[Verified by Verilian] Acarnatia

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Acarnatia on December 4th, 2012, 6:53 pm

Name: Acarnatia , going by false name Trychu Gwirionedd

Pronunciation- T-rih-ch (the gutteral form of the sound used in northern European languages, like the Scottish word loch) -ih G-weer-un-ed

Physical Description-Slightly small, light, thin build. 5 '5' tall. He has caucasian features with hair ranging from dark brown to gold halfway down his neck with long bangs and light brown eyes with barely green-tinted bottoms. His build is rather feminine and is sometimes mistaken for a woman.

Age- 20

Date of Birth- 18th of Fall, 492

Gender- Male

He generally wears bright or vivid colored shirts and tunics with dark, drab colored pants. His most often-worn outfit is a sleeveless red tunic, a dark grey jacket, black pants and simple boots, fingerless leather gloves and a bright red silk scarf.

Character Concept-

Personality - Trychu is a kind young man, most commonly described as 'sweet'. He generally warm and aims to be responsible. He is innocent and far from street-wise and is working on improving his work ethic just to an average level as he has often not completed tasks he has started.
Trychu is especially empathic, sometimes to his own detriment; he instinctively notices the tiniest nuances in others and notices the slightest subtleties as though they were plain as day. This only falls short in a sensual setting; amorous women can dance circles around this inexperienced youth.

Ethics - He is strict on himself in the area of ethics. He considers how he treats other to be very important and is generally kind. He does not approve of most authorities, though, and takes particular issue with police forces.

Likes - swords, history, color (especially red), stories, mythology, truth, undead, will-o-the-wisps, light, glass, sweet foods

Dislikes - poison, bitter foods, lies, repetition, hierarchy, mud, slime, oil, anything that sticks to his hands

Character History- Acarnatia was born and raised in his early years in Lhavit where he studied as a wizard for several years. He grew disinterested and eventually quit prematurely, leaving with an incomplete training in any magic discipline.
He has left his home town of Lhavit and is now wandering, looking for something he is willing to devote his life to.

Pre-Creation -

Post Creation -

Training & Skill Points-

Starting Package- 26 (11 +15 Human Bonus) Bastard Sword, 5 Climbing, 5 Writing, 9 Flux, 5 Reimancy, 10 Voiding, 5 Glyphing

His magical training is rather general and incomplete for a mage. He studied Flux, Reimancy and Glyphing magic and his Lores while schooling in Lhavit. He picked up Voiding and shielding along his travels since leaving home, Voiding as a means of storage and Shielding for defense and shelter.
His skill at a blade comes mainly from play, practice and natural talent; he has no actual training as a soldier, only as an interested civilian.
His skills at climbing and writing are mainly self-taught from his everyday life, (though writing was used in his schooling as well) and are mostly just above average.
He has a deep interest in freerunning (Acrobatics) and Familiars.

Lores: History of weapons, Story archetypes

Earned Skill/Points-


Weapons- steel bastard sword, scabbard

Clothing/Armor- cotton tunic, cotton pants, cotton jacket, cotton hood, leather belt, low boots, linen undergarments, leather gloves, silk scarf, cotton cloak

Jewelry- silver ring

Family Heirloom- none


Backpack- toiletries, (comb, brush, razor, soap) food 1 week, eating knife, flint & steel, small steel mirror, ocarina (9 sm value)

Mount- 1 large tent (4 person), 100 ft. rope, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle and hooks, Zavian riding/driving horse, full set of tack, large set of saddlebags


Starting Package+100gm100
Bastard Sword-35gm65
Ctn Hood-5sm60.5
Ctn Tunic-5sm60
Ctn Jacket-6sm59.4
Ctn Pants-1sm59.3
Ctn Cloak-3sm59
L Belt-2sm58.8
L Gloves-5sm58.3
Low Boots-3sm58
Linen Undergarments-5sm57.5
Silk Scarf-3gm54.5
Silver Ring-3gm50.6
Tarot Read-5sm50.1
Winter 512, Poor-45gm5.1
Total 5.1
Last edited by Acarnatia on March 5th, 2013, 7:31 pm, edited 15 times in total.
The Crimson Trueblade
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Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2012, 4:01 am
Location: North Carolina
Race: Human, Mixed
Character sheet

Acarnatia - Trychu Gwirionedd

Postby Acarnatia on February 12th, 2013, 4:42 pm

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The Crimson Trueblade
Posts: 28
Words: 8473
Joined roleplay: December 4th, 2012, 4:01 am
Location: North Carolina
Race: Human, Mixed
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