Flashback Chilling Jelousy (Scorn)

Winter 20th, 503AV ; Scorn and her sister bother the half breed.

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

Chilling Jelousy (Scorn)

Postby Bloodfight on February 5th, 2013, 2:02 am

Raw meat, the aroma hit Bloodfights gut like a sledgehammer to the skull, he curled up once more when the two had fled to feed and in turn gave him enough time to crawl into that niche he thought he found only to be dissapointed his eyes had failed him when he panicked for safety. The niche wasn't what he expected it to be, it had many openings, many weaknesses, it would be no match for the little demons to crawl into easily enough and mutilate him if they so desired.

The boy licked at his wounds with his tounge, hissing at the pain, he held on and tried to stop the bleeding that which flowed from his legs, his arms, partially his back, some of his head, and where ever else he could reach with his tounge. His body burned like nothing else he could have imagined, and he was scared, he wanted his father, or his mother.. Either or would suffice for now within the frightened boys psyche.

There was a call from his master, animalistic, but not one of danger and so he crawled out of his hiding place to find the arms of his mother. A trembling mass of blood and fur as she tended to what wounds she could, he however missed the feeding, and was left with bones to gnaw on if he desired to go that far. Eventually he was put back with the other slaves like a pet to its pen, allowed to interact with his less than eqauls.

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I'm just an innocent half-zith...
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Chilling Jelousy (Scorn)

Postby Limey on February 15th, 2013, 5:12 am


Skill and Lore Rewards
Skills Lore
Brawling 2 Safety In The Earth
Running 1 Bad and Bloody Memories
Observation 2 Don't Let Your Guard Down
When In Doubt, Flee
Playing Possum
Mother To The Rescue
Darkness And Despair


Skill and Lore Rewards
Skills Lore
Observation 1 The Riddle of Tears
Brawling 2 Sociopathic Logic of Children
Tactics 1 Attack From Above
Stealth 1 Always Play With Your Food
No Fun If It Doesn't Fight Back

Additional Notes :
A shame this kind of cut off into nowhere, but it was still a brutally atmospheric thread. Shorn, I thought you got into the completely psychopathic Zith mindset very well. Bloodfight... very impressive, the way you described the boy's pain and loneliness so vividly. The point you made about being around humans too long is valid, but you still have plenty more time to evolve him into someone who embraces his more Zith-like aggressiveness. So, short but sweet... for the given valuve of "sweet" regarding the Zith, anyway... ;)

Any questions or queries, please PM me.
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