Closed Seeing Things [Whimsy]

The Depths of Duality || Ahria accidentally disturbs the tranquil pool.

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Seeing Things [Whimsy]

Postby Ahria on February 2nd, 2013, 4:12 pm

Seeing Things
The Depths of Duality
62nd of Winter, 512

Ahria still felt like a stranger in the city. There was so much her Kelvic mind could not yet understand, and Lhavit had a lot of things yet to teach her. The skyglass structures fascinated her. She had never seen buildings so beautiful in all her life. They glowed with their own light and changed with the time of day. The girl would often find herself sitting and staring at them for bells on end.

She had yet to explore outside of the city, a fact that she wished to change. Ahria was more suited to the wild. At least, it was something she understood better than city living. She had found a trail from the Aramanthine Gate. It looked like a nice, gentle walk so she had taken it with her human legs. As usual, the girl walk with bare feet, the ends of her trousers trailng on the ground.

The path wound its way slowly upwards and around the mountains, a myriad of bright flora lining its sides. Many of the plants were ones unfamilliar to the young Kelvic. Her book listed ones found at the base of the mountain. She didn’t realise a simple change in height would have such a drastic effect on what she could find.

Soon, Ahria came across a small meadow containing a pool. She stopped as it entered her view, admiring the beauty of the area. Colourful trees bowed their branches, dipping their leaves into the crystalline waters below. The water istself was beautiful too, seeming to glow like the buildings of the city. The girl smiled and decided to settle herself near the waters edge.

Time passed while she simply sat, looked and thought. Thinking was something Ahria had taken to doing while in the city, though she was often sure she was doing something wrong - she could never stick to one subject to ponder over. As she sat, her foot slipped, bare toes dipping into the water. It was cold, and she pulled back quickly, instead leaning over to watch ripples race across the surface of the othewise still pool.
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Seeing Things [Whimsy]

Postby Whimsy on February 12th, 2013, 2:09 am


The ripples danced across the surface of the pool like ballerinas, enticing their audience with their gentle movements, their endless grace. Ahria would look across the disturbed water, such a rare event in this quiet grove. The air was quiet on this cold winter night. There was barely the rustle of leaves, not a single chirping from the nocturnal birds that flittered around the Peaks endlessly. It was just Ahria, the quiet, and the ripples in the pool.

Time passed, as it always does. But in the cold of the night, a strange slumber overtook the little Kelvic ocelot. It was a strange tiredness, heavy, insistent. The girl's eyes would droop closed, despite never having felt a twinge of tiredness by the pool previously. The rhythmic ripples seemed to lull Ahria like a hypnotist's watch. Her breathing was loud in the silence. Ahria might fight the slumber, she might struggle to stand and move around, but no matter what she did, sleep would overtake her, as certain as the dawn would come.

The Kelvic fell into a deep sleep.

Only nightmares have no respect for the dark.

While her body slept, her mind was frozen in a paralytic wonder. Her eyes closed, Ahria was transported into something like a dream: only everything was vivid, vibrant, and real. She could feel the wind on her hands, feel the ground beneath her feet. Dream-Ahria sat in a glen. It was small, a simple gap in the dense forest, an anonymous forest, not one that would ever be recognised. It was daylight. And opposite the Kelvic sat a face she would never forget.

Little Maria, clutching a small, young, breathing ocelot in her child's hands.

OOCHello! Welcome to the Depths of Duality. You can write Ahria falling asleep. She can do whatever you like to try and stave off the slumber but nothing will work. Once in the dream land, you can interact with the area, the people, the environment in whatever way you choose. You cannot, however, write the outcomes of your investigation (that is what I'm here for), and you can not control the happenstances in any way. You can merely observe. Happy writing!

"Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away."
Louis de Bernières

[ Floating AS of Kalea ]
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