The time is Spring 52, 510 AV
14:32 14 Bells 32 Chimes.
14:32 14 Bells 32 Chimes.
A shadow in the distance appears on the road, masked by wood and hidden away by a black hood and deep black robes. A strange appearance for such a bright day in the tropics. Behind the shadow, a cart pulled, it's strange form shifting in a light breeze, the tarp covering it fluttering ever so lightly. The great body of water nearby could be tasted in the air, the sun beating hard on his black robes.
Approaching two guards, the shadows hands moved, fussing with a silk rope for a bit before hanging it on the end of the cart. Slightly intimidated by the tall bulky shadow-like man, the guards prepared slightly for a conflict. Suddenly the shadows arm disappeared from the sleave, messing with something within the robes, looking as though preparing for to attack in some strange manner.
Again the guards shifted their eyes trying to capture the mans emotion through the eyes of his simple oval mask but before having a chance to defend themselves the mans hand slipped out ever so little from his robes. On a gentle giant hand stood two strange carvings depicting miniature spearmen, the tips of the spears and their eyes decorated with small crystal fragments.
One guard looked at it confused as the other took one of the figurines and after a second the first mimiced his friend taking the other, "These are kind of nice. What brings you here traveler?" asked one guard no longer on guard who carefully eyed the details of his work, the form and slight detail of his work carrying a few minor mistakes on it.
The shadowy man was quiet replying in a careful tone, "Merchant. Seeking home." Suddenly his robes shifted again, a small creature peering out from under a layer of cloth, it's large eyes watching the guards with a quirked head.
The guards took notice of this and watched the little one until it slipped back inside hiding in the mans robes once more. "Are you carrying any weapons on you or in your cart that we need to know about? Also, I would like to ask you to remove your mask for the time being."
The man was hesitant at first, slowly reaching for his mask and slipping it off revealing a plain looking man, wild unkempt hair pointing off in many directions and simple brown eyes that displayed both a kindness and fear in them at the same time. With that he lifted the end of his robe revealing a blade handle.
With the tips of his fingers he lifted the blade from it's holster, bringing it out into view for the guards and revealing it to be a fake, made of a light wooden material, it was a bit intimidating but would be lucky to actually cut something.
With that seen the guards then searched the cart, finding nothing but a large collection of furs and wood, a few tool kits and a bag of crystals. Accepting what the man had in his possesion they waved him inside, opening the gates before him so that he may enter the town.
The shadowy man returned his mask to his face, grabbing at the silk rope and began pulling the cart into the city, leaving nothing behind of his sudden appearance except the two figurines in the guards hands, having not even had to offer to them his name.