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Postby Carthin on June 6th, 2010, 7:47 pm

Carthin Debaer

Physical Information
Race - Human
Birthday & Age - 25, Spring of 492 A.V. - 18 years of age
Gender - Male
Physical Description
Despite all the training in the world, Carthin is not the large, burly beast that his father always wanted. Instead, the boy sports a moderate frame, standing just above six feet in height. He is moderately muscled, though seems more suited towards agility than brute force. His hair is kept at medium length, a bark-like shade which compliments his bright green eyes. His skin is fairly tanned, though is usually soiled by some sort of dirt.

He has an air about him that some find unsettling. Most often unhappy at something, he is rarely found smiling amiably or chuckling. He wears somber colors, which coincides with his general distaste for things garish and loud. In the right situations, however, Carthin is just as loud and boisterous as his father, and can be as jolly and gregarious and anyone. He often wears leather armor, seeing as anything heavier than that tends to slow him down too much and encumber more than protect.

Character Concept
The son of a self-proclaimed hero, Carthin was raised to be 'just like daddy'. He has been trained by his father personally, yet has failed to inherit some of his father's most prominent qualities (his brute strength for one). Personally, Carthin despises the future that's laid out for him. He hates playing the hero. The fact of the matter is, though, as the son of a great warrior, he is the victim of certain expectations, and as such, must do what must be done. Reluctantly, he travels Mizahar, building his reputation as one of his generation's heroes.

Despite what he'd like to believe, Carthin is much like his father. He is extremely proud and values his dignity high above most other things. He is hard-headed and arrogant, reluctant to change and unwilling to give up. At times he is a braggart, and often becomes passionate about things he is doing.

Carthin has an insatiable curiosity regarding the world at large. He is fascinated by the stories and lore of different cultures and regions, as well as their traditions, religions, and people. He is in awe of magic, though approaches the subject with caution- the power it commands makes him uneasy.

Carthin is rarely hospitable to those that ask for his assistance. He will most often agree to do what is asked of him, for a price, though will waste no opportunity to make his displeasure obvious. He does not like being the one that people go to to solve their problems and will tell anyone willing to listen that the population is full of idiots that can't do a damn thing for themselves. When approached casually, the boy is most often an agreeable companion. Almost all of his unpleasantness is reserved for those that request his 'heroic services'.

Since a young age, Carthin has been taught to identify the very distinct line between what is good and what is bad, acceptable and punishable, good and evil. He understands, also, that there is a gray area between the simple black and white extremes- one that he must traverse constantly. He is (theoretically) willing to kill, but only an armed opponent or someone that has done something horrible. He does not steal, save from those that steal themselves. He is chivalrous and respectful towards women, and generally manages to follow every expectation society has for a hero; a chip off the old block.
Carthin has yet to take a life, and it is still unclear if he will have the willpower to do so.

Carthin loves, above all, the stories, histories, and lore of exotic lands. He has a constant thirst for information regarding the world and all its wonders. He adores art, revels in music, and basks in drama. Sadly, there is hardly time to experience the cultures he so desperately wishes to learn about when he must train to become a hero like his father... leaving his knowledge all but non-existent. Free, now, to go where he pleases, Carthin intends to learn as much as he can about as much as he can, travelling to the furthest corners of Mizahar to quench his thirst.

Unfortunately, Carthin despises actual confrontation. This is unfortunate because of his... career. As a mercenary/hero-to-be, he shall be in the middle of a fair number of frays, and as such forced to partake in something he despises. In addition, he has no love for the idea of being a hero, convinced that people should handle their own problems. Still, he has little choice in the matter, and must obey his father's wishes... a hero's life for me...
Last edited by Carthin on June 9th, 2010, 1:29 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Who Needs A Hero?
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Joined roleplay: June 5th, 2010, 9:08 pm
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Character sheet


Postby Carthin on June 6th, 2010, 7:47 pm

Character History

Carthin was born to a loving mother and a hero of sorts. The man was a large hulking figure, known for lugging around a large hammer with which he bashed and smashed his way to glory, defeating bandits, settling disputes, and generally adding a strong, driving force to confrontations of any kind to bring them to a quick close. He was a virtuous man, and chose his wife as any hero should- she was the first distressed damsel that he'd come across in his journeys.

Being the son of a hero, Carthin was always surrounded by expectations. He was to do great things, there was no doubt about it, and people seemed generally happy when his father Parfeith began to train him. While other fathers carried their sons on their shoulders and took them on trips to the market, Carthin was taught to hold a sword, string a bow, and catch food to sustain himself. He was trained and hardened constantly, though Parfeith imagined it as some sort of strange hero-esque bonding.

Determined not to enjoy himself, Carthin grudgingly followed his father's instruction. He idolized the man, as any son would his father, but simply never had the same love for battle that his sire lived with. It was, in the end, more out of love for his father that Carthin did not simply abandon hero-ism all together.

When he wasn't training with his father (meaning, the times that his father was off averting some disaster or fighting a monster), the boy would be the pride and joy of his mother. Forever enamored with the large, powerful man that had saved her all those years ago, she spared no moment to remind Carthin, his father, and everyone they knew that the boy would soon grow up to be just like his dad. A hero begot a hero.

Still, the best of the boy's memories were not made in a training circle or learning to recognize the sound of a grazing elk. Most fondly the youth looks back at festivals, books, and travelling nomads- all the things that managed to reconnect him with the world at large. It was a wonderful, marvelous world, and every inch of it sent his head a-spinning. He wanted to see, smell, feel, taste, and hear all that Mizahar had to offer, and one fine day, he got his chance.

He was declared ready by his father. He would go out and make a name for himself, as Pafeith had before him. Set out into the world with no real goal save the vague impression of one, Carthin started on his way. He would do what he'd been told to- or at least try. Not because he wanted to, god no, but because he had to at least make an attempt... for his father's sake.

Reluctant to face confrontation, Carthin avoided any and all people who seemed in need of assistance. He wasted days in Syrilas until an advertisement seeking bodyguards for a trip to Wind Reach came his way. Conceding to his fate, the boy met with the priest that had sent out the offer.

Training & Skill Points
    Riding- 5 [Novice]
    Weapon Style: Longsword- 25 [Novice]
    Weapon Style: Small Blade- 10 [Novice]
    Weapon Style: Small Hammer- 10 [Novice]
    Wilderness Survival- 15 [Novice]
Starting Package (Initial Skills/Points)
    Riding- 5 [Novice]
    Weapon Style: Longsword- 25 [Novice]
    Weapon Style: Small Blade- 10 [Novice]
    Weapon Style: Small Hammer- 10 [Novice]
    Wilderness Survival- 15 [Novice]

Lore of Parfeith Debaer
    [Carthin knows every one of his father's heroic exploits by heart. Every monster slain, city saved, disaster averted, and enemy vanquished.]
Lore of Human Weapons
    [Carthin is capable of identifying an astonishing array of human weapons. He is vaguely familiar with the materials used to make them, their supposed strengths or weaknesses, and sometimes some other tidbits of information regarding them.]

Fluent Common
Passable Isur
Broken Nari
Last edited by Carthin on June 14th, 2010, 12:05 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Who Needs A Hero?
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Race: Human
Character sheet


Postby Carthin on June 6th, 2010, 7:48 pm

    Set of Clothing
      [Normal citizen garb. Usually left un-worn.]
      [Normally contains water.]
    Backpack which contains:
      Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
        [Even when travelling, cleanliness is key.]
      Food for a week
        [Hey, a man's gotta eat.]
      Eating knife
        [Practically harmless...]
      Flint & Steel
        [A campfire necessity.]
      [A parting gift from his father- the same sword that he himself departed with. It is well worn, but still works. Carthin keeps it in excellent repair.]
    Light Leather Armor
      [Excellent for providing protection, yet not hampering maneuverability, Carthin is most often found wearing this.]
      [Concealed for use in emergencies. Often used for mundane reasons.]
    Light Hammer
      [A small hammer usually hanging from his hip. Used for bashing things and occasionally thrown.]
    Large Tent
      [Home away from home.]
    Large Tarp
      [Who knows what someone might need a tarp for?]
    Rope (100ft)
      [For tying things up/down, duh.]
      [Nighttime adventuring made easy.]
    Torches (2)
      [Like a lantern, but more dramatic and ominous.]
      [For when the ground's just too tough.]
      [Warm, snuggly goodness.]
    Fishing Tackle & Hooks
      [Nothing beats a good fish.]
    Gildling Horse
      [Named Magnus for a famous war-horse. Generally enjoys frustrating Carthin to no end, though will act like an angel in front of females of any race.]
    Full Set of Tack
      [Can't be a rider without it- unless you're some sorta hippie.]
    Large Set of Saddlebags
      [How else can he carry all this crap?]

Ledger : 87gm
Starting Package : +100gm
Light Leather Armor : -10gm
Dagger : -2gm
Hammer : -1gm

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Who Needs A Hero?
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Joined roleplay: June 5th, 2010, 9:08 pm
Race: Human
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