This is my first post just about Mizahar in general, since I haven't really written anything in this scrapbook yet. Feel free to ignore, read, or comment. Or whatever else you feel like doing! I'm just gonna word-vomit on this post whatever comes into my mind as I'm typing.
As I stay on this site longer and longer, I'm honestly amazed at the diversity and care that is present in everything. The biggest problem I'm having with Thundiirn right now is deciding what to focus him on, because everything is so cool

. I just want to do it all!
I've already gone through so many plans with him, and each and every one of them is shattered because he doesn't have enough time to do them all or they contradict. One thing I'm certain of, is that I want him to be a Nuit. One who has loved and lost, and because of that is now giving up on life to join the ranks of the undead. Sort of a Romeo and Juliet story, except in Mizahar the only other option isn't death

But I am quite indecisive on what he's gonna do after that. I am considering trying to work with Archelon to get him involved in the Night Eyes operations in Sunberth, but that would isolate him to Sunberth for a good long while and I'm not entirely certain I'm ready to do that yet, though it IS a very good fit for him, both Sunberth and the Night Eyes.
But there are so many other amazing ways to go, I think I'd have to make all 5 allotted PCs and spend my life on this site to take on even a fraction of them. One I definitely like the sound of is a Phylonurist witch. Another is the Drykas, which I suppose could certainly go together. That will likely be my next PC once I feel like Thundiirn is sufficiently established.
And then I definitely would be interested in helping out with the site as as storyteller, though I think that's down the line. I definitely don't think I know enough yet to take on that responsibility, and given that I've only been here a month or so I probably wouldn't even meet the requirements for staff yet, so not a worry yet.
Right now I just feel incredibly hesitant to do anything, because I feel like every door I walk through closes off other opportunities for Thundiirn and I don't want to accidentally close myself from something and then find out about it, and be like "GAAAAHHHH that would have been PERFECT". Oh well... For now I've got some time before he's even a Nuit, which is my first certain step for him, so I suppose I shouldn't worry about it and just let it come in its own time.
One thing I really want to do that I just haven't seemed to have time to do yet is read other peoples PC histories. There are so many interesting people here, and I think I've read through a sizeable portion of the lore already (though I'm sure I didn't absorb it all, there's always plenty of room to read more and reread). I just wanna pick one of the PCs I think is intriguing, and just read in order all the threads he or she is in to get an idea of how other people on this site tend to structure their characters plotlines. This site has plenty of PCs on it, I don't want to spend 100% of my time just writing my own. I want to enjoy what other people write as well more than I am right now, so I guess that's just a random goal of mine for future that I felt like writing down here.