[Verified by Colombina] Xarl

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Xarl on February 9th, 2013, 9:04 pm



Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: Winter, 17, 494 AV
Birthplace: Syliras

Appearance: Xarl would be best described as tall and scrawny, standing at about 6'1" and weighing about 125 lbs. He is quite bitter about this fact and will generally feel insulted when someone comments on it. He has grey eyes, long and well kept black hair, and fair skin. He will often allow a slight stubble to darken his jawline.

Character Concept

Ambitious, manipulative, and calculating. Xarl can be quite charming when he desires, polite and well mannered. Be warned that this is all a facade, a very carefully crafted mask formed over many years of practice. He'll pretend to be your best friend, get close to you, and lend a sympathetic ear to your problems. Once you've outlived your usefulness to him however he won't think twice about stabbing you in the back. Xarl is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything to achieve his goals, whatever they may be at the time. It should be noted that he possesses a soft spot for beautiful women and will usually shy away from physically striking a woman, calling it "crass".

Ethics: Whichever are convient for him at the time. Will not strike a woman unless his life is mortally threatened.

Likes: Power, Intelligent Conversation, Beautiful women.

Dislikes: Weakness, Idealism, The gods in general.

Character History

Xarl was born the only child of a wealthy Syliras trader. From an early age his father cultivated young Xarl's already apparent intelligence and showed him the tricks of getting a good deal from someone and having them leave leave thinking they got the better end. The first few years of his life were relatively happy and normal, until both his father and mother were ruined and killed by a rival trader.

Alone and penniless on the streets of Syliras, Xarl turned to begging first and soon after to manipulation, using the skills of trading to cheat and con his way to his next meal. This worked out rather well for him for a time, and although he went hungry on somedays Xarl always managed to find some poor sucker to trick before things got too bad.

At the age of eight was when he finally met his match and was beaten at his own game by a powerful hypnotist, by the name of Helena. This particular hypnotist was rather impressed by Xarl's knowledge, not only of manipulation but of people in general, key traits of any hypnotist. Helena decided that it would be wasteful of such potential merely to be cheating and conning off of the streets, and opted to take young Xarl under her wing.

Once again Xarl's world changed and under the strict guidence of his mistress the doors of magic opened for him. Over the remainder of his childhood Xarl proved to be an extremely fast learner, easily mastering the basics of hypnotism and gaining a thirst not only for knowledge but for power as well. Never again did he wish to merely exist on the scraps other gave him, no he wanted everything and would do anything to gain it.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language:
Poor Language:


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Hypnotism 30 SP, 1 XP 31/100 Competent
Leadership 15 RB 15/100 Novice
Negotiation 10 SP 10/100 Novice
Rhetoric 10 SP 10/100 Novice
Observation 2 XP 2/100 Novice


Lore of Syliran Culture
Lore of Hypnotim's Overgiving Effects
Looking to move above and beyond his stations
Enjoying the wealth of his mistress
The Art of Hypnosis
Attempting the Flash technique
The feeling of Djed being drained


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: Silver Pendant that was a gift from Helena


Location: Syliras

House: Small 20X20 apartment within Stormhold Citidel.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

Thread List

Dinner at the Herald's Arm: Pending

Could Be Worse: Pending

Nearing The End (Training): Complete.
Last edited by Xarl on February 12th, 2013, 9:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Master of Manipulation
Posts: 39
Words: 18540
Joined roleplay: February 9th, 2013, 6:23 pm
Race: Human
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