65th day of Winter, 512
Kuvarakh returned to Alchemmia Alchae, digging and slipping through a variety of icy barriers, after spending the morning at the Temple of Ionu. They had been less enthused about his offer of the enhanced sculpture than he had thought they'd be. He had to admit, though, it hadn't occurred to him that the mysterious and intriguing black feathers that the founders of The Order of Transcendence had received from Ionu were not necessarily a recognized symbol of the deity. Not as far as worship was concerned anyway.
The Priests were very much appreciative of the depth and smoky translucency of the sleek black carving, seeming to be crafted of a single block of onyx. Also they greatly enjoyed the reaction that touching it brought. The racing of colorful orbs to the surface to spin and coalesce there, whirling in arcing, flashing patterns of blended and glowing colors, which sunk back into the depths when the touch was released.
But they didn't see the gesture as a symbol of the faith, likely to spread the reverence to Ionu, so much as "advertising" for The Order of Transcendence. Kuvarakh had to concede their point. They acknowledged that the draw of such a remarkable work of art could not hurt attendance, but felt it may ultimately detract from the faith, as long as the symbol stood in representation of anything other than the Temple.
Kuvarakh had hoped they would see it as "tribute" from The Order and that this would be reason enough to set it on display, but he understood their hesitancy. They were right, his initial intent had been for the carving to be a symbol of The Order, and placing one at the temple might very well end up detracting from its recognition in regards to both institutions.
They respected the generous offer though, and did not want to decline out of hand. They promised to take the matter up with a quorum of church elders before giving a final answer. They promised to send a messenger to the shop when they had reached a decision. They all shook hands in earnest goodwill and Kuvarakh took his leave. He was not too down-hearted about it. After all, if The Order decided to keep a branch in Alvadas, one could rightly sit out front of the facility here as well as wherever they decided to move to.
As he approached the shop front, he heard a loud crash from inside and Wanda's voice crying in alarm. He charged inside, unsure of what sort of mayhem was developing. As he turned to move around the counter's end, the flooring broke away beneath him and he tumbled to the floor. There was an odd tapping sound and he caught just an uncertain glimpse of something that MAY have been an insect of some sort.
It disappeared into a tiny bored tunnel in the stone floor. As he looked closer he saw a number of like tunnels honeycombing the broken part of the floor where the tile had broken under him. "Uldr's teeth! What the petch is this?" he swore.
"Kuvarakh! Thank the gods you're back." Wanda cried from the other room. "We've got a big problem." Just then, a shelf fell from the stone wall on the back of the acceleration chamber. Kuvarakh could see numerous tiny bored holes in the stone where it had been secured. And again, an indeterminate number of little critters scattered back into them. "We've got bugs."