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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Jack on June 5th, 2010, 6:21 pm


Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 493, Spring 10th, 17
Gender: Male

Physical Description

Stands just around 5'8 which is normal for a teenage human male. His slim build shows more from lack of eating then anything yet his light blue eyes shine out along his black hair. His pale-ish skin looks to be more of the sick looking end of things yet he blames that on the lack of sun and food.

Character History
Pre Creation

Jack has lived a life of hardship since day one. When he was born he was not born into a high status family nor even a middle class but of the lowest class one could think of.

His father, who he has no idea of left when he was just a baby after his mother, Sally, gave birth due to his lack of wanting a kid and to be with a woman who had a kid.

Sally looked after Jack the best she could even if that meant selling her flesh on the streets to get food on the table.

At the age of ten Jack started to fend for himself in terms of money and good by stealing yet even then that was not easy for the young child. The first time he did it he was caught trying to steal a small apple from a shop within Sunberth where they were living at the time. He did not face jail time but the owner who found out did beat him until he could not move again for awhile at least.

The second time he learned to take more care with the goals and take it one step at a time without rushing in for the best way to learn was to get broken bones at a young age.

When he was 12 his mother gave him a small gift. She had saved enough gold for him to take a lesson in Locksmith due to her goal was to get him to learn a life and trade so he would have a better life then she did at the time. However he only went a few days before stopping due to the man who was teaching him wanted to get in his mothers pants more then to really teach him but he did learn the bare basic's of locksmithing and how locks did work. He would have to undertake more be it a teacher or on his own to fine tune the art of locksmithing.

At the age of 13 he started to learn how to walk with more care at night, learn to walk when other sounds were around and look how to bend his body to get where he had to go. While he is still learning Stealth and Acrobatics he finds them a good use in his time when he is not trying to find dinner.

After a event when he was 15 he learned to fight for himself when it came to unarmed fighting. He was trying to steal from a house yet the owner was already awake yet he was not going to let himself get beaten that much like he did when he was ten. It might have been just a few punches and kicks but he did manage to get away without breaking any of his bones.

Around the same time he understood he had to use more Investigation skills and line of thought before walking into a dark place and as he did learn this and learned that it did help him with his thief life due to people did not leave out items of value in plain sight. Even the most boring looking vase might hold a key.

At the age of sixteen he had faced another sad part of his life. His mother, Sally who raised him since he was a child good or ill died that year. He never knew what took place yet he did know she was trying to get more money and work the streets in Sunberth but when he went home he found her dead on the floor.

It was then and there he knew he had to leave the lawless town and he did. He sold the small run down home for 500 Miza and took all his life time savings of 60 gold coins along with his items.

The travel was not easy but he made his way towards Zeltiva, a city that was more of a port city with scholarly knowledge then anything yet he was able to find a cheap home within the city walls for just around 500 coins....

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Skill XP Learned at Total
Larceny 20 Starting Package 20
Locksmithing 10 Race skill 10
Unarmed Combat 10 Starting Package 10
Stealth 10 Starting Package 10
Acrobatics 5 Race skill 5
Investigation 10 Starting pacekage 5


Lore Learned at How it impacts Jack (Within his words)
Spotting a mark Starting package Due to my time on the streets and learning to fend for myself I have learned the art of Larceny and with that I am learning with more ease to spot "Marks" or what normal people would call victims. Really I don't see it as hurting them as they have so much already.
Human Anatomy Starting package Even with just a few fights one should learn the Anatomy of what they fight the most. With the use of Human Anatomy in his mind he is able to figure more of a plan in a fight yet even knowing just how the body is never really does give him that much of a upper hand if any at all.

Equipment and Possessions
A 20x20 house within ZeltivaFor the average person living in Mizahar, this is the most common form of structure. Although the overall design varies depending on the location and race, this simple, one-room cottage includes a straw mattress bed, simple firepit, a chest of drawers, small table and a couple of simple wooden chairs.

Thieves ToolsThe kit includes one or more skeleton keys, long metal picks and pries, a long-nosed clamp, a small hand saw and a small wedge and hammer.

Two acid vialsAcid can quickly eat through rope, soften up metal, ruin a lock or serve as an impromptu weapon.

Starting amount Area gained or spent Total
60 GM Thief tools, two acid vials in starting package 60 GM

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Summer 1 510 av

Posts: 5
Words: 4174
Joined roleplay: June 5th, 2010, 5:18 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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