[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on February 4th, 2013, 7:34 pm

Hello everyone! I am just a bit bogged down with some course work coming up so replies will no come for a day or two while I get some studying in. also was given extra days at work (yay!) so time is a bit strained. Expect plenty of posts after tomorrow though :D

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on February 13th, 2013, 8:48 am

Valentine's Day


It is that time of year again, and believe it or not this particular holiday holds a very very special place in my heart. It is a time where truth can come to light, and you can be completely and utterly honest with the person you love, or want to love. I have been feeling the cupid arrow for a few days now, so I thought I would just post a quick scrap about this holiday and just what it means to me.

Ill be honest and say I have no idea what the background behind this holiday is, and really I do not think it matters overly much for me because of how I view it now. To me Valentines day is one of those special days of the year when all shackles can fall off. It is when men can put aside whatever pride or manliness they have and walk around with roses and shades of pink without fear. More than anything though, Valentines day I feel is a day for the women. Sorry guys, but you already knew this was true :P. This one time of year is what many women look forward to, some more than christmas even. Now I think that some guys do not quite understand this, and I have seen for myself men who are baffled and confused as to why their girlfriend, or even wife, gets huffy and upset when they forget about this particular holiday. Let me now take you all on a journey into what Valentine's Day REALLY means to that very special someone you love.

You are probably wondering just why this holiday, smack dab in the middle of February, in the middle of a school semester, and a holiday that does not even get out out of class or work could possibly be compared to Christmas. Well I will put it very simply. For your wonderful special someone, this holiday is the day just for them. It is a day that they can feel special. Yes they feel special on Christmas if you spend it with them, give them gifts and what not, but during christmas it is not just THEY who are special to you. You are thinking of your family, your friends, and of course her as well. Valentine's Day, however, is a holiday which is experienced only between the two of you. It is that one, singular day of the year where your mind, thoughts and efforts are entirely devoted to her and her alone. In essence Valentines Day is the day where you can make her feel like the most important and special person in the world, and you know what she looks forward to that. She looks forward to that closeness, that day when she can feel like only person who you are looking at. That day when all of your thoughts are only on her.

Take a moment and think on this. There is one single day of the year in which you can feel special, wanted and loved completely and wholly by a person. On this one day all of their thoughts and efforts should be on you, should be about you, should be with you, and when that day comes all you get is a card and an IOU while your partner goes off to be with his friends for some reason or another. This little example is from an experience in my own life, and I can tell you that things did not end well. On this day when everything should have been all about you, a day for that special someone to show you just how much he cared for you, and he chose to think about someone or something else instead. Of course many women would get upset over this. Wouldn't you? It screams that you do not care, do not have time to spend even a singular day out of an entire year making them feel like the beautiful and wonderful people they are. It is crushing, heart breaking, and for many it makes them feel so very very lonely. For just one day out of the year they could not be the center of their loved ones attention, could not capture his whole heart and mind and soul just for one day. Some even question if it is something wrong with them, when really the problem lies in the person who could not give their loved one even a single full day of attention.

Now I do not pretend to speak for everyone, and I am only talking from a relationship standpoint between a man and a woman. I cannot talk for everyone because I only know what I have experienced, but something tells me that no matter what sex, or what kind of relationship you have, if your loved one decided that you were second to something else on this particular day you would not be too happy either. So the entire point of my rambling is to make this statement: "Valentines Day, to me, is the day where you make your loved one feel like the center of your world." It has been argued that you should strive to do this every day, but lets face it we are all human and we cannot succeed at this every day. At the very least lets try and set aside this one, singular day and allow ourselves to completely focus on the one we love more than anything else in this world. I know I am. Hey guys, Valentine's day is that one day of the year where everything you have done wrong throughout the past year is suddenly erased, just for one day, and if you are good enough you might even be offered a clean slate to continue on with ;).

So spend the day pampering her. Make her feel like a princess. Tell her you love her over and over, open the door for her, pull out her chair, get up and get her food or drinks. For just one day, let everything you do be for her and her alone. If she asks something simply do it with a loving smile. If she is upset comfort her completely. Take her in your arms and kiss her with more love and passion than you do on a normal basis. Treat this Valentine's day as if it might be the very last day you ever get to see her again. Show her that you are more than willing to make her the center of your world on this ever so special day. She will thank you, and it will do wonders to deepen your relationship. After all, that woman in your arms (or for you women, that man) is the most precious gift you could ever receive. She is a companion to you, a friend, a lover, and she will always, always have your back. Treat her like your own special angel.

Some guys wonder what they can do to make Valentine's day special. Many try to go for the gifts, jewelry, chocolates, flowers, but what many men do not get is that women often do not even care about those things. Not the materialistic aspect of them at least. What many are looking for is that sign, that showage that you are thinking about them in all of your actions. If you are strapped for cash there are other things you can do that will make Valentine's day just as special. Make her breakfast in bed, take her for a walk at her favorite part, LISTEN to her and talk to her about anything and everything. In the end it is not about what you give, it is about the heart behind it all. Yes flowers are nice, and everyone likes those valentine's day chocolates, but an empty gift is far worse than no gift at all. So guys show her how you really feel and do something from the heart. Make her a card, write a poem or sing her a song! In fact I have something just for you guys.

I will tell you right now, wake up in the morning early, make her breakfast in bed and start singing this song to her and she will melt in your hands. Her face might break from smiling too much. The simplest things like a touch of your hand against her cheek, the way you brush aside a hair from her eyes transfers more thoughts and emotions than a thousand words. So do not say you love her. Show it to her in all you do, especially for this one very very special day. A woman's heart is a strange and mysterious place, but oh the wonders you can bring about within it with just a few thoughtful actions and a showage of true love.

On a second note guys, no matter how much you think it might apply to that girl of your choice this song:

Should NOT be sung on Valentine's Day for any reason! Seriously, use a bit of common sense this holiday season as well :P

So I close with a simple message. Whether you are the man or the woman, if you are in a relationship with anyone then this Valentine's Day should be all about that person you love. Show them the depths of your feelings and make them feel wanted, needed and desired. So happy V-day to all, and to all a good night!

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Nira'lia on February 13th, 2013, 9:14 am

I remember back in high school, we had this one guy friend who gave all the girls in our circle of friends a single rose. He did it every year without fail. That single and silly rose went a long way in making us all feel appreciated.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Mienskil Ostovik on February 13th, 2013, 2:01 pm

So this is what you're doing instead of grading my threads. :P

I'm not going to even pretend to know what it's like, but it sounds absolutely touching. Don't have any personal experience to think on, so I'll take your word for it. Ideally it should be done more than just one day a year, but for some reason sticking a name on it makes it feel more special. Wonder why that is? Well, it's the thought that counts. :D

Hope yours is a wonderful Valentine's Day!

P.S. Videos didn't work for me. :(

P.P.S. That picture is awesome too, where do you find all this cool shyke?
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on February 15th, 2013, 3:47 am


Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Rayage on February 15th, 2013, 11:21 pm

After reading that view on Valentines day >.> we so should do a V-day thread with Eva and Ray nuit style haha Twisted love story island, here we come!... We have too many plans as it is. I dont see how we will ever finish :P
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Verilian on February 15th, 2013, 11:51 pm

What I hate is the guys who are like, "OH, Valentines day is just another ploy by Hallmark to make money selling cards!"


She doesn't want a shitty card anyway. I have never bought Kelsey a card. We always do something.. last night, all I was able to do was cook her dinner, and give her a massage, because I had to work, and she had class and didn't get home until 10pm, and we only have $20 until next Friday. But I still did something, and I DIDN'T buy her a card.

..I will admit, I usually buy her a random over-sized stuffed animal. Once I got her a giant purple caterpillar, another year I got her a big blue frog.. and I've gotten her several random stuff animals over the years, but that's just our thing. I always either take her out to dinner, or cook dinner. And we always try to do something together, even if it's just staying home and giving her a massage. Last year we went on a bike ride together. The year before that we went canoeing.

So yeah.. I agree. Valentines day is about your special someone. If you think it's a big giant marketing scheme, then do something for her that doesn't feed the corporations. Aside from the cost of buying our bikes and canoe (which I bought a long time before the holiday, and I guarantee it wasn't on my mind), those things we did were free. Now.. we did go out to eat, but you could just cook dinner or something. You don't have to feed Hallmark to have a good Valentines day.

Refusing to celebrate it is just being selfish, and insulting your significant other, saying that you would rather shove a stick up some corporations butt than spend time with her.

Anyway.. rant over. That is all. Happy belated Valentines Day, everyone!!
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Iskessah on February 16th, 2013, 12:25 am

Happy Single's Awareness Day.... for those of us who don't have special someones. <.<
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Mienskil Ostovik on February 16th, 2013, 12:59 am

Eva's scrap has become de facto place to vent all things V-day related. >.>
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Imass on February 16th, 2013, 1:03 am

You guys almost make it sounds like Valentines day is the only day you do something special for your lover and life partner. I don't celebrate Valentines day, because any girl with me gets a valentines day at least one or twice a week ;) Also you make it sound like it's the man's job to make Valentines day happen. If the girl in my life isn't trying to make it happen for me then, well they aren't for me either!!!

I'm teasing....Happy Valentines Day! :P
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