Open Scorched Skills

Bethsyliss has trouble on her first day of work at The Scorched Skull. [All welcome to join!]

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

Scorched Skills

Postby Bethsyliss on February 25th, 2013, 6:57 pm

Syliss returned to the scene with towel, broom and shovel. As she crouched down to wipe the floor clean of the beer she had spilled, Ssahnya spoke to her. "For a reason beyond me thisss man has decided to pay for your missstake," she said. "But that doesssn't mean I don't expect you to work twice as hard if you want to hold on to your job. I can't have waitressesss going around sssmassshing expensive glassswork. Pay more attention, or you will get the sssack."

But Syliss had hardly heard anything her boss had said. As soon as she had told her about Treksha's generous act, her ears disconnected from her brain, and she gazed at the man who had so willingly taken the consequences of her actions. Who isss he? she wondered, lost once again in his green-gold eyes. Whether this was the beginning of a long relationship or just a momentary spark of lust, this could not have been a chance meeting. Syliss marveled at the workings of destiny, boring into Treksha's eyes as if to find answers in these glimmering malachite gems.

Ssahnya's voice cackled like a whip and brought Syliss to her senses. "Sssyliss! Back to work, now," she hissed. Syliss nodded obediently and continued wiping the floor with the towel before clearing the tiny pink shards.

When she was done, she stood up and walked over to Treksha. "Right," she said, remembering she was now a barmaid. "Your cold drink." She turned on her heels and went back behind the counter to get another pitcher. Her brain was dazed momentarily when, taking out a clear glass, she mentally combined it with the fact that she had just broken a pink mug and let out a nervous chuckle, which she quickly shrugged off before fetching beer from the kitchens.

When she came back, she was holding the full glass in both hands, one around the handle, and one under for support, so as to make sure she wouldn't drop it this time. She put in on Treksha's table as casually as she could and said in a weak voice: "Any -- uh -- anything elssse, sssir -- Treksha, I mean?"
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Postby Treksha on February 26th, 2013, 3:37 am

I'm spending money on a woman I've just met, and all because of a kiss?

Those eyes of his glimmered with inner conflict, his draw toward Syliss combated by his more pragmatic thoughts. This was all so silly, kissing a strange Dhani in the middle of the worst part of the city he simultaneously hated and adored...

Yet their eyes met once more, and his internal monologue was set to laughing at how often their gazes had crossed and they'd been trapped in each others' eyes. Her glimmering golden globes were almost what his own were so desperately trying to become, the colour of her eyes almost exactly mirrored in the ring around his own irises. But these thoughts simply flitted across the landscape of Treksha's mind, like a murder of crows dancing across a sky lit by sunset.

Even watching her work is fascinating... Those pesky thoughts reared their ugly heads again, cawing and cackling at his discomfort and setting him to shaking them free from his mind. Her motions seemed so fluid, but then, it made sense from a snake.

Upon her standing and fetching him the drink, the Benshira could not help but chuckle. He had never had such an effect on anyone before, much less a glorious woman. Yet she still forgot herself, stammered when she spoke, and...

Petch, I'm doing the same things, aren't I?

Taking the newly placed pitcher of beer from the table easily, Treksha smiled and raised the glass to the woman, gaining in confidence. "I suppose this will not be too... Incarcerating?" His cheeks flared red once again at his obvious misuse of a word, and he stuttered while trying to correct himself. "Er... Intoxicating, yes. Perhaps either something small to eat, or even a moment with which we could talk?"

The question was obviously a thinly veiled attempt to get to talk to Syliss, but the gold-skinned boy had stopped caring long before.

Maybe talking to her will sort this out...
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Postby Bethsyliss on February 26th, 2013, 9:14 am

Syliss frowned uncomprehendingly when Treksha used a word he had not intended to use, then blinked when he rectified his verbal lapse. She was about to answer about bringing him some food but let him carry on his sentence offering a moment to talk. At first, Syliss was puzzled by such a request. "A moment to t--" She broke off. "Oh," she said, suddenly realizing the potential meaning of his proposition. "Well -- yesss, -- um -- I --" she stammered nervously, not knowing how to react in this social context where she was supposed to be the barmaid and he the customer. "I'm sorry, Treksssha. This is my -- uh -- first day of work, actually, and I'd better make a good impresssion on my boss -- well, try to sssalvage what's left of my impression, anyway -- ssso..." She left it hanging, obviously not wanting to voice her forced refusal but at the same time leaving the question open for future possibilities.

"But -- sssomething small to eat. Yes. What would you like to eat?" Syliss inquired, not thinking any straighter than she had since the moment Treksha had walked into the Scorched Skull, still peering into his green-gold eyes. It was as though something was happening between them that was very different from what appeared to happen on the surface, like some kind of silent communication that she herself was unaware of.
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Postby Treksha on March 3rd, 2013, 12:10 am

The entrance of one of those very same Scorpions that had sneered at Trek startled him. When he had passed this one, the man had drawn a small knife, looking the Benshira boy up and down for any valuables, and he had scared Treksha more than any of the others. Now here he was, his black clothing fitting his scarred face and hideous scowl perfectly.

"I - I must go!" Treksha said to the beautiful woman before him, before springing from his chair, dropping a gold miza on the table, and sprinting out of the tavern. The Scorpion had already taken a seat, and now ignored him as he ran past to shove the door open and flee through the Pillars of Dust.

Treksha made turn after turn, but after half a bell, finally found his way back to the city proper. He stopped, chest heaving with the horrible exertion, and turned toward his home outside of the city.

OOCI wish Tim had stayed, this story was so fascinating for me to write. I hate to cut it short, but...
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Scorched Skills

Postby Caelum on October 15th, 2013, 6:57 pm

Thread Award

Name: Treksha.

  • Observation +2
  • Flirting +1
  • Negotiation +1

  • Eypharian Prejudice
  • Ahnatep Location: Pillars of Dust

Notes: Deduct 3 Gold Mizas from your Ledger, please. Bethsyliss’ grade was not included due to the retired status of her account. Additionally, please delete your post with this thread link in the Ahnatep grade request thread. Don’t hesitate to PM me with any questions or concerns.
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