Timestamp: 14th of Winter 512 AV
Time of Day: Early morning/Late night
Time of Day: Early morning/Late night
Ayanna was walking through the Syliran streets, it was deathly quiet this early in the morning. Syna would not grace the sky's with her presence for bells yet. This was why Ayanna was about in the deserted streets, the suns golden rays burned her eyes like fire. Her rays would eventually turn Aya's skin into a bright red that burned constantly. She appreciated the sun, but she didn't like it. She always had her hood far over her face in the day, mostly to stop people from noticing she was Symenestra and to keep the sun from hurting her.
Walking at night cured that problem, and the problem of people looking at her. She found she had less of an urge to check her reflection at night, there were few people to make her feel grotesque. She found thoughts of her appearance would slip away easier, although if she saw another being it rushed to the forefront of her mind and she found herself checking eh appearance before she could even think.
But she had been out on the streets before during the last few days and now she knew where to avoid, the streets with taverns and the ilk. She was headed in the direction of the docks, she missed being on a ship. And she wanted to climb a mast again. She'd have to find a ship with no one on watch though, a sentry would get her killed for stepping on someone else's ship.
Ayanna walked towards a building and scaled the walls, tiring of walking along the streets that were a blanket of black to mere humans but well lit to her. Ayanna moved easily on all fours across the building, eventually she reached the roof where she hauled her self up to. She crossed the city from the roof tops, a graceful shadow, for awhile before she was close enough tot eh docks to descend to the ground again.
before she even reached the docks the smell of fish and salt water assaulted her. She took in a deep breath, comforted by the smell of it. Her pace quickened and soon enough she found herself in front of a simple Casinor. Aya's eyes locked on the top of the mast, a very precarious place but a great place to be none the less.
She didn't notice the harpoon that was on the ship, she was too stuck in memories of climbing the mast in the middle of the night under the light of a full moon. Looking out at the never ending expanses of the sea and just sitting there for hours.
So she climbed the side of the ship with the ease her race was known for, it was hard to be bad at climbing when one's hand and feet stuck to whatever surface you wanted them to. She padded across the deck in as silent a way as she could, she was no stealth expert but she was light and her race was known for it's grace. She made it to the mast without being stopped, for there was only one man on this ship and he was asleep.
Ayanna ascended the mast, relishing it as she did. She twined through ropes and fabric that were common on a mast. After all a mast was there to hold up a sail. But in the process of maneuvering into a comfortable position her Symenestran Lash, which had been attached to her belt, came loose and tumbled down onto the deck where a loud thumb disturbed the silence of the night. Ayanna froze, the boat was small, she would have no time to get down and off of it if the person came running out. So she did the most logical thing, she hid.
Only, she was on a mast, there wasn't exactly anywhere to hide. So she stilled her body and hoped he wouldn't look up. And if he did maybe she had suddenly gained the power to be invisible and he would see right through her. because that was definitely possible. She chided herself for such thoughts, she knew he would see her. There'd be an inevitable confrontation. But even in the midst of the fear rolling through her she felt her hand try to grab her mirror.