Open Walking the Streets (Open)

Just Avis walking around, doing some stuff. Feel free to join.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Avis on February 10th, 2013, 3:17 am

Season of Winter, Day 56, 512

Avis swiftly glided down a cobblestone street by foot. The darkened windows of houses and closed doors looked almost angrily at her, like telling her she was out of place.
'Hah, I know that already...' she thought. Avis held out her candle a little further for extra light. Her sight was rather good, but there was no moon tonight, and clouds covered the stars that normally freckled the night sky.
Avis shivered as she turned on another street. She pulled up the itchy hood of her dark green wool cloak and continued walking. She didn't even know where she was going, much less why she was going anywhere. You might even say she was looking for trouble. On her back was her pack, with her tent folded and rolled up, strapped to the top. Avis flinched for a second, an orange tabby cat came running across the way. She couldn't stand cats, her sparrow form felt threatened.
She progressed until she reached the end of an alley, with some wooden crates stacked by the corners. Avis sat on one and rubbed her eyes.
Last edited by Avis on February 11th, 2013, 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Avis on February 10th, 2013, 7:47 pm

Avis glanced around the windows that peered out into the dimly lit cobblestone alley. They were all dark, or had their shutters closed. Carefully, she neatly removed her clothes, rolled them into her bag, hid the bag in a crate, and transformed.
In a flash of light, Avis was a sparrow.
She perched on the wall, much less cold than before because of her fluffed up feathers, and scoped out a place to find food. She hadn't eaten in three days... If someone could just leave a remnant of bread on their window sill, or perhaps a cooling soup...
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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on February 11th, 2013, 12:29 am


OOCDon't forget to time stamp, example would be: Winter 45,512AV

Jesslyn stumbled to her window. Sweat dripped down her face and made her clothes cling to her. Shoving it open with all her might Jesslyn almost tumbled through it. "Thank Morwen." She panted. Jesslyn stuck her head out the window and tried to breathe. Hot air pushed at her back and out the window as the hot air left.

Not getting cool enough Jesslyn left the window open and moved to her door. Using the wall to help her stay upright. Finding the handle Jesslyn's sweaty hands tried to open it. Growling out of frustration Jesslyn used her shirt to open it. Finally getting the cursed door open Jesslyn ripped it open. Almost sending her flying Jesslyn stumbled.

Finally stable Jesslyn walks out into the cold night. Sylvia had left the small fire going and the building had been locked up. So when Jesslyn came back from her trip with Sylvia's husband and traded posts with Sylvia the house was toasty. But then Jesslyn had began to paint and the heat slowly started to get to her.

Jesslyn sat down in a dry-ish area in front of her door and made random designs in the snow that laid around her porch. The night was especially silent at this time and Jesslyn was a little uneased by it. Jesslyn's blank eyes moved with her head as she tried to find a source of sound. Her fire wasn't doing it and the neighbors were especially quiet at this time.

"What time is it anyway..." Jesslyn mumbled aloud. Unknown to her it was actually early morning and everyone was asleep. Save a small sparrow.

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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Avis on February 11th, 2013, 12:43 am

Avis flew around the girl. She landed right next to her feet and cocked her head wisely to Jesslyn. Her large green eyes seemed strange for a sparrow, normally their eyes were beady and chocolate brown.
Avis hopped up onto Jesslyn's knee.
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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on February 11th, 2013, 12:51 am


The beat of wings brought Jesslyn out of her frantic searching. "Who's there?" Jesslyn's blind eye's searched for the source of the sound but couldn't find anything.

When Jesslyn felt something land on her knee she about screamed. A hand flew to her mouth and a gasp let out. Jesslyn slowly lowered her raised hand as she picked up the blurred image a small bird. "Oh, simply a bird." Jesslyn let out a slow breathe and cocked her head to the side. Her dead eye's couldn't see the bird and she had only gotten a glimpse of the bird when it had landed and Jesslyn jerked. It was small and fast.

Jesslyn sighed, "All alone too, little birdy?" She cooed and continued her shapes in the ground. Jesslyn hadn't heard of a bird who would come so near to people before. Maybe it didn't see her as a threat because she was blind.

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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Avis on February 11th, 2013, 1:14 am

Avis hopped around the ground beside Jesslyn, hoping maybe she had food. Avis had an idea. The girl looked sad, and so Avis took off, gliding over the rooftops, searching for the perfect patch or tree... There it was.
Avis glided down to an apple tree that was early budding, obviously not going to make it all winter. She took a bud that was soon to bloom in her beak and coasted back over houses to wear the girl st. She dropped the flower in Jesslyn's lap.
While Jesslyn felt the blossom, Avis gathered a few meager pieces of grass and twigs and made herself a nest in the corner o one of Jesslyn's windows, where heat flowed from.
Avis nestled herself in her small nest and enjoyed the warmth, she had no idea how long it would be until the girl realized her window was open and shut it.
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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on February 11th, 2013, 2:03 am


Jesslyn was a little sad when the bird flew away. She sat there for a time and was almost ready to go back inside when she heard the familiar fluttering and felt something land on her. Jesslyn's hand slowly crept to the item to feel something soft. Her fingers inspected it slowly as she tried to get a shape out of it.

"A flower... It's mighty soft." Jesslyn mumbled to herself. Bringing it up to her nose Jesslyn inhaled. It smelled cold, a little like apples, and had a sweetness that made Jesslyn want to hum.

The flapping came and went for a little while before Jesslyn heard it stop after the shuffling of scraping and feathers rustling. "What are you doing?" Jesslyn stood and mumbled curiously. Stumbling over to the source of the sounds Jesslyn found herself at her window. Her fingers slowly crept long the seal.

When her fingers came into contact with a small.. next as it felt, Jesslyn smiled. "I'm guessing you like the heat. I don't blame you really. It is pretty cold out here."

Jesslyn stood there for a couple seconds before making up her mind, "Soon that heat is going to run out. I'm going to move you inside." Jesslyn slowly picked up the nest and pressed her shoulder along the front of her house to get inside.

Once inside she dragged her feet, so she wouldn't trip, to the table. The house was a lot cooler than it was before and Jesslyn was no longer sweating like a pig. Setting down the nest on her messy table Jesslyn picked up her walking stick. Tapping it along the ground to see Jesslyn walked to her door and closed it. She then closed the window a little more and smiled, "Better?"

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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Avis on February 11th, 2013, 2:44 am

Avis cooed lightly. It was much warmer in here. She wouldn't even mind staying in her sparrow form if it meant she could stay here. She brightly hopped out of the nest and onto the table, looking at her own reflection in the glossy table. She had never gotten a good look at herself in animal form. She had the same eyes, and streaks of hair.
Perhaps after spending the night here, she would leave, and return as a visitor in human form... If Jesslyn would accept her. Not many did. She was a loner by blood, and wasn't meant to be around people, like most Kelvics. She liked this girl, though, she appeared to be blind, and whenever Avis looked into the depth of her violet eyes, all she saw was an endless blank canvas.
Avis wanted to help her somehow, but how....?
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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on February 11th, 2013, 4:39 am


Jesslyn smile widened when she heard the little bird coo. "See, told you it was better!" Jesslyn set her walking stuck on the floor and kicked to away. Hearing it roll away Jesslyn set back to her task.

Jesslyn pulled the canvas of the painting she had just finished towards her and smiled. There was a number of colors on it and the swirls she had made reminded her of winter. To her eye's it was just a blank canvas a little heavier than before but to her mind it was the feeling of cold wind on you face as you stand by the sea.

Jesslyn pulled her knife to her and marked the side of the canvas with her 'signature' of sorts. Setting the knife back down she cautiously set the painting down with the other one she had finished today. Jesslyn smiled and hummed to herself. Forgetting about the bird until she was back at the table and starting the grab around for her supplies to put away.

Jesslyn pulled her hand back quickly, "Oh I'm sorry!" Jesslyn blushed a little and turned her head. Her hands clasped in front of her she glanced at the bird and back.

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Walking the Streets (Open)

Postby Avis on February 11th, 2013, 10:25 pm

Avis smiled, but it made no difference, because, well, sparrows can't smile. She hoped Jesslyn could sense it.
Hopping to the edge of the table, she quickly looked back at Jesslyn before gliding out the window. As she circled around the building back to the alley to transform, she hoped the nest she left would be like a note to say, "I'll be back soon."
AVis put out her feet and landed on the crate where her pack was hidden. She hid behind a stack of the wooden crates and transformed in a circle of light. She very quickly (considering how violently she was shivering) put on clothes and slipped her backpack onto her shoulders. Avis began treading down the alley and to the outskirts of the city, where cobblestone street met dirt path, and where the houses met the forest.
She set up her tent quickly and unrolled her bed roll. Avis quickly braided her hair before curling up in a blanket and falling into a light, yet dreamless sleep.
The next morning, Avis woke up before the sun. Her head hurt, and she knew why. She had her neck and head pulled down my her arm, as if she were sleeping like a bird. Avis stretched her neck and quickly packed up camp. She slipped on an olive green pea coat and sat on a conveniently flat rock until the sun rose. Her stomach grumbled.
Avis sighed, knowing she'd have to go into ton today and buy something, even though she was trying to save her money as much as possible. Hopefully, though, she could maybe visit the girl from the other night... That would be a weird talk, though. She imagined it in her head while the sun peeked above the snowy horizon, pink like a cherry blossom.
Oh, hi, I'm the animal you met last night!
Avis wondered vaguely whether her parents ever had to go through the same thing.
Seeing the sun was now round and the color of buttercups, Avis decided most people would be up, hopefully the girl, too.
She mounted her pack on her back, tied her horse, Xeveria, to a tree farther in the forest, but not to terribly tight in case she needed to run from danger. Xeveria was fairly good at finding Avis again.
Avis began walking into the city and found the alley she had been in, and then the house right next to it. She stood awkwardly at the gate, wondering whether or not to go in.
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