[Verified by Colombina] Soren FrostFawn

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Soren FrostFawn

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 11th, 2013, 1:33 am

Soren Frostfawn

Physical Details & Appearance

Race: Vantha
Gender: male
Age: 21
Birthday: 30, Winter, 491.
Birthplace: Avanthal


Soren has long black hair with blue streaks in it. He has an athletic build to his body and he has almond colored skin. His eyes change with his mood though they usually are very warm and inviting when hes not either very serious or extremely focused and they become sharp and piercing. He has a snow flake shaped mark on the left side of his neck.

gold: happiness
ruby: excited/ anxious
dark blue: sorrow
teal: love
violet: anger
green: worried/afraid
multicolored: at peace
deep purple: curious

(only with long hair)

Character Concept

Soren is an adventurous soul who is always looking to challenge himself wither it be with his skills as an archer or his skills in his more creative endeavors. He is often quick to act without thinking which leads to him getting himself into situations that are over his head more often than not. He is quick to make friends wherever he goes and can be somewhat persuasive. Soren has a very free spirit which is only matched by his creative flair and his skill with the bow.

Interests and likes: animals, adventure, the stars and sky, mythology, story telling, the chill and freezing cold.

Dislikes: Humid or hot climates, mages and destructive magic, rudeness, and listlessness in people and things.

Goals: to explore and see whats out there and discover interesting things.

long term: to become a great archer and storyteller.

Character History
He was always restless, from birth to now. He learned archery from his grandfather until he passed and he received his opal archery ring which was etched with an oak leaf for every competition his grandfather won and a star for every large animal he took down. The ring was given to him on his sixteenth birthday. He has always had a flair for storytelling and can weave a tale pretty well. At 21 he has still not taken a bride despite his parents cries of protest. Soren has always been glad to help his hold but lately his restless spirit has drawn him to gaze out of the city limits.
Last edited by Soren Frostfawn on February 13th, 2013, 12:42 pm, edited 13 times in total.

Soren Frostfawn
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Soren Frostfawn
Posts: 66
Words: 36617
Joined roleplay: February 11th, 2013, 12:02 am
Race: Human, Vantha
Character sheet
Storyteller secrets

Soren FrostFawn

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 12th, 2013, 10:17 pm


Fluent Language: Vani
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: jamouran


|SKILL|EXP | Total | Proficiency |
|Riding |10 SP |10 | Novice |
|Hunting |10 SP | 10 | Novice |
|Wilderness Survival |10 SP |10 |Novice |
|Shortbow |10 SP 3XP |13 |Novice |
|Persuasion |10 SP |10 |Novice |
|Observation | 4XP, 5XP | 9 | Novice|
|Rhetoric | 1 XP | 1 | Novice|
|Acting| 1 XP | 1 | Novice |
|Seduction| 2 XP | 2 | Novice |
|Socialization | 4 XP | 4 | Novice |
|Storytelling |10 RB |10 |Novice |

Icereaving gnosis rank 1

Winter of 512 :
Lore of Vantha: Culture
Lore of Religion: Morwen
Miria's Archery Skills
Challenging A Competent Archer to A Bet
Concentrating To Get A Good Shot
Miria: Flirty And Kind
Jesslyn 'Sees' with Vibrations
Deducing an Artist's Profession through Their Hands
Djed Can Destroy As Much As Create
Breaking into Restricted Areas to Admire Sculptures
Looking at Artworks from Another Perspective

1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots

1 Shortbow
100 shortbow arrows
1 quiver

1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
1 training post (simple)
1 archery glove
1 archer's arm gaurd


Current Money
0 Gold Mizas

Treasured Items
Grandfathers opal ring


His grandfathers opal ring which is etched with five oak leaves, one for each of the archery contests he won and seven stars, one for each big animal he took down. It was given to Soren on his sixteenth birthday, a year before his Grandfather passed.


Location: Avanthal

Soren currently lodges in the Frostfawn hold.

ledger :

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Shortbow 30 GM 70GM
20 Arrows (shortbow) x 5 5 GM 65 GM]
traning post (simple) 5 GM 60 GM
quiver 20 GM 40 GM
archery glove 1 GM 39 GM
archer's arm guard 1 GM 38 GM
Living expenses for winter 512AV 38 GM 0GM

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Soren Frostfawn
User avatar
Soren Frostfawn
Posts: 66
Words: 36617
Joined roleplay: February 11th, 2013, 12:02 am
Race: Human, Vantha
Character sheet
Storyteller secrets

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