Completed Blowing Off Steam

[The Docks](Nai'a) Ricky is on duty and needs a distraction, in which Nai'a comes along!

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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Ricky Maze on February 4th, 2013, 9:40 am

Blowing Off Steam
Winter 23rd, 512 AV; 16th Bell of the Day

Ricky was rather flustered today, his anger management issue he had developing continued to pester its way into his mind. Turning every minor thing against his mood into a major dynomite blower. He was tired of feeling this way, hated himself indirectly for everything that happened, and irritated with some of the.locals of the town. Dressed in his Wave Guard uniform the fisherman stood watching the section of the Docks he was posted to, though there seemed to be little reason for it when he thought about it. The Docks was usually safe and docile during this time of day, compared to the damned bastards that dared to use the night for their schemes. Still he didn't complain about it as was his duty, for even in the midst of day the stupid who would attempt to pull such a petty thing like thievery would find that he was watching; and Ricky was watching all he could with sharp eyes. Who else would protect the very home he lived in? Sure enough he would do it to the best of his ability, seeing as how Zeltiva was all he had left.

Ricky watched the people as they trailed on by, and remembered how he and Odis used to do the same back in time. Of course then was just for amusement during the hot summer, now was a serious matter to uphold the law. There were several cases when he saw what would be almost pickpockets to happen, but when the hands only moved to perform another action his mind eased back into it's ever vigilant stage. War within the interior while the exterior showed discipline, a facade that he was getting used to now; why look weak when a man had a pride to protect.

There were general actions people did to make the day only more uninteresting if not irritating, people scratched their heads or pointed a direction or even- 'Sod it all! I need a petchin distraction.' Ricky thought to hinself, feeling hot even in the cold weather that haunted the Winter of Zeltiva. He needed something to keep his mind busy, another distraction to hide away the troubling concerns of his thoughts. The never ending cycle that called out for a outcome in all of its spiralling repetition, how would he find his distraction today though? Even though he was on duty he was taking everything way to serious, anymore then the result could be an action he would regret. Hopefully something would come along, for he needed a change of pace to the day.
Last edited by Ricky Maze on February 16th, 2013, 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Nai'a on February 4th, 2013, 11:04 pm


Nai’a decided to take a small stroll in the Winter air, to clear her mind and to get a little fresh air. She weaved herself through the hustle and bustle of the people, as she made her way to the docks, or at least she was trying to anyways. Her mind was filled with what ifs and how comes as she walked, thinking about Valo and what transpired between them. She was slightly irritated at the man, but could not force herself to be angry at him for some reason. He really was going to be the death of her. Nai’a sighed loudly, as she walked slowly with her hood up and head down, trying to bring no attention to her person. Although her velvet and satin dress would seem like a good target for thieves, maybe if she did not walk to confident or proud the thieves eyes would not be directed her way.

As Nai’a neared the docks she quickened her pace, needing to get up close to the water, to see the waves, possibly feel the water with her bare feet. Yes, it was freezing, but she craved the way the waves rolled over her body in Kelvic from as she swam through the salty, murky depths. As she was near the docks, she was shoved by an unknown person, feeling their hand go inside her cloak. Nai’a yelped as she went stumbling backwards, waving her arms in a flapping motion trying to regain her footing, her hood falling backwards her hair spilling out from where she had it hidden. She slightly bumped into another body, but she thankfully did not fall, just look like a pink haired fool doing an awkward dance across the street. Her face flamed at the humiliation this caused her, and she checked her pocket on the inside of her cloak. The man or large woman obviously was a thief and had taken 5gm from her person.

Nai’a looked behind her, forgetting that she had bumped into someone. The person somewhat surprised her slightly, and made her gasp, it was a Wave Guard. Her apology spilled out in a rush, rather frantic and embarrassed, ”Oh… Oh I am so sorry Sir. I did not mean.. It is just that… This rather large man… or woman… and then I went stumbling… and… I am so sorry for bumping into you.” Nai’a was slightly flustered, she had never interacted with one of the Wave Guard’s before, and the fact that her body had bumped into his made her slightly nervous. She wondered if he would arrest her for bumping into him, or yell at or, or possibly even strike her. Nai’a’s interactions with those in authority had never really been that pleasing, they usually used their power for more nefarious deeds, not really caring about the people they were supposed to protect.

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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Ricky Maze on February 6th, 2013, 9:42 am

There was a bump Ricky didn't expect that threw him off a bit, the first thing that came to mind was brought out as words. "Blisterin barnacles, what blunderin bird-brained- oh." His expression changed when he saw it was a girl. A very unusual girl at that, he never met anyone with so much pink in their hair before. Come to think of it he hadn't really met anyone with pink hair at all, not that he could recall right away anyhow.

”Oh… Oh I am so sorry Sir. I did not mean.. It is just that… This rather large man… or woman… and then I went stumbling… and… I am so sorry for bumping into you.” So. Much. Pink. The lass was actually quite pretty with it, the way her hair matched her eyes. Honestly she seemd quite an attractrive lady to Ricky, she had that sort of flare that aroused his curiosity. She fumbled her words around like she was nervous, as if she were unnerved or even possibly afraid. The first thing Ricky had to do was ease her mind, then figure out what she was trying to explain.

"Whoa lass easy now, ye aint done anythin worth gettin in trouble over. Now what did ye say about a large... man or woman?" He questioned with a loose smile, thanking Laviku sonewhere deep within. Finally a distraction, and one worth having nonetheless. 'So there really are god's then.' He humored to himself in silence. Waiting for her reply he thought about how far apart their age difference could've been, there was a estimated guess that she was in her late teens. Possibly early twenties but not likely in his book, probably because she seemed rather short compared to him.
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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Nai'a on February 6th, 2013, 10:19 pm


The man spoke, asking her about the large man or woman that she spoke of. His voice was different from what she was used to hearing. He seemed to have a slight accent to his words and Nai’a instantly frowned in intrigue at that. She inhaled a deep breath, the man seemed to be approaching this calmly, so he wasn’t going to hurt her, at least she hoped.

”There was this large man or woman that bumped into me earlier. It seemed they were a pick pocket of some sorts. I am sorry for bumping into you like that.”Nai’a’s voice still waivered slightly, but came out soft and calm. Nai’a placed some strands of her hair behind her ears; it seemed the stumbling dance she had unintentionally performed had left her hair a slight mess. Nai’a did not looking as she was sure she did now, she preferred to present herself in a well-dressed confident manner.

”Oh, I am Nai’a by the way.” Nai’a smiled warmly up at the man; he seemed to be a lot older than her, although his face still had a pleasing young look to it, so maybe she was wrong. Either way, Nai’a’s thoughts seemed to be slightly sporadic, as she tried to calm her nerves. Men of authority really made her nervous, and she began to chew on her lower lip, casting her eyes down from the man that stood before her, still a little frightened of what he may do.

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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Ricky Maze on February 6th, 2013, 10:53 pm

”There was this large man or woman that bumped into me earlier. It seemed they were a pick pocket of some sorts. I am sorry for bumping into you like that.” She explained in a bit more calmer tone, but she still had a waver he could hear in her voice. Evidently she wasn't use to talking with a city guard, or so Ricky surmised anyway. He looked around the both of them only to find enough men and women alike, all passed by with heads wrapped in their own business. ”Oh, I am Nai’a by the way.”

"Ricky, Ricky Maze." He returned his look to her smile, unable to hold back a smile of his own. Somehow her warm vibe she gave rubbed off on him, and made him unable to resist the feeling that he was slightly better. "Did ya happen to get a good look at the person's face by chance? Their hair or clothes they were wearin? Any details ye can provide'll be a good help." He asked in a humble tone and tried too sound interrogative, but given the circumstances he had to get as much information as possible. How else would he help snatch this pickpocket from the streets.
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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Nai'a on February 7th, 2013, 1:41 am


Nai’a repeated the guards name in her head, committing his name to memory. He seemed really kind and concerned about what happened to her, which made the trusting nature she possesses come out. Nai’a trusted easily, be friended other’s also as easily. Life was too short to be negative and untrusting of people all the time, especially for a Kelvic. Her body seemed to relax now; her once tense muscles seemed to go soft.

Then the guard started asking her questions about the large body that bumped into her. Honestly, Nai’a did not notice anything but the size of the person, ”I did not see anything of the person that would help. All I know is that they were rather large and hard. They obviously needed the money more than myself. Maybe they have a starving family… You never know. It isn’t that big of a deal, I just hope they really did need the money.” Nai’a noticed she was rambling slightly and blushed. She did not mean to talk the ears off of this man, she was sure he had work to do, and she was probably bothering him. Nai’a felt a little bad about that, she did not want to get him in trouble or annoy him.

”Once again, I am sorry for bumping into you, I am sure you have better things to do, so I will move along as to not bother you any further.” Nai’a rubbed her forehead briefly. Why could I have not just said bye, why did I have to keep rambling, why am I still rambling!? Nai’a sighed loudly, turning to move on her way. She just kept embarrassing herself today, whether it be stumbling like a fool or talking the ears off of a busy Wave Guard, it seemed she wasn’t doing anything right.

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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Ricky Maze on February 7th, 2013, 5:43 am

”I did not see anything of the person that would help. All I know is that they were rather large and hard. They obviously needed the money more than myself. Maybe they have a starving family… You never know. It isn’t that big of a deal, I just hope they really did need the money.” Nai'a sort of prattled on as Ricky let a slight frown be present, he really did rather catch the pickpocket and right the wrong he or she did, but the way this was going it looked like the person would get away... this time. ”Once again, I am sorry for bumping into you, I am sure you have better things to do, so I will move along as to not bother you any further.” She went to turn away as if to walk off, and Ricky couldn't help but object for some reason.

"Oi lass, ye ain't bein a bother. It's actually convenient ya came along, I was plannin on headin over to the Fish Market for a break. Ye look like ya could use a bite yerself." He invited her with a faint smile, an old humble look he hadn't had in quite a while plain on his face. He felt bad enough that he wasn't able to catch the person who took her coin, but maybe he could treat her to an afternoon meal. It was after all close to supper time, therefore it was only fair he play the gentleman's role for the lady. Plus Nai'a actually had a way of easing his tension, that alone was enough to give Ricky reason to take a break.
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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Nai'a on February 8th, 2013, 12:18 am


As Nai’a turned to leave she only managed to take a few steps away from the Guard, before he began to speak once again. The man wanted her to accompany him to the Fish Market since he was about to take a break anyways. Nai’a could not help but wonder if this Fish Market did indeed have fish, she loved fish. Fish was her absolute favorite food, she could eat fish all day long, and during the warmer seasons she usually did.

Nai’a turned at the man’s slightly exotic accent, and gave him a bright smile. ”Did you say fish?” Nai’a asked with her right brow raised up in question, ”That is very kind of you to offer Mr. Maze, I will accept your offer. Today was beginning to be a rather lonely day anyways.” Nai’a walked over to the man, wrapping her arm through his she laughed softly, ”I think it would be best if we stick close together, who would rob a woman with a guard at her arm?” Nai’a’s face was pure delight, this man was a very kind soul, and it seemed a very hard thing to find these days.

She was excited to go to this Fish Market, whether it had fish or not. She had only been in Zeltiva for a short time, so she did not know the place that well just yet. Who better to show her to this fish market then this Wave Guard, who seemed very kind indeed and thoroughly concerned for the people. Yes, she was excited about meeting a person in authority that was not cruel and cold, this day would be an interesting on, she was sure of that.

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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Ricky Maze on February 8th, 2013, 7:53 am

”Did you say fish?” Her curiosity was piqued and Ricky nodded as a reply.

”That is very kind of you to offer Mr. Maze, I will accept your offer. Today was beginning to be a rather lonely day anyways.” The way she spoke it made Ricky unable to hold back a smile, there was in fact no need to force a fake one at all with her. Her bubbly cheery attitude somehow just made Ricky feel at ease. ”I think it would be best if we stick close together, who would rob a woman with a guard at her arm?”

"In that case feel free to stick close." Ricky invited as he would hold out his arm as in a manner of an escort. What better way to provide a sense of security for the lass other than personally giving that kind of safety while walking to the market. Whether she accepted the invitation or denied Ricky would only his smile remain, and he would lead on to the fish market.

They wouldn't need to go very far to find the market. Just a little off the docks and they had arrived, the smell of fish and other sea food overwhelming their nostrils. For Ricky this smell had a nostalgic sense to it, from a time when he could lose himself in happier days. He guided Nai'a to the grill where he would order the fish he hadn't had in the longest time. The horned sandfish. "I'll take two please." He ordered as the grillmaster began to ply his trade, it took several chimes of simmering, mind boggling, good smelling grilling before their orders were done. The fish was grilled on a stick wrapped in sea weed,an excellent treat to pay for one so warm hearted as Nai'a. Ricky paid the grillmaster and took both of their sticks, then guided her to a spot they could sit, where they both could enjoy their horned sandfish.

"Here ya are lass," He held out Nai'a's for her to take, "Careful though its pipin hot."
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Blowing Off Steam

Postby Nai'a on February 9th, 2013, 5:15 am


Nai’a enjoyed the little walk with Ricky, as they made their way to the Fish Market. This Ricky Maze was indeed good company to have, very genuine and kind. The smells of the fish wafted through the breeze meeting her sensitive nose, and her stomach growled in protest, her mouthwatering slightly. The smell was absolutely delicious, and Nai’a could not wait to sink her teeth into some fish. They walked up to the grill and Ricky ordered horned sandfish, Nai’a smiled brightly, that was delicious raw, she would bet it was even better cooked. They stood their drooling over the smell of the fish cooking as the man worked his magic on the grill. When the horned sandfish was completed, it came on a stick with sea weed wrapped around it.

Nai’a did not mean for the man to buy her fish, she would have paid for it. She felt slightly bad that he paid for her lunch; she supposed she would have to pay him back one day, soon. They made their way through the fish market, and sat down to enjoy their fish.

”This is very generous of you Mr. Maze. I did not mean for you to pay for mine. Though I suppose I will just have to pay you back one day. Maybe come steal you away from your duties and take you out for lunch or dinner?” Nai’a laughed softly, as she looked at the fish, it was so enticing, ”I am used to eating fish raw, this looks so much better.” Nai’a said randomly, and sunk her teeth into the grilled horned fish.

The contrasting flavors of the sea weed and tender fish was delectable. Nai’a could not help the little moan the food had produced in her. It was not a sexually one, just a sound of a woman enjoying her food very much. ”This is delicious!” Nai’a exclaimed, taking another bite of the fish. She was a very happy kelvic dolphin, very happy indeed with her horned sandfish.

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