Closed Could Be Worse...

Xarl has started his first night working at the Stallion.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Could Be Worse...

Postby Xarl on February 16th, 2013, 9:32 pm

Winter, 77, 512AV

As far as Xarl was concerned, things could be worse. The pungent smell of ale assulted his nose and the amount of people in the tavern were enough to make a clostrophobic individual uneasy. The noise level was rather irritating at times, however considering that he was making three gold mizas a night for just serving drinks and lending a sympathetic ear to people, the tall dark haired man considered these minor discomforts worth it.

Compared to the difficulty of scamming people out of there hard earned money, this "honest" living thing was a breeze so far. Then again this was just his first night here so it wasn't a lot to go off of, but if this was what there busy nights were like Xarl was confident that this job would be the easiest money he'd ever made. Getting the job had been slightly more difficult, the owner, a one armed former Syliran Knight, had been rather distrusting of him but when Xarl had mentioned that the Welcome Desk had sent him here the man finally relented.

Any grudges he bore against his mistress for forcing him to find, "honest" work vanished after he discovered the ease of this job. Perhaps this whole thing wouldn't be so bad as he had first thought. As with all things Xarl found that his talents were most useful here, a warm smile here, a sympathetic pat on the shoulder there, and suddenly people treated you like a trusted confidant. Honestly, the amount of idiots willing to pour their hearts out to him was disgusting, it almost made him feel a little guilty in the ease he took at playing their emotions like a violen. Almost.

Xarl slid another drink over the counter and watched the recipiant walk away with it with a friendly smile on his face. Xarl then returned to scanning the crowded tavern, waiting for the next person to stride up to him for either a drink or conversation.
Last edited by Xarl on February 23rd, 2013, 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Amon Fade on February 16th, 2013, 10:13 pm

Amon enters the tavern, not for a good time or drink, but for something darker. A quick survey of the tavern shows only a couple of drunks and some bored looking staff, the only one that stands out is a tall, lanky man who seems to be watching him. Amon, annoyed that the man is preventing him from getting some easy MIzas, he walks up to the counter and finds a stool. " A mug of ale please, and make it quick"
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Xarl on February 16th, 2013, 10:30 pm

Xarl flashed the tall ginger haired man who'd sat down on the stool before him a charming smile and quickly produced a mug of ale. As he placed the mug on the counter Xarl held out his hand.

"That will be one silver miza, sir," Xarl said, keeping his smile plastered firmly on his face, locking his grey eyes onto the man's striking golden orbs.

His mistress often instructed that the best way to gain the trust of people, or to at least show that you have nothing to hide, was to make eye contact. It was also one of the many methods which Hypnosis was used, and although Xarl doubted he would have to drain any of his Djed tonight, it was always best to be prepared for manipulation.
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Amon Fade on February 16th, 2013, 10:46 pm

Amon's found himself being drawn towards this man, instantly he felt calmer and more at ease. There was something unusually charming about this man. Suddenly Amon found that getting some easy Mizas wasn't his priority any more. Amon hands him 2 gold mizas, "Have a drink on me, what's your name friend?"
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Xarl on February 16th, 2013, 11:00 pm

Xarl accepted the two golden mizas from the man, deciding whether or not he should hand them over to the owner to perhaps show that he was indeed a worthwhile investment. One of the many things Xarl had learned from conning fools in the Great Bazaar was that investing in long term profit yeilded greater rewards. Pushing that thought aside for later in the night, Xarl increased the warmth of his smile.

"Thank for your generosity, my friend." Xarl said, inclining his head to the man. "I am known as Xarl, merely a simple bartender of Syliras."

He kept his tone cordial and polite, this man seemed friendly enough, though there was something about him that seemed different from the others here. It appeared that Xarl had some time to spare, as most everyone in the tavern appeared to be occupied. Besides his last conversation had been with a sobbing drunk whose emotions had been puddy in Xarls hands. Perhaps this man might provide him with more a stimulating dialogue.
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Amon Fade on February 16th, 2013, 11:10 pm

Amon flashes a foxish grin revealing his fangs, "Just a simple bartender?, I sincerely doubt that's all there is to you. You seem much to unusual for that. Anyways I'm Amon Fade, I guess you could say I'm a wanderer of sorts As he says that he extends his arm for a handshake
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Xarl on February 16th, 2013, 11:29 pm

A Kelvic, interesting, Xarl thought, tucking this useful bit of knowledge away and grasping the hand of this Amon Fade firmly, giving it a polite up down shake before releasing. His mistress had educated him about the Kelvic, a race of shapeshifters that shifted from animal to human with no drain on their Djed. Considered quite an enigma amongst wizards.

"It is a pleasure to make your aquaintence Mr. Fade," Xarl replied.

The scrawny man then chuckled lightly, waving his hands slightly, "I can also assure you that I am quite boring and average, my friend. Sorry to disappoint, though I suspect you are less so." He said in good humor.

Really he was trying to divert attention from himself and onto Amon Fade, people often found it easier talking about themselves than listioning to other people do the same. Luckily Xarl was just the opposite.

"You say you are a wanderer? What brings you to Syliras?" Xarl asked, leaning forward slightly, showing signs of obvious interest.
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Amon Fade on February 16th, 2013, 11:47 pm

"Well, I suppose I've been lead here by the same urge every Kelvic feels, to find a bondmate, so far I have been unsuccessful in this endeavor but hopefully that will change soon" Amon pauses for a moment to take a swig of ale before continuing, "I would've been gone long ago but Winter makes it hard to survive in the wilderness" Amon momentarily slips into thought before snapping out of his daydream "Have you ever been to Avanthar? I think that will be my next destination"
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Xarl on February 17th, 2013, 12:01 am

Xarl's knowlegde of the Kelvic extented only past there shapeshifting abilities, as that was the only thing his mistress ever taught him about them. This "Bondmate" was a forgien term, and since Xarl had a Kelvic in front of him he saw no reason not to inquire as to the meaning.

First things first, Xarl thought.

In regards to Amon's question about Avanthar he shook his head slowly.

"I'm afriad that I have never been, though I do plan on leaving Syliras sometime in the spring for Zeltiva or whenever I get word that the plague has lessened there." Xarl responded.

Mentally he once again thanked Kayle for his warning of the plague in Zeltiva, Xarl might have left blindly were it not for that warning.

"Also, forgive my ignorance, but what is a bondmate?" Xarl inquired politely.
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Could Be Worse...

Postby Amon Fade on February 17th, 2013, 12:17 am

Amon is somewhat shocked about the news of the plague in Zeltiva. "A plague?! Thank you for telling me, after Avanthal I was planning on heading there."

In response to the Xarls question about bondmates Amon begins to think "How to explain it..... It's like a link of sorts between Kelvics and a person of another race, It ummm, I know it can't be forced and both people have to be willing to form a bond, apparently it resembles a "love at first sight" kind of feeling, really I know very little about bonds or bondmates, because as you can tell I haven't bonded yet and also I haven't met another bonded Kelvic. That's another reason I want to go to Avanthar, to talk to one of the polar bear guards I've heard of" Amon shrugs. "I'm sorry I can't help you much with that question, now enough about me, what are you doing in this city or were you born here?"
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