by Miro on February 8th, 2013, 6:23 am
Miro had recently broken many barriers with his Familiar, Ender. The main struggle in their lives was the risk magic brought. While Miro only saw the protection and benefits it would produce, Ender saw the cost, and most of all the risk of death. When not in conflict, over the seasons they slowly learned to tolerate interacting with one another and even to work together. The importance of boundaries and space was also established, tempering the relationship.
Circumstances had caused each side to level a bit, after damaging their relationship at times. Through the actions of Rayage, the wizard learned the importance of caution, the risk that even the most carefully prepared magic brought. But more than that, he learned that his Familiar came first. His partner would never trust Rayage again, which was something he had to accept.
Ender however came to realize the importance of magic in their life. If he was to work to control it, he would need to understand it. For now, this would mean diving deeper into understanding Reimancy and Flux, two disciplines his master specialized in. In Ender's mind he only hoped to understand the risk Miro took every time he manipulated his body's energy. While Miro would get spasms in his right arm from stressing his arm, Ender experienced symptoms in a much different way.
The Familiar would lose an area of sight on his right side, unable to observe anything from time to time. Without guidance, Miro could easily damage them again. If the kid needed anything, it was a magical conscience, and that was something Ender could provide. The goal was to identify the risks of casting magic and develop a solution or halt the wizard before a mistake was made.
Today was one of the days where Miro had decided to teach his Familiar in depth. It was Reimancy on this day, his specialization. This would consist of how to produce Res and to efficiently cast it. As with every new student of magic, he needed to know the basics of Djed. Luckily his observant partner was able to pick up the basics on his own, readying him for a lesson.
Miro held his hand out with his palms turned upwards. The gem released itself to take its natural form and hover above his palm. "Okay Ender, observe me. I'll explain the first step, everything I go through and feel, and you watch it happen." Ender hovered further up into the air, the various faint lights reflected off of his surface in white bands.
"Our Djed becomes Res, and then Res becomes elements. Res is expensive, but we can handle some casting. I already get this one, so it's best we just focus on the elements themselves." The wizard just smirked and took a stance, his feet shoulder width apart and hands facing each other before his chest. "No Ender, you need to understand for when you learn to cast for yourself."
Miro would normally allow Ender to protest, but they were well beyond that for now. "It will come in time, but for now just learn what I have to teach. The first thing I will do is flow the Djed through my body and to my hands, or wherever I wish to cast from. I can cast from my entire body, but it is quickly tiring and takes effort. When you experience the initiation, you find a new instinct. The instinct to manipulate Djed, but it takes discipline and practice to control it."
The wizard concentrated his Djed in his hands and effortlessly willed it to flow through his skin as a blue liquid Res. The two streams met before his hands in an orb that grew slowly and began to take form. The Elements Sanctum had plenty of targets, but they required a Reimancer to replace them. Roknus had been on about something, but Miro had his own things to do. For this target he would flow his Res to take the shape of a man.
He took his time to balance it and create a proper form, yet it only took a couple chimes. When the final touches were put into place he transmuted it to stone. Miro walked back away from it, signaling Ender to float back away. "Now, that is my target. Just your average guy, maybe he knows magic, maybe not. Either way, the result is always the same. I simply cast Res, aim and transmute it, then they die."
Miro took a deep breath in and began to concentrate on casting. With his exhale he pushed out a blue mist that continued to pour out for nearly half a chime. The wizard smirked and raised his hand up, his Res following behind. "There are so many ways to kill a person with Reimancy. The key is to use only the Djed you need. Just watch"
It took him only a few moments to size up his attack, the various methods he would use to kill his target. Just a simple decision of element and the method of delivery was instantly brought to mind. For this demonstration, he would coordinate ice, rock, lightning and lava to strike together. His mind divided the Res above his head into four different sections of various sizes.
Miro swept his arm downward and commanded his Res forth. The Primary gust of mist shot forward and condensed into the shape of a small spike and quickly crystalized into ice. The mage concentrated hard on the last moments of his control, aiming it for the throat. Next a cloud twisted into a long spiked shaft hardened into rock directed at its gut.
The ice struck the target and shattered, much in a similar manner as the spear, but it was to be expected. A large body of rock could easily withstand a minor strike. The next two however would be a bit more devastating, and more than that, they required care. Heat always bothered the Ice Reaver so much.
First it was three rods similar to the spears. They were quickly aimed and transmuted to lightning that cracked against the surface in the blink of an eye. The debris shooting away was attracted to a still by his remaining Res, while one of the dummy's arms fell to the ground and shattered. Miro followed up with the remaining amount in the form of a large mass that formed into a liquid blanket. It was flung across the dummy and transmuted to a bubbling coating of lava that slowly ran down its form.
"And as you can see, four elements, four kills. Knowing how to use each element is key in fighting. The elements that go into their creation have personalities that effect their customization. If you want offense, use fire, just be sure to create the right variant for the damage you want. You can see better than I the effects." Miro turned away and sighed, nodding to himself in acknowledgment. Ender watched every last instance, in as much awe as horror. By now he was happy to see Miro's skill in Reimancy. It had saved them more than a few times, and his control was quite masterful.
"I see, very impressive Miro. Your aim is superb, and you are skilled enough to negate elemental friendly fire when you have Res on hand. But of course I know all of this now, and understand it too. But I don't have your Reimancy instinct, so this is as good as it gets. I know all I need to on this for now, but not the Flux, so teach me of that. That spasm in your arm, it is a result of a mistake. I watched it happen while you were angry, banishing me from your arm. That is the discipline that requires the true balance and effort in your mind, now isn't it? Your emotions have no place when using that magic. Control and balance are far too important. In anger I have seen you injure us by striking things, just to let out some frustration. When you slip up using the Flux, the results are much more vicious however."
The arrogant look on the boy's face faded and was replaced by disappointment. "Yeah, well, you are right. I will temper my discipline and manage my emotions. I need to train hard, for we can not have any more mistakes." The reminder of that day, and more than that, the disease given to him. To not take advantage of it was a waste, especially after all it had caused them. He could always use a bit of recycled Djed.
Miro closed his eyes and tuned himself to the environment around him. The room was constantly filled with a strong magical scent, the feeling of magic around you at all times, and the evidence screaming at your eyes. So heavy and thick, enough to give him a boost. He took a deep breath though his nose and released it from his mouth. Then another, slowly relaxing himself and opening his body to draw Djed in from all around him.
The wizard sat there for a moment, pulling hard on this instinct so opposite Reimancy to lure in the Djed so carelessly thrown away. Though much of it came directly from him, it felt unnatural entering him. This impure Djed began to build within his body, and after a chime passed, his Familiar took notice. "No, stop this already. That magic, no, that curse, it is what brought us here in the first place. Please, teach me the Flux, not practice what THAT man taught you."
Miro raised his head, but he was cut off from speaking by the arrival of a visitor. Without hesitation Roknus started in taking advantage of him. It was as if he was ready to see him burn from the start, but this man was completely caught off guard. It was as if some fool had wandered in without any purpose at all. But after a few moments of stammering, his intentions became clear, though this did not deter Roknus any.
The wizard kept drawing Djed in, but turned his attention to Master Malestrom. "Hey now, give the kid a chance here. He is obviously not a Reimancer, or even any type of offensive magic. Just look at him, trembling like he can't defend himself." The Reimancer laughed to the Nuit master and advanced towards him. "Leave him to me, I am calling claims on him. If he needs help, you are best not to be bothered."
Miro walked up to the man with a large smile, revealing his long Symenestran fangs. His Vantha eyes were dyed deep blue, interested already in this curious intrusion. Master Malestrom hesitated watching the Mixed Blood advance on the man, obviously considering whether to test on two targets, but scoffed and turned back to what he was doing. The lack of quality apprentices weighed heavy on his decision.
This Pulser, he was slightly out of place in Sahova. Though, in actuality, he might pass for a Nuit if given time and maturity. It seemed he had not accomplished anything in his life, or else he might show a bit of worth in his step. Instead he came off weak, his scrawny appearance doing him no favors. "Well, what have we now? A Pulser, and you are requesting the assistance of Reimancers for, what was it, Magecrafting?" The wizard smirked and moved closer to the man, as if he were checking him over, but then moved past him towards he exit.
"Walk with me a bit, explain to me what it is you need," Miro spoke, easing a bit of arrogance into his words. "I think we can arrange something that will suit both of us." Miro focused hard now on the charisma he was putting out. The way he forced himself into the situation, how he took charge, it empowered him. The Reimancer held the door opened and waited for his new friend to come along, to introduce himself and take his bait. But he would not just let things go so easily.
Miro began to build emotion and Djed in his throat and behind his eyes. He would focus on his stare, push a feeling of trust into the man. The closer he would come the more he would feel this feeling of safety and security being put off from the young wizard, even if he did no acknowledge it. When he came near to the door, Miro would release the stored Djed in his throat. He would offer out a suggestion to the man, something to bring this man around to his side.
So hard he focused on the words, the will to make them stick in his mind, to accept them as the truth. "Help me to help you. After all, you do owe me one for saving you back there!" The statement was quickly followed by a laugh, the two wizards walking out into the hallway side by side. The effects of channeling Djed through his throat and eyes strained him a little, making his slightly hoarse and dizzy. His walk began to haze off towards the wall slightly.
All manipulation aside, Miro was eager to meet this person and see what he had in mind. Magecrafting was a bit of an enigma, something heard of in great reverence but never witnessed in person. Surely deeper than his appearance there was something great about this man. With a scratchy throat, the boy continued. "I am Miro, a Reimancer, as you seek. Explain to me what you need and I will see to it that you get the assistance needed. I am quite capable after all. There is something about you I like. Let's see where Lhex takes us today, shall we?"