "You look like you need it more than me."
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on March 22nd, 2013, 4:08 am

Kyra took another step back and then another, allowing her tiny form to fall into the light shadows in the alley. She kept her eyes on him, still holding her sore wrist as she moved towards the wall. The very young kelvic smiled weakly as she took in the man's words. Although she hadn't seen what he did, she knew that he had been up to something when he slipped passed her in a crouched position. Perhaps the naive child wasn't fully grasping the situation, but as far as she could tell, one good turn deserved another.

"But you are.." she said simply, wincing a bit as she tried to move her wrist around more.

"You are a bad person..I saw you there, you ran right passed me. You were fleeing...weren't you thief?" Golden embers watched him closely, taking in his features and the subtle twitches in his face. "You're surprised that someone attacked you, why? There are others, thieves and such in this city. Why wouldn't a thief steal from a thief?"

As the moments passed, she felt less pain in her wrist and even though a bruise had already formed and the pain was less and almost unnoticeable. "What did you do thief? Why were you fleeing? Unless...you're going to tell me that you did nothing wrong, in which case I suppose you'd have me arrested...but you won't."

She released her arm then, rotating her wrist a final time to make sure nothing was sprained and lowered her hand to her side. Then he did something that she hadn't expected, he tossed her the package of jerky. On instinct she opened her hands and caught the package and looked it over curiously. She had been so hungry and having the meat so close to her only made her belly growl and her mouth water. Kyra kept her eyes on the man as she started to rip into the meat and stuffing her pale cheeks with it.

It tasted even better since she was hungry and barely even chewed it fully before swallowing it and tearing into another bite. Finally she paused and finished the last bite that was in her mouth and spoke again. "I guess...I should say thank you."
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on June 16th, 2013, 8:27 pm


"Look! There! I found them!" A voice called out from close by.

Kyra spun around, a surprise look upon her face, as she saw a group of people, some of them armored racing towards them. It appeared that the people this man had stolen from had come for revenge and they thought that Kyra was with him. She couldn't be involved with this, and Marcelo had already told her to stay out of trouble and the eyes of the authorities. The young kelvic gave a quick glance towards the thief and turned away and raced off down the street.

She didn't look back to see where the man had run to, or even if he'd even escaped the mob coming for him, she just ran. Kyra turned the corner, her boots sliding from the sudden turn that she made and continued on through the alley. She figured it would be better to lay low for a while and hide out, if she wasn't able to make it back to Marcelo's place in time. But at least she wouldn't be in trouble, and if no one got a good look at her, she could still roam the city openly, though likely not in her current outfit.

Once she was just about to clear the alley, something grabbed her arm and almost snatched her right off the ground. Kyra spun around, stumbling backwards and into the arms of the man who had grabbed her. It wasn't a soldier, or the thief that she had just fought with, but another man. Someone who must had saw what went on before and wanted to help catch the thieves. On instinct the tiny kelvic struggled to free herself and put all her weight down to try and slip out of his arms.

"You're not going anywhere little thief! I got you now!" the man said boldly.

Kyra grunted softly and continued to wiggle around in his strong grip. She had to free herself, had to escape and return home where Marcelo could protect her. Suddenly Kyra leaned forward, then quickly tossed her head back to where it smashed into the face of the man behind her. He groaned a bit, but didn't release her from his clutches. She lifted up her leg and slammed her boot into his and tossed her head back again, as she tried again to break free. This time the man released his arms, and Kyra slipped away.

There was a throbbing in her head now from the blows, and even her vision seemed to blur a bit. Staggering backward,. Kyra kept her eyes on him and slowly walked backwards. The man shook off the headache that she caused, then hurried closer and grabbed her arms again. "Stop it! Leave me alone!" she cried as she lifted up and slammed both of her boots into the man's chest, forcing him to let her go. The young kelvic fell backwards and stumbled against the wall to hold herself up.

"Stop screwing around!"

The man yelled and charged her fast, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her back against the wall hard. Kyra cried out from the pain and reached up, slamming her fist into his jaw. This only anger the man and he reached back, smacking her across her face hard enough to cause her legs to go weak. Kyra slumped in his arms, and the man picked her up, trying find a grip where he could hold her up without lifting her completely. He was on the smaller sizes of men, but of course he was bigger than the teen kelvic. Suddenly she wiggled her way out of his arms and onto the ground. Kyra spun around quickly and swung her leg out to jam her boot into his crotch.


The man cursed, but quickly reached down to catch her boot before it could damage him. Kyra didn't stop her assault and quickly lifted her hips and slammed her other boot right into his face. Again, he was forced to release her, as he reached up to make sure that his nose wasn't broken. Kyra slipped away and pushed herself off the ground. She watched him closely, and the moment he attempted to move, she jerked her leg out and kicked him in his knee. The man stumbled upon shaky legs and dropped to one knee.

A smirk rose upon her lips as she lifted herself up, using his bent knee to propel herself upward towards his head. She twisted her hips a bit, bringing her another leg around as she smacked it against the side of his head. Kyra spun around as she landed rather clumsily, but still on her feet. She looked across at the man who was now laying on his back , dazed but conscious. She decided that it was better to run than finish him off and it was the smart choice.
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Fake Faces (Kyra)

Postby Verilian on August 7th, 2013, 3:13 pm


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Lores: Using Distractions to your Advantage,

Noric Sidhe

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Notes: Not a bad thread, even if it was cut short. I like that you wrapped it up with something interesting, instead of just walking away like nothing happened. Good job, and keep writing!


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