by Avis on February 11th, 2013, 10:25 pm
Avis smiled, but it made no difference, because, well, sparrows can't smile. She hoped Jesslyn could sense it.
Hopping to the edge of the table, she quickly looked back at Jesslyn before gliding out the window. As she circled around the building back to the alley to transform, she hoped the nest she left would be like a note to say, "I'll be back soon."
AVis put out her feet and landed on the crate where her pack was hidden. She hid behind a stack of the wooden crates and transformed in a circle of light. She very quickly (considering how violently she was shivering) put on clothes and slipped her backpack onto her shoulders. Avis began treading down the alley and to the outskirts of the city, where cobblestone street met dirt path, and where the houses met the forest.
She set up her tent quickly and unrolled her bed roll. Avis quickly braided her hair before curling up in a blanket and falling into a light, yet dreamless sleep.
The next morning, Avis woke up before the sun. Her head hurt, and she knew why. She had her neck and head pulled down my her arm, as if she were sleeping like a bird. Avis stretched her neck and quickly packed up camp. She slipped on an olive green pea coat and sat on a conveniently flat rock until the sun rose. Her stomach grumbled.
Avis sighed, knowing she'd have to go into ton today and buy something, even though she was trying to save her money as much as possible. Hopefully, though, she could maybe visit the girl from the other night... That would be a weird talk, though. She imagined it in her head while the sun peeked above the snowy horizon, pink like a cherry blossom.
Oh, hi, I'm the animal you met last night!
Avis wondered vaguely whether her parents ever had to go through the same thing.
Seeing the sun was now round and the color of buttercups, Avis decided most people would be up, hopefully the girl, too.
She mounted her pack on her back, tied her horse, Xeveria, to a tree farther in the forest, but not to terribly tight in case she needed to run from danger. Xeveria was fairly good at finding Avis again.
Avis began walking into the city and found the alley she had been in, and then the house right next to it. She stood awkwardly at the gate, wondering whether or not to go in.