Closed (Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Kyra on February 19th, 2013, 12:59 am

"Hello again Kirvan, Is your arm better now?" she asked simply and sat down. It hadn't been a particularly long day, but the young kelvic had spent a long time wandering the city. There was also the running with the squire, and now her feet were beginning to feel sore again. She remember, as if she could forget so soon, the amazing job that Orion had done before. And so she took off her boots, lifting her gaze to Kirvan, before looking to get Orion's attention. "I was about to leave...but I decided to stay. Unless you..want me to leave?"

She stared at the man for a moment, waiting for his reply, or the lack of one. He had said that he wanted to see Orion again even before he got hurt. So she wasn't sure if he did desire to be alone with the man. He had good hands after all.

Kyra turned back to Orion then, catching his catch as they made eye contact and her wants were made clear. The girl tilted her and batted her eyes as she slowly slipped back into the chair. Was he really going to make her wait? That hadn't been the case last time, and although she could be wrong she imagined that he enjoyed it as much as she had. Or perhaps he didn't. The girl smiled sweetly and wiggled her hips in the chair. "I hope this won't take too long."

Suddenly the aroma of the alcohol whipped passed her nose and caused the kelvic to frown, before she bolted up and crossed over to Orion. The man was much taller than her and standing on the tips of her toes wasn't working so she moved around to stand at their side and watched closely. "That smells offal. What are you doing to him?"

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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Kirvan Deepseeker on February 19th, 2013, 10:44 pm

"Only met her just today by the docks," Kirvan answered, relating the first meeting he had with the blonde. "Was wandering around thinking of trying to blunder my way through the city again, maybe finding something of interest along the way, when she bumped into me and invited me along with her." Of course, they never actually went where she had been planning to go, but that was Alessa's business. "Bite wasn't so bad, more of a shock than anything. As for the knight, well, compensation was the last thing on his mind when we left him." The Svefra smirked, thinking back to the arrogant squire's attitude and how the thief had blindsided him.

Glad that Alessa hadn't completely ignored them, Kirvan smiled at her with a slight slant to his head. "You should ask Orion, it's his place," he pointed out. "I'm of no particular mind, though I'd have liked a chance to say farewell and thank you for leading me here." Dismissing any thought to the reason why she'd decided to stay, Kirvan instead thought on her raised feet and Orion's reaction. Were her feet sore already? His own had gone through quite a chase, and with that thought he shifted the muscles there to ease the tension. He'd gone through worse, though he had no idea what Alessa was hoping to accomplish.

It hadn't escaped the Svefra's attention that the striking blonde was actively wiggling in the chair for Orion's benefit as his attention was momentarily focused on her. Nor the fact that her eyelashes had batted playfully. Just what had gone on between them? It was clear he was missing something, though now wasn't the time to ask as he saw the good doctor approach with a cloth and bottle.

Orion's joke had caught his attention and distracted him from what was about to happen. "I swear I was gonna pay you, I just don't haAH, nrngh!" Pulled violently from his train of thought by the presence of a burning pain, Kirvan's face contorted as he restrained from shouting, though he began to snarl from the sensation. A short string of curses began threading through his mind, which he cut off abruptly and just sat there. No sound came from his wound, though it felt like Orion had helt a burning iron to his skin.

"Gah that stings!" the Svefra exclaimed at last, resisting the urge to shake his arm. "Didn't realize it was that big, I just saw the few punctures." There was a growl in his voice, a way of coping with the sharp pain.
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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on February 20th, 2013, 6:30 am


"She's an interesting one, that's for sure. She your type?" His tone was serious, but his eyes showed only amusement. He couldn't imagine many men who would be able to honestly say no to such a question. Blonde, beautiful, and boy could she purr. Mostly he wished to give the sailor something to take his mind off of the burning liquid he was to experience. Orion knew he'd have found it a welcome distraction.

"You're fine to stay here, Kyra. No offense, Kirvan, but she's much easier on the eyes." He flashed his pearly whites to the wiggling woman, her anticipation nearly distracting him from the task at hand. "You'll just have to wait your turn. I must say I have you to thank for improving my..reputation." The requests for Orion as a masseuse versus medical care had skewed towards the former after their initial encounter, despite his impressive skill in the latter.

"You were gonna pay me, huh? You think these supplies are cheap?" With that he let the alcohol pour freely onto the wound, the purifying liquid burning in the ragged bite marks. A human bite, while not as vicious as an animals, could carry horrible infection risks. This treatment would not only clean the injury, but severely decrease the chance of any future complications. "Not so bad, right?" He gave Kirvan a mostly friendly pat on the shoulder before grabbing the bandaging to wrap around it. "It's pure alcohol. Just something to treat the bite. Not a fan of the smell, hmm?"

Around and around he wrapped the soft bandages, starting below the lowest punctures and gently covering the injury from bottom to top. "I'll toss in a couple of these for your travels. You'll want to change these periodically. Nice and simple, today."

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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Kyra on February 21st, 2013, 2:32 am

"Thank me? I did nothing.."It was a curious thing for him to say, and she couldn't imagine what he could have meant. The way he darted out of the room when the angry man stormed in, she would have thought that she got him into trouble.

But then the men returned to their own conversation leaving Kyra to wait in the corner. The room itself was bland at the most, though she hadn't expected it to be different than the others. The only thing in the room that was worth looking upon were the two men in front of her. And so she did, staring at them through unblinking eyes as she took in every visual of their forms, movements and facial expressions.

Finally, after waiting forever in the seat, she bounced up and strolled over to have a closer look. The smell of the alcohol did bother her, a stench more powerful than even ale. Kirven had hissed in pain causing Kyra to pay close attention to him and what the doctor was doing. "It's really painful, aye?" she asked glancing up at him. The young kelvic slipped closer to Orion, placing her hands on the bed that Kirvan sat on, then lifted herself up to seat right next to him.

From her closer position, she could see the bite more clearly, and it looked much worse now that Orion had washed away the blood. "He must have been really hungry.." she said aloud, though not speaking to either of them. She fell silent then, listening as Orion gave Kirvan instructions on how to care for the bite. The whole thing had tired her out, and she found herself yawning rather rudely in front of them. She lifted her arms up and above her head, as she arched her back, her legs stretched out with small toes curling into the pants leg of both men.

"I'm suddenly tired...will this be much longer?"

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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Kirvan Deepseeker on February 24th, 2013, 8:29 am

The Svefra chuckled in answer of Orion's jesting question. "Blonde, actively flirtatious, inquisitive?" A shake of the head accompanied the response. "That woman is everyone's type. Who could resist? Though I don't feel like she's up for grabs, so to speak." Indeed, there was something about her demeanor that said she wasn't interested. That and there was still something off about her sudden change in mind. Probably the one to keep some things secret - not that there was a problem with that.

And of course, when the good doctor commented on letting her stay, Kirvan shrugged with a smile. "What?" he asked with a cheeky grin, moving to brush his hair. "Don't you like my golden locks?" Chuckling, he turned to catch Alessa finish her little dance. Couldn't argue with the doctor, she was certainly a sight to see. "If you don't mind me asking, just what the petch kind of reputation are you referring to?" Then Orion drew close with the bottle. "After I suppose."

Once his growling fit was done, he looked at the cleaned and now sterilized wound, watching the little red marks that were now stinging. "Yes, quite painful," he answered. "Can't think of a fitting comparison to explain it better, but trust me you're glad it's not you." As the good doctor began wrapping the small but petching annoying wound, Kirvan nodded gratefully, more energetically when Orion said he'd provide some bandages. "So what do I owe you now?" he asked genuinely.

"I'm not quite sure he was biting to eat," Kirvan replied honestly. "Don't worry, I'll leave you and the doctor alone soon enough Alessa."
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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on February 24th, 2013, 6:34 pm


"Seems like something straight out of a dream, huh? She's a sight to behold, that's for sure. Though, you make a good point. The lady seems to have her own peculiar way of doing things." Orion could still remember her writhing in pleasure from the last time they'd met, and that was simply from a foot massage. Anything more, well that was a tantalizing thought. "She's certainly got no qualms about expressing her thoughts or feelings."

"Well, I'm sure if we tossed a little make up on you, put you in a dress, and sent you out at night to one of the taverns, you'd turn a head or two. Though the evening would be fraught with disappointment for the gentlemen." It was at that time, ignoring Kirvan's question for a moment, that he'd begin working on his arm. Simply enough to clean something out. "Let me pour just a little more, to be far as my reputation, I do indeed need to thank you," he said, nodding to Kyra. "I apparently have magic hands, or so the rumors go. I guess I can deliver quite a foot massage, but you'd think I was an Alvina of masseuses by the way people were demanding me. I'm really just an tremendous doctor. All humility aside, of course. Not a giver of massage."

A smile graced his features as Kirvan discussed pay. "No dining and ditching today? Talk with the front desk, I don't set the prices. I'll let them know what services I rendered, and they'll take payment. Those lovely knights ensure I'm paid regardless." He set a few clean bandages down beside Kirvan, enough to change them out regularly for at least 7 days or so. "Try not to bump it or anything, and if you'll be heading back out to sea, it's vital you keep it covered. Don't want it getting infected out there."

And there was Kyra, bored out of her mind, hopping up on the table right beside Kirvan. "A little hungry for attention, hmm?" Her attention span was quite limited, wasn't it, and when she wanted to be the center of attention, well...

When her toes found their way into his pants legs, Orion's body nearly shook as shivers went up and down his spine. What was this girl up to? Trying to get him trouble? It certainly didn't make him amenable to any suggestions which involved non female blond remaining around. Curse my professional obligations...

He gave Kirvan an opened eyed, nearly shocked expression, as he didn't even seem to react to the vixen's action. Really, man? You sure she's you're type? "Well, that's about it, unless you've got any questions." Orion had one that he didn't wish to voice. Why the petch are you still here? There was a lovely lady who needed attended to, after all.
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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Kyra on February 26th, 2013, 1:01 am


Moments later Kyra released her grip from the pants leg of both men. She leaned back, and stretched her arms behind to support her weight as she crossed her legs. A lot had been said between the three since they arrived, and although it may have seemed like she wasn't paying attention, or simply wasn't interested, the girl was now going over it all in her mind. Somehow she had caused the good doctor to become popular, although she wasn't sure just how.

Since that day, she hadn't told anyone that she had even been there, and she hadn't knowing sung his praises to anyone. She didn't remember any sounds or moans that she may have let out, or any withering and in a chair. She only remembered how must her feet had bothered her since the trip from Ravok, and once she left the Soothing waters, she felt a lot better.

There was another conversation going on between the two men, but it was a bit convoluted. It appeared, as Kirvan had said, that the two had met before and they were discussing the coin that hadn't been paid, and perhaps Kirvan injuring himself at that time as well? She wasn't sure and the part about Kirven and his locks, where Orion mentioned putting makeup on the man and taking him out was confusing.

Same-sex relationships weren't a surprise to her as she had witnessed it in Ravok and as when hit on by women herself. But she thought she remembered Orion saying that he only went for women? Change, but she imagined that she must have hard him wrong as the two seemed to like each other a lot. Kyra sighed and hoped down from the bed. She had wanted the massage, but she didn't want to rush Kirvan away when he had come to see his friend and spend time with him.

"You know Orion.." she said as she turned on her toes, and lightly placed a finger against her lips. "If Kirvan can't afford to pay you again, perhaps he could take you out for a drink instead?"

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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Kirvan Deepseeker on February 27th, 2013, 2:05 pm

Kirvan nodded his assent when Orion said that he wanted to be safe with the wound. "Go on," he confirmed aloud, as much for his own benefit as the doctor's. "Rather suffer through it now than pay for it later." With that philosophy dispensed, the Svefra felt the burning liquid run over the bite again, still stinging though not quite as fiercely as the first time. Honestly it wasn't too bad, but in the calm of daily life rather than the heat of an adrenaline-pumping battle it felt just as painful as a stab from a dagger. That was probably just him wimping about it though.

During the second cleansing, the good doctor took up his conversation with the beautiful blonde in greater earnest. Not that Kirvan could really blame the man; who wouldn't take the opportunity and every other one they could get? Questions about Orion's reputation that the kept bringing up were being answered too. Turns out the good doctor was also a good masseur, and last time the other two had met he'd given Alessa a foot massage that apparently made him quite popular. It would explain why she'd exposed her feet when she sat in the chair. Though the Svefra found it confusing how a private massage would boost one's reputation. "Did you two do a public dispplay or something?" he asked after the stinging had resided. "How had word spread of something that happened behind closed doors? Or do you perform massages publicly anyway?"

When the doctor set down the bandages beside him, Kirvan picked them up and gestured with them, actively supporting his gratitude, "Thank you Orion," he said, nodding meaningfully. "I'll be sure to take it up with the people at the desk. Sounds like the Knights treat you well in this city." Looking at the wrapped bite, he flexed it and moved it around as if testing to see if the bandage was secure, but really it was just to cope with the residual sensation from the alcohol. "You ever need a favor, let me know." Looking the doctor in thr eye, Kirvan nodded meaningfully, conveying to the man wordlessly that he meant what he said in earnest.

Kirvan was clearly disppointed when Alessa pulled herself away from his leg, quite liking the feeling of her warmth through his trouser sleeve, but he'd already come to terms with the fact that his pleasing woman was not someone who was free so to speak. Besides, it was clear her history with the good doctor - and masseur - was a tad more intimate than his own brief bell of walking and talking with her. Of course, Orion's wide-eyed reaction was absolutely priceless, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "I know when I'm beat," he explained. "She's all yours."

However, it looked like Alessa was seriously bored and was on the verge of leaving, so Kirvan got the message from Orion and stood up to leave. "Naw, I think he'd much rather spend some time giving you another massage. And if he made your feet feel good, imagine what he could do to release the tension in your back." He offered a grinning wink to the vixen, turning back to face the two of them as he stepped away a bit. "Though she raises a good point, you and I should grab a drink sometime. You don't know a man's depth until you've spent a night with him drunk you know."

Smiling at the two of them, Kirvan nodded in gratitude."Thanks again for leading me here Alessa, and thanks for patching me up Orion. Next time we meet, hopefully there won't be anybody that needs fixing. I've got all I need, and I'll stop by the desk on the way out. Anything else?"

OOCIf there is nothing else, you can assume that Kirvan will leave for your next posts. Dunno whether you two want to continue or not, but I'm happy to have Kirvan bow out here. :) Not much else he can do really.
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(Soothing Waters) An Unexpected Reunion (Kirvan, Kyra)

Postby Emblem on March 21st, 2013, 6:13 pm

You Get Glorious Experience!


SkillPoints Earned
Medicine 2 XP
Observation 2 XP
Seduction 1 XP

Lore Earned
Treating a Bite Wound
Kirvan: The Svefra
Kyra: The Vixen

Other Shenanigans:


SkillPoints Earned
Observation 2 XP
Leadership 1 XP

Lore Earned
Orion: The Good Doctor
Helping an Outsider

Other Shenanigans:


SkillPoints Earned
Observation 2 XP

Lore Earned
Orion: The Good Doctor
Kyra: A Helpful Guide
Alcohol + Open Wound = Pain

Other Shenanigans:

Comments :
Sorry for the wait on this one guys, had to clear out Chev's grades. Anyway, great work in here guys! You all know how to keep a social thread interesting which is refreshing. There wasn't too much XP to be awarded however, but if you feel I was wrong, PM me and yell at me and we will figure it out :D
Currently working at new job so I am still trying to balance it out with Miza. I apologize for any delays.
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