Day 82 of Winter, 512 AV. Bethsyliss nervously fingered a curl of her luscious, black hair. She had virtually no work experience, and today was her first day as a barmaid at The Scorched Skull, the unsavoury inn found in a backward alley of the Pillars of Dust. Jaben, the tanned, black-haired Benshira bartender, eyeballed her every move with a flinty gaze, as if waiting for her to stumble one way or another. Bethsyliss was worried about possible outcomes she envisioned, but fortunately Ssahnya, the Dhani barmaid in a sleeveless, cobalt dress, was alongside her. Vipers, she knew, always looked out for each other, and Syliss found her assertive demeanor and confident presence all the more reassuring. "Sssahnya," she said shyly. "Do you mind going over it with me again?" She wanted to make sure all the information for the job was securely stored in her brain so that it could come to her when situations arose. "Alright," Ssahnya replied, rolling her heavily outlined eyes. "There'sss really not that much to remember, Sylisss. Pay attention. It's the lassst time I'll repeat this to you. Serve beer in pint-sssized mugs if they want mugs. Clear mugs for men, pink mugsss for women. Ssserve in the two-quart pitchers if they want pitchers. Clear pitchers for men, pink pitchersss for women. Use blue cupsss for water. Water is free. A mug is five copper mizas, a pitcher is two sssilver mizas. If you get confused, asssk Jaben. He'll work with you with the drinksss today. I'll be taking care of the tables for the mealsss." Bethsyliss nodded. "Oh," Ssahnya added. "Sssomething I haven't told you yet. Sometimesss, customers don't like to pay. They'll tell you they've forgotten their money at home. If that happensss, call for me. They won't even wait till I get there before they sssuddenly remember they're actually carrying the money with them." She paused. "Got that?" Bethsyliss widened her eyes a little bit. She was not expecting there to be such sort of problems. She realized she had been in the wrong mindset, totally unprepared for events of that kind should they arise. She felt a little worried and fervently hoped all clients would be cooperative. She prayed for someone she was already acquainted with to come it. That would inevitably make matters easier. But Singh, whom she met in the Scholar's Sanctum two days earlier, was too high-class a woman for this establishment, and so was her sister Esha; Rasken, who had recommended her to Ssahnya the day before, was probably at work at The Serpent's Elixir; and Ronin... well, Ronin was Ronin. One could never be sure, though, and she hoped nonetheless. "Sssyliss? You lissstening?" Ssahnya said, with a catch in her voice. "What? No, yes, fine -- yesss, I'm good, thank you, Sssahnya." Her stammering proved otherwise. She caught a glimpse of Jaden's face, and, unsure whether it was her imagination or not, she saw the steely man actually smirking at her unease. She shuddered inwardly. She knew the Benshira wouldn't go easy on her -- that was clear from the way he threw shards of ice at her with his frosty eyes --, and Ssahnya was obviously making an effort only because she was a viper as well. This job would not be easy. Suddenly the door swung open with a loud creak. It was her first customer. |