Come with me... (Rayage)

Miro and Rayage have unfinished business...

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Come with me... (Rayage)

Postby Miro on February 21st, 2013, 10:03 am

31th day of Winter, 512 AV

Miro had known for a while that Rayage had been around the Citadel, working in his lab. He however had not seen the Nuit, or his fancy laboratory. In the past, he had talked about Sahova, how he had everything he could ever need handed to him. The Pulser boy was not so lucky. It was not until this day he even laid eyes on the man in question. As far as the boy could tell, his long lost Nuit counterpart had not spotted him yet, but he would know of his presence on the isle soon enough.

Rayage had left Miro, not on bad terms, or even too suddenly, but without giving offer to take him along. The now squired Reimancer had put stock in other things, and as a result, was left behind. He and Rayage formed a bond unlike any other in Mizahar. The amount of respect and fear between them was perfectly align, allowing a beneficial alliance between wizards. Miro both respected and feared the knowledge Rayage had on Alchemy, and he was sure there was a similar feeling from he Nuit master on the boy's Reimancy. Before parting, the ancient corpse granted his young ally the secret discipline of Leeching, but left him to discover control of it on his own.

Truly that left the biggest scar on his heart. To be taken into Leeching so harshly, and then left to mend the trauma on his own. Since then, he had come into his own, and finally understood well what the discipline was meant for. He was still working to gain control of his new instinct, but each day he felt the part of his that was a Leecher grow. The tainted Djed taken, it was hard to control, but still he found use in it. It was obvious that a true master of Leeching was able to put every last bit of the stolen power to great use. What was taken, it was terribly inefficient for the newly initiated, and even harder to cast effectively. For now his Reimancy and Leeching were not to be combined, for the risk far outweighed the benefit.

Miro watched closely the path Rayage took as he wandered the halls, following a set distance behind him. It was decided in his mind how the situation was to be handled. A gift was given to the boy, one that caused him pain and haunted him, while also giving him a great potential. It was a push that would build his discipline and power, to evolve him into something greater. It was a gift of suffering he was eager to return. Nothing he had ever experienced rivaled the horror of being Leeched to that point, but he could imagine a few things. Being broken apart and reforged into something greater, it was truly an experience that would alter life itself.

It would ruin things to reveal his plans and take away the element of surprise that made his own initiation so profound, so covert tactics would be needed. Sticking to the shadows, keeping his intentions sealed, and then finally when the moment came, inspiring an awakening of fear. The wizard closed his mind off and focused on his body, opening it to the environment to soak in Djed that came in contact with his skin. Every last bit would be needed if there was at all a struggle. He did not want the corpse to resist and need to be harmed from all of this. Further and further they walked, heading to a place he had never ventured before.

As they moved deeper into the unknown, Miro began to close the distance between them, sure to emulate his walking speed to hide his presence. Rayage walked at a slow pace, even when traveling such a distance, which at first made the living boy restless. After a while of walking, it was easy to remember, this was how he chose to spend his time, and he might as well enjoy it. Besides, he was young, and beyond that surrounded by immortals. Wasting away one's life in Sahova was never a concern, not when surrounded by magic. The last time somebody had died of old age here was never. Before long he found how the ancient could enjoy such a slow pace, able to focus and draw in a great deal of Djed as they trekked further.

Though the halls were always rich and heavy with various Djeds, the gain was still subtle and hardly noticeable. Still onward they walked, no rest or hesitation in the calm steps. The concept of time seemed to fade away, only now being trapped within his mind. Without doubt, his partner was enjoying the calm silent walk the most of the three. Having something more or less harmless and quiet to distract Miro was a gift from the gods. It was a certainty that all things would come to an end though, especially the case with the boy and silence. Boredom without fail would result in various random thoughts that would be shared with his Familiar, for he so lacked the skill to contain them to his mind.

"Hey, Ender, I know you see him as well as I do, and still haven't forgiven him. I know also that by now you are questioning my motives. But do not worry, for I shall even out things between us. Through the scarring pain he has inflicted, I am able to see a brighter light. We are closer now, even if the Nuit is more distant. But I shall fix this. Do not worry, I will give him the gift of realization and awakening as he has to me. And you can bet that every last ounce of betrayal, pain and fearful surprise will be paid back in double."

The Irylid responded with a transformation to break from his icy shell on Miro's wrist. He was able to float along side him at this calm pace in his natural form, and also free of prying eyes that might threaten their safety. Even through his cold emotions, his master's words sparked a fire inside. He so desperately wanted to watch the Nuit Alchemist suffer for torturing them, and to prevent it form ever happening again. His partner was a Reimancer, not a person to be crossed. "I have waited long for the moment I might finally hear his screams of pain. To finally be able to witness his deeds returned to him, I can hardly wait. I may even understand how you can get so excited to cast magic sometimes. Let's make him burn and scream in agony."

At some point, the Alchemist came to a stop at large towering doors. As he began the process of opening the large doors, Miro was well able to bridge the remaining gap between them, but still worked to hide his presence. He approached the ancient from behind just as the doors were pushed open to reveal his magnificent workspace within. The boy quickly placed a hand on the cold dead shoulder and began to apply a bit of pressure to assist the man on his walk into his own space. "Come with me." He hissed the words in an ominous tone, more than insisting they move into the lab before removing his grip.

The Reimancer took little time to absorb his setting, though admittedly curious and excited to be in this place he had so long fantasized of. He could only stare at this man who gave him so many conflicted feelings, though his will was absolute. His icy blue eyes shone bright in the faint lighting, so obviously staring down Rayage. The boy remained silent a moment longer, his arms crossed standing a distance away and waiting for the doors to close and attention to be on him.

"It has been a long time, Professor, and I do hope you haven't missed me too much. I have come to realize much in our time apart, and I think it is time we had a talk. I am ever so eager to catch you up." Each word holding a sly hidden meaning, something he would not reveal at this time. He began to flow Res under his clothing, slowly layering his body. When the moment was right, he would spring into action and make his move. The tension had to be built and despite it still manage to surprise. This was going to be fun, not only for Miro, but Ender too.
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Come with me... (Rayage)

Postby Rayage on February 24th, 2013, 6:18 am


The long walk to his lab didn’t bother the nuit. It was actually quite meditative to him, something that he enjoyed, a time where he could reflect on his thoughts and latest ponderings. It was the time between which he had the most of, and although he wished his walk wasn’t so long it was no excuse to waste time itself. Though the nuits pace was subdued, almost leisurely, and through walking the sense of time, of importance was lost to him. He journeyed not through the halls of Sahova, but through the inner workings of his mind. This meditative journey ended only at the sight of his lab door, which big and imposing was impossible to miss.

Lab 45-E marked the end of his journey, at least this time, as the door summoned reality back to him. Now, he had to focus at the task at hand. There was work to be done, observations and realizations to record, reports to file and send away, his life was a busy one, especially with the homunculus being gathered, but it was a happy time. Ray couldn’t remember a time when he has felt so alive, this sense of importance, of renewal filled his very being, happiness brimmed from him and it was with that bittersweet voice that it invaded his every thought. Everything had a lighter tone to it, the weight of the world seemed to be lifting, and a new, lighter, brighter reality was revealed to him. His dream, his goal, his ambitions were finally being realized. These were the last steps! These, these…

These thoughts and ideas of his were interrupted the moment he opened his lab door. The imposing, thick, metal door way looking that it could survive quite the shock opened almost too easily with a push from the nuit, it was uncanny in a way, but soon he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a familiar voice.

Led into his own lab, when the boy released his grip the nuit turned to close the door behind them, ”My, my, this sounds rather serious.” he said, turning back to the youth with a frown, ”This isn’t going to take long I hope.” his sentence not a question, but a statement, ”I have very important things to conclude, and various reports to send on their way. You know, organizing an entire alchemical operation is not an easy thing to do.” he said, ”Miro, my boy,” he said striding across his lab, not giving a second glance at the richness of everything he possessed here, ”my dream is coming true.” he told him, ”and in a few short days everything will be prepared…” he stopped talking and began to look as if he were caught in his own dreamland again. Everything was coming together for him, everything.

Coming finally to his desk, his pace not hard to beat, he began sorting through various papers which covered it as if looking for something in particular. If Miro would glace at some of them he might recognize that it’s all written in the ancient language, that is if Miro even knew what Nadar-canoch was. If not the boy could see it was entire language, and inside were written letters in common, formulas, but without more information the individual letters were near meaningless. The alchemist only knowing, through experience and have written the notes himself, what the letters could possible stand for.

”In Sahova I am very busy, Miro. Please forgive me not seeking you out; I didn’t even know you remained on the isle.” he admitted, finding the paper he was looking for he plucked it from the rest. Calling a golem he handed the golem the paper and sent it off somewhere. ”Though I am proud that you have learned much, I too have a few new tricks up my sleeve.” he said mysteriously.

“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Come with me... (Rayage)

Postby Miro on February 25th, 2013, 2:30 am

Rayage's attempt at enticing him with small talk was indeed tempting, but Miro had a reason for arriving. The Reimancer had continued to produce Res, streaming it down his body and into the ground. He only wanted deal with restraining for a moment, so he would do this quickly. His Res flowed quickly, filling the ground around him with a heavy magical presence. The substance began to travel through the ground, moving to center around Rayage. Wherever he would move to it would follow.

"I am so happy to hear the good news. I am also glad I can share in the excitement." The boy smiled maliciously and revealed his fangs. He focused on an passive emotional response to issue to the Nuit. For a moment he gazed deep into those dead eyes and attuned himself to have influence on this man's unique presence, though found difficulty. The closer he walked, the more attuned he became to the deceptive corpse. An essence of calm was carried by Miro's cold gaze and gentle voice. "Your dreams certainly are coming true. I am here to see to it."

The wizard came to the edge of his Res below the ground, staying out of range. He held a hand out before him in a fist, his palm faced upward. "No, please forgive me for seeking you out. You are not the only one with tricks, dear Professor." Miro opened his hand and raised it quickly, his Res following behind it to engulf Rayage. For a moment he would be surrounded in the thick blue liquid, only having a moment to move. Finally the wizard would clasp his hand into a fist again, solidifying him in ice. He could only sigh at the glacier before him as he tapped his Ice Reaving mark. Deep cracks began to form in the ice around the man's head, allowing shards to fall away.

Now with just his head free, Miro could access the man's body. "Don't move, and remember, if you struggle it will only hurt more. But do not get me wrong, this is going to be painful no matter which way you react." The boy approached the frozen figure and grasped the Nuit's mouth. The features of his face almost made him look alive. Res began to flow from the Reimancer's hand, forcing its way through his nose and pushing to leak into his mouth. It would flow down his throat and reside in his stomach and lungs. Though he would not relent in his emission. He filled the Nuit's innards with more Res, fighting against the overflow that would fight back up his throat.

The master willed the fluid to compact, pushing the corpse's organs too far. Pressed to their bursting point, they exploded, releasing both flesh and Res through his body. Miro's Res would move all throughout the ichor, residing in every part of Rayage's body it could manage to infect. With it finally released in his body, the wizard could release his face. Once more he began to produce Res, absorbing every bit of enjoyment he could from the horror inflicted. Reluctantly he willed the Alchemist's face be covered, guiding the substance to wrap cover him before solidifying into ice.

"Now, do it! Burn the man from the inside, turn him to ashes, then let him melt in a puddle of failure and regret. I have never been one to enjoy suffering, but revenge can make anything sweet." The Irylid's words spit out like fire, so unusual for the creature. Of course Miro only wished the man to fear for his life. He did not actually intend on harming him. This would only be a tool in his training. Like Miro being able to pull on intense emotions to fuel his Leeching, Rayage would do the same with his Reimancy. But in order to gain proper initiation, he would need to be filled and surrounded by the magic. The emotions would come from the deepest most fragile part of his soul, and slowly he would harden them and gain mastery. Take the fear and pain would be transmuted into hatred and bloodlust.

"The Nuit will remain trapped in his icy prison for some time, soaking in the misery and torture. My Res destroyed some of his internal organs, apart from being painful and unnatural in his body. Eventually though it will evaporate inside of him, and much of the pain will subside. But of course this is only the beginning of his lesson. Let him enjoy his rest in the ice, for the worst is yet to come."
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Come with me... (Rayage)

Postby Rayage on February 25th, 2013, 3:35 am


”Well Im glad to have such a competent ally.” he told him, unaware of any ill will towards him. The child’s presence, yet he wouldn’t dare call the boy a child aloud he thought of him as one, seemed to calm him. He was everything he pictured his homunculus to be, and then some. In a word, perfect, and in that perfection came the calm of the boys glance as he walked near to him.

He allowed himself to smile at his private thoughts, but in an instant that smile was stolen away by sheer panic. He didn’t have time to react, no time to move, if he could have moved that fast to be out of the way of the spell he would have been mortal, not immortal. Cold trapped him, and his sight got a bit darker. The ice wasn’t exactly the clearest substance in the world and the lighting in the lab wasn’t the best.

Was this how his life was going to end? The thought crossed his mind, but hope came to him as he saw cracks appear in the ice. The gripping cold released part of his body and chunks of ice fell to the floor below crumbling. Though he realized his head was only free the release was more than welcome as he opened his mouth to spew words at the Reimancer, ”Miro, what is the meani…” he was cut off by the boys own words, a hand grasping at his face, the words telling him not to struggle or move. Well he kind of has covered, uh? There wasn’t any way the nuit could put up a fight against Miro, and his power was great and terrible indeed. To have it used against him sent shivers through him which wasn’t from the constant presence of cold surrounding him.

Though it was only moments late he felt something different going inside him. Fear crept into his mind as he started to make noises of protest, but the wizard would not desist. The noise was muffled from the stuff crawling through him, invading his body slowly. The ice held and kept his body still enough as the reimancer did his work, the nuit could feel his lungs and stomach expanding more and more and more. The pressure building and his cries of pain muffled by the res being shoved down his throat, when suddenly he felt something strange… it was a mixture of pain, but also a release from the gripping torment which he was in not moments ago. His organs burst, and luckily being a nuit he didn’t quite need them, but the stuff continued to fill him, flowing with some force out of the stomach and lungs much like a bag filled with air and then popped.

The fear was replaced with more pain, and pain was replaced with more fear. It was an endless and self-sustaining cycle of cold… If his body wasn’t held by the ice the nuit knew that he would have been on the ground convulsing as more and more of the res poured into him, infecting him. He felt it travel throughout his chest and up his neck, paralyzing fear happened upon him as he felt it crawl higher and higher into his head and throughout his body. His arms, legs… nothing was spared. The nuits head was shaking, but Miros grip was tight, and he really didn’t need it to gain access to his body. Rayage couldn’t cover his nose after all. Though it was a sick, violating feeling… The nuit felt like he had been wronged, betrayed.

Then it was done. When Miro retracted his grip Rayage couldn’t say anything. The shock of the experience gripped him as this fullness he was experiencing filled him almost completely. Gathering his mind, pain turned to rage, but before he could say anything he found his head was once again covered in ice. If he wanted to say anything he couldn’t. Instead he was left there, staring into space, at Miro whenever the wizard was within his sight. The cold tried to comfort him, court him, but it was too cold. He still felt such things as cold and heat and pain and emotions, no matter what anyone else would say about the nuit they still felt, and he felt everything. Everything. Frozen in his tomb of ice, he would have to wait and bide his time until it would thaw itself, or he would otherwise be released. What game was Miro playing at?

RAPEWay to totally Rape him >.> Make him feel violated in only the way a wizard can do. Im not sure what to do… though I hope this was good enough. Way to come from left field.

“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Come with me... (Rayage)

Postby Delirium on March 28th, 2013, 11:52 am


Experience Rewards

Miro :
Stealth 3xp
Familiarity 1xp
Reimancy 2xp

The joy of revenge on Rayage
Performing Reimancy initiation on Rayage

Rayage :
Reimancy 1xp

Initiation to Reimancy performed by Miro
Subject of Miro's cruelty
Fear of Miro's power (Reimancy)

Notes: A beautiful thread you guys! Though I did find myself feeling very sorry for poor Ray :P

If you have any queries with the grading, pleas don't hesitate to PM me :)
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