Closed First impressions are misleading [Noric]

When people meet at a tavern, they tend to wear one face, but on the streets…who knows?

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

First impressions are misleading [Noric]

Postby Amelia Cross on February 16th, 2013, 9:00 pm


[37th day of winter 512.a.v.]
[The Docks]
[Nitrozian Plaza]
[Early Morning]

Like it was usual for Ravok, the day was warm and pleasant. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, despite the fact it was the middle of winter. Amelia held deep love for this city. Despite the fact that she didn’t actually hold love or high religious believes in Rhysol. She had to admit, he protected his children like no other god and that alone was a reason good enough for her to be proud of now calling herself a citizen of Ravok, and a daughter of the sun.

People were walking pass her, smiling. Children holding onto their mothers hands and speaking of something she couldn’t really make out well with all of the loud talking of the fishermen that were shipping their catch towards the merchants ring. Her smile grew as she watched the young and the old walk on the small bridges that connected the platforms of the city. Amelia had spent a good amount of her life away from Ravok, she had heard people say that Ravok is the nest of all evil. How wrong they were, this city was no different then any other, the people here where the same. Honestly, how many of the people who she met had actually been to Ravok? Probably none. It might have it's own oddities, but it was odd only for the ones on the outside.

A bell or two passed as she kept on strolling through the plaza, her father hadn’t showed up as promised so she had begun offering her skill of fortune telling to keep her busy. The girl wasn’t angry with her father and her face was still decorated with a skillfully painted smile. Amelia had gotten used to the fact that for Dominick, Rhysol and the Sun was everything, they were a priority and she didn’t doubt the fact that he didn’t show up on time was nothing but agent related business.

Contrary to expectations of others, she actually respected her father for it more and would patiently wait for him here, and earn a few mizas while at it. Slowly as always she kept walking one step at a time, as if she was almost gliding or maybe even floating above the ground. Skillfully and with grace she was shuffling her cards, throwing them from one palm to the other and with a smile clearly inviting anyone for a reading, as she didn’t really feel like approaching someone directly, not today. After all, it wasn’t a priority.

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First impressions are misleading [Noric]

Postby Noric Sidhe on February 25th, 2013, 3:03 am


He'd actually managed to get drunk last night. Very drunk. Noric was sprawled across his bed, half-hanging over the side when he awoke in the morning. It would be the last time he bet his brother who could drink the most before losing their stomach. They'd both passed out before either of them could even vomit. Their uncle and a some other men must have drug them back to their respective beds. Fallin was probably not too happy about that. He smiled, but regretted it instantly. Pain shot across his eyes and nearly split his skull. He held the sides of his face for a few long moments, breathing deeply and slowly with his eyes shut against the throbbing. 1...2...3... 10 breaths later and he could open his eyes a fraction. Holy cow..., he thought. Even the voice inside his head groaned.

Noric laid in bed for probably a bell until he mustered the drive to slowly rise and get a drink. Of water. He wouldn't be touching alcohol for a little while. Fallin must have had the courtesy to rip him down to his undershorts, because that's all he had on. Fallin definitely won't be happy. This time, he was careful not to smile. After a good drink from his warm waterskin, he slowly got dressed. His clothes were rumpled from lying on the floor, but he didn't mind. Eventually, after a painstaking amount of time, Noric was ready and half-way presentable. He wasn't sure why he wanted to go out, but he did. The fresh, clean air of Ravok would do his head some good. Or maybe make things worse. He was about to find out.

Closing the door behind him after gathering the rest of his things, he slowly made his way out the building that housed his apartment. It seemed like every step Noric took had the gap of a chime between the next. His face was distorted against the throbbing of his hangover; eyes narrowed and brows scrunched into a sharp v angle. He bumped the doorway on the way out to the street and nearly tipped over onto the cobbled, but was able to catch himself and avoid disaster. 1...2...5 more breaths and he was on the move again.

This is going to be a slow day. He was oblivious most of the time to where he feet were dragging and shuffling him. A few buildings caught his eye after a while, giving him a general idea of where he'd ended up after the Gods knew how long. The Docks. It seemed even when he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, he ended up in this part of the city. Home away from home. He was able to crack a small smile, just enough that didn't hurt his head. Probably should have stayed in bed. Noric's skull was starting to pound with each step. He took a swig of his warm water, rolling it around on his tongue. No good. He made a face and decided to find a seat on a bench. A quiet groan escaped him as his butt hit, making lights dance behind his closed eyelids.

"This might be the worst I've ever had," he sighed to himself. Now where did I end up? It was a bench in Nitrozian Plaza. The common folk milled about on their day to day business, never changing like a brainwashed flock of sheep. "Good ol' Rhysol's Ravok." He half-sang the little ditty about the city to himself, and couldn't help but smile, even if it did hurt his head. It was as good a place as any to take a rest. Noric could nurse his hangover in piece, and still have a bit of entertainment watching the crowd.
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Noric Sidhe
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First impressions are misleading [Noric]

Postby Amelia Cross on March 1st, 2013, 10:04 pm


After nearly a bell Amelia realized that today just wasn’t her day, she failed to look inviting enough for other men to approach her. Women were never of her priority so she wasn’t surprised, but today…seemed like Rhysol himself didn’t want Amelia to work. She was slowly getting bored and even her patience was coming for an end, would this be the day the little black bird would actually get angry with her father? Everything was aiming towards it. But the girl refused to let the thought cross her mind at all. She would be the daughter her father is proud of, even if he isn’t found of her job.

The girl lightly skipped along the small street. Still no luck, nobody approached her and she still didn’t want to be the one going up to anyone. Seemed like she’d have to step over her own pride today or this would be a lot of time wasted for no reason. She looked around once more trying to spot someone that was worth her time, but she saw nobody. Another little glance and then her black eyes stopped at a face she seemed to recognize, a tall man with light hair. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but her curiosity was hard to tame and in no time she was coming closer to the man who was familiar, yet a stranger. Her black eyes followed the features of the face she could manage to make out form the little distance, but it wasn’t enough.

What Amelia called curiosity; brought her closer, but she didn’t want to approach from the front. She walked between the people, still keeping an eye on the man who seemed to be a bit clueless about where he was, judging by the expression she could read, but still, she couldn’t remember where she had seen the man before. A few more steps in circles and she found herself behind the man. Slowly, she came closer, but kept a distance, only to step a bit back once more as he decided to sit down on a bench.

A step to the side, closer, and finally the face seemed to make sense to her as the past days ran through her mind. This man, she met him in the tavern, but if asked for his name…she couldn’t remember it to save her life. However, she remembered that he seemed to be quite found of her and the way she spoke and acted, just like most men. Amelia began wondering. Maybe she could trick this man into sharing a miza or two? This could be an easy and enjoyable job that could leave her laughing for a good time. The girl wasn’t sure had the man spotted her by now or not, but that didn’t play much of a role for her.

Now she painted a smile on her lips and with a confident step, uplifted chin and a playful sparkle in her black eyes came closer to the alcohol tortured man. She didn’t say anything as she came closer and her face seemed to be as calm as it could get, until the faint smell of alcohol from the man hit her nose. But Amelia had spent enough time in taverns to learn how to put up a smile even for this ”Well hey there tall and handsome, mind some company?” the black haired woman almost chuckled as she sat down next to Noric and crossed her legs. ”looks like you got a bit too much Silver last night, love” Amelia stated, looking him slowly up and down.

Amelia Cross
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