[Verified by Siren] Yousef

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Yousef on February 26th, 2013, 7:29 pm

Basic Information
Name: Yousef from the tents of Ishmael, of the sons of Aysaw
Birthday/Age: Spring 20, 494; 19
Race: Human, Benshira
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11’’
Weight: 158 lbs

  • Fluent, Shiber
  • Basic, Common
  • Poor,Vani
Current Situation
As of Spring 513 AV, Yousef found his way to the north after almost a year's worth of travelling. Hassan is sick at the moment and is staying at the White Elk Stables, Yousef comes to visit him every other day or so.

    Taldera region, City of Avanthal
    Currently freeloading invited to stay over at Silarial’s arvinta. Romance jokes are totally out of the question lest you'd want to hear the furious protests of a pissed off Benshira.
    Ranges from begrudgingly cursing the vile winter chill to reluctantly calming down to admire the city’s array of lights. He’s learning to love the city as the days pass—though he’d never admit to it.
A young man with a strong build and a bright smile, Yousef is often mistaken for a performer rather than a shepherd’s son. His skin is deeply tanned from helping his father tend their sheep. He wears a keffiyeh over his curly brown hair. It is often unruly and mussed all over his forehead whenever he removes his headdress. His face is very boyish, boasting a strong jaw, light emerald eyes and an ever present smile.

He prefers to walk around shirtless, much to the distress of his mother, but he will put on a shirt when told to do so. When the weather is colder than usual however, he will wrap himself in the warmest clothes he could find.

Character Concept
Yousef by nature is curious but often he is wary of magic and unnatural occurrences. His cautiousness gets ahead of his curiosity, leading him to miss certain opportunities for adventure. He dislikes troublesome situations and troublesome people, and he will politely decline having to hang around them.

ImageAround strangers, elders and authority figures he is often quiet and reserved and is careful of how he acts around them. Like most Benshira, he enjoys gatherings and would most likely jump at any opportunity to attend a party. He is fiercely protective of his sisters and people he is close with, and will value their safety rather than his own. Often he goes out of his way to please people he cares for, but he usually does this in an underlying manner.

He despises the cold and would rather stay in their tent when the climate turns a little more chilly than what he’s used to. It dampens his mood and leaves a scowl on his face. Yousef also has the tendency to let his mouth takeover when he’s faced with awkward situations. Usually this is a problem since, more often than not, he blurts out something he doesn’t mean to say. When this happens, he whips out his brightest of smiles and begs Yahal for things to go well.

Yousef has no concept of direction whatsoever. As a child he’d frequently get lost wandering around while his family isn’t looking. In one occasion, he got separated from his father while searching for a grazing spot for their livestock. His father along with a few men searched for him for 3 days. They found him on the evening of the 3rd day, contently sleeping in a patch of grass along with a lost pony from gods know where. This is one of the reasons as to why he isn't afraid of going off all on his own, believing that Yahal will take him to where he is meant to be.

He has very high regard for women, although not being especially fond of them. He feels uncomfortable around ladies he isn't familiar with. Often he’ll try to hide his uneasiness. He is usually pleasant to strangers, but will be completely on edge with an Eypharian around. This is because of their races’ history. He feels that the Eypharians are the reason why he’s being pressured to marry so soon. He doesn't believe in arranged marriage and would usually storm out of their Tent when his parents try talking to him about the subject.

    Merry-making, free things (Never say ‘no’ to a gift from Yahal!), and quiet desert nights he can sing to.
    Cold weather, Eypharians, people getting too close to his sisters and, occasionally, large cats.

Character History
Born in the deserts of Eyktol, Yousef is the only son of the shepherd Ishmael. Being the middle child between two sisters, it has become Yousef’s responsibility to help out his father with the sheep at a very young age. He was taught by his father how to effectively herd sheep, how to shear their wool and most importantly how to defend them when predators are present.

ImageDuring his first visit to the city of Yahebah his mother told him about the history of the Benshira and how their patron god Yahal led his people to salvation. Young Yousef was very much gripped throughout the story and ever since then, his faith to Yahal skyrocketed. When they visited Yahal’s temple that day, he asked enthusiastically if he could offer their family’s herd of sheep as a sacrifice to the patron god, much to the surprise of his father and the amusement of his mother.

Upon turning seventeen, he was frequently pestered by his parents about marriage. Since Yousef disliked the idea of settling down with a woman he hardly knew, he started telling his parents that married life was not what Yahal had wanted for him; they only looked at him incredulously. He’d often mention how unhappy their eldest—Maryam, who was married to a son of a mercenary—was with her marriage. But his words fell on deaf ears, his parents would not listen to him and their conversation would be left at that.

On the 21st day of Spring year 512 AV, a day after he turned 18, Yousef snuck out of their Tent five chimes after the third bell. He visited Yahal’s temple one last time, praying to the god for forgiveness and for the safety of his family while he was away. If marrying a Rakva put a Benshira on the grounds of disownment, what more would it be leaving on the day of one’s marriage ritual? Yousef was deeply ashamed, but he was sure that it wasn’t what he wanted, so with a heavy heart he joined a group of traveling merchants and left Yahebah.

Continuously heading north, Yousef wanted to get as far away from Yahebah as he could. He prayed to Yahal every day, asking for forgiveness and constantly told the god about the hardships of his travels. During one of the cooler nights, around mid-Summer, he overheard a storyteller talking about a place called Wind Reach. Stories of the city’s caste system stirred Yousef’s curiosity. He was heading to nowhere in particular, so Wind Reach sounded like a good traveler’s destination, well, so he thought at that time.

Additional Information
Skill Starting Gained Total Proficiency
Animal Husbandry 15RB, 11SP 26 Competent
Sculpting 5SP 5 Novice
Singing 5SP 5 Novice
Unarmed Combat 5SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Slingshot 9SP 9 Novice
Wilderness Survival 15SP 15 Novice

  • Religion of Yahal (SP)
  • Finding Water in the Desert (SP)


Starting Package:
  • 1 large tent (4 person)
  • Large tarp
  • 100 ft of rope
  • Flint and steel
  • Lantern
  • 2 torches
  • Bedroll
  • Blanket
  • Fishing tackle & hooks
  • Hassan, a black Eyktolian Desertbred
  • Full set of tack
  • Large set of saddlebags

  • 2 sets of clothing
  • 1 waterskin
  • 1 backpack
    • 1 set of toiletries
    • 1 weeks’ worth of food
    • 1 eating knife
    • Flint and steel
    • Slingshot bullets (10)
    • Journal
    • Ink sticks (10)
  • Family heirloom: The slingshot (Hebrean) his father gave him on his 13th birthday. It’s a bit battered but he's still extremely proud of it, often showcasing it to others if the moment allows him to.

While in Yahebah and during travel:
  • Cotton Undergarments (SP)
  • Ankle-length tunic (SP)
  • Heavy red coat (SP)
  • Black cotton trousers (SP)
  • Low cut faux leather boots (SP)
  • Turban (SP)

While in Avanthal:
  • White cotton shirt
  • Fine wool scarf
  • Fine wool hood
  • Fine wool gloves
  • Fine wool jacket
  • Wool (Llama) cloak
  • High leather boots

Purchase Cost Total
Starting Package +100gm 100gm
White cotton shirt -1.25sm 99gm 8sm 75cm
Fine wool scarf -3sm 99gm 5sm 75cm
Fine wool hood -15sm 98gm 75cm
Fine wool gloves -15sm 96gm 5sm 75cm
Fine wool jacket -18sm 94gm 7sm 75cm
Llama wool cloak -50sm 89gm 7sm 75cm
High leather boots -10gm 88gm 7sm 75cm
Horse blanket and hood (Medium) -4gm 84gm 7sm 75cm
Slingshot bullets -1sm 84gm 6sm 75cm
Journal -3gm 81gm 6sm 75cm
Ink sticks -3gm 78gm 6sm 75cm

Thread List
Date Title Characters Status Notes
Spring 43, 501 AV Let's Make This More Interesting Syren Ongoing

344 Days
Misadventures of Yousef: 344 Days to Avanthal
Threads concerning Yousef’s long journey from Yahebah to Avanthal

Spring 513 AV
Day Title Characters Status Notes
Spring 1 Of Deserts; In Snow Kali, Miria Ongoing
Spring 3 Sickly Stallion Lusina (Noblesse) Ongoing
Spring 3 Sand Man and Miss Frost Silarial Ongoing
Spring 5 Mid-morning Musings Levhanti Ongoing
Spring 6 A Slippery Situation Svasra, Silarial Ongoing
Spring 18 I Shadow Dog Dare You! Nikomas Ongoing
Spring 19 A Day To Skate Sera Ongoing
Spring 21 Lost in a Maze Khristian Ongoing

Dates Location Age Notes
Spring 20 494 AV to Spring 56, 499 AV Outside of Yahebah 0 - 5 years old Birth and younger years
Spring 57, 499 AV to Winter 73, 501 AV Yahebah 5 - 7 years old Family returns to city to have Sef educated
Winter 74, 501 AV to Winter 69, 504AV Outside of Yahebah 7 - 10 years old Yousef meets Hassan during this period
Winter 70, 504 to Summer 35, 509 AV Yahebah 10 - 15 years old Safiya gives birth to Ayesha
Summer 36, 509 AV to Fall 15, 511 AV Outside of Yahebah 15 - 17 years old Sef is being prodded to marry
Fall 16, 511 AV to Spring 20, 512 AV Yahebah 17 - 18 years old Family returns to Yahebah to finalize Yousef’s marriage
Spring 21, 512 AV to Present Outside of Yahebah 18 - present Yousef leaves Yahebah

During travel

(NPCs are HD approved)

ImageName: Ishmael of the sons of Aysaw
Birthday: Summer 27, 467 AV
Age: 45 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Benshira
Weight: 167 lbs
Height: 6’1’’

Yousef’s take: “Father likes to think he is strict with us, but show him some affection and he yields quite easily, especially with my sisters.”

Born to a family of nomadic Benshira, Ishmael had known the sandy desert dunes of Eyktol as his home and his flock of sheep as his friends. He’d been taught by his father Khalil, to herd and to navigate around Eyktol and when the time was right he was taught to negotiate and trade. It was at Yahebah when he met Safiya, young and beautiful, who instantly caught his eye. It was her charm and unyielding personality that challenged and drew him to her and he knew from that day on that he wanted to marry Safiya.

When Safiya was pregnant with Maryam, Ishmael decided to return to Yahebah and apply for citizenship so that their children could have free access to the Seat of the Sons. There, he took the time to volunteer to rebuild parts of the city and serve as one of the Yahalmen. Twenty-five days later, he was accepted as a citizen of Yahebah.

Ishmael places heavy importance in education as it was something not given to him as a child. Every time Safiya is pregnant, they would make their way back to Yahebah and stay there for at least five years (with the exception of Yousef who was born outside of the city and visited there for the first time when he was three) and have their child educated in the discipline that interests them. While in Yahebah, he’d go off at the quarter of the season for his sheep, and take a few people with him but after Yousef was born, he would be the one his father would take outside the city.

Ishmael is a quiet man, and prefers to brood over problems by himself. As a father he is loving and would devote a certain time of the day for his children. He never had his daughters do any kind of tedious physical activity and lets them help Safiya instead. Although strict with rules, he could not help yielding to the whims of his children—especially Maryam—but only to an extent.

Skill Points Proficiency
Animal Husbandry 28 XP Competent
Negotiation 12 XP Novice
Weapon: Slingshot 10 XP Novice

ImageName: Safiya from the tents of Ishmael, of the sons of Eliada
Birthday: Fall 67, 469 AV
Age: 43 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Human, Benshira
Weight: 134 lbs
Height: 5’7’’

Yousef’s take: “No one is as kind or as caring as Mother.”

Safiya is the daughter of a weaver and an instructor (her father teaches Medicine and Healing over at the Seat of the Sons). She is born inside the city of Yahebah and had met Ishmael at The Red Bazaar while selling her mother’s fabric. She did not shy away from Ishmael’s subtle flirtations and even dared a bolder way of returning his attraction, she told Ishmael that she liked him. Young Ishmael got flustered and replied by telling her that he needed to tend to his flock of sheep, Safiya was very much entertained by his reaction.

She was dedicated to learning her father’s discipline and if she hadn’t met Ishmael, she would have applied for a position of a healer at the House of Mercy. After Ishmael had took her outside of Yahebah, she used what her mother had taught her about weaving to make fabric out of their sheep’s wool. She is extremely devoted to Yahal and teaches her children proper practices concerning their culture. Safiya often tells them stories of the Benshira’s history and heritage, and she hopes that her children will uphold their tradition as much as she has.

She is a no-nonsense kind of woman, intelligent and level headed. She is also known for her boisterous personality which is a stark contrast to her silent husband. As a mother Safiya is never out of time for her children, she’d tell them stories and sing them songs and teach them the knowledge of their people. Maryam, Yousef and Ayesha grew up knowing that a mother’s love is truly unconditional.

Skill Points Proficiency
Herbalism 5 XP Novice
Medicine 25 XP Novice
Weaving 20 XP Novice

Name: Maryam from the tents of Rafiq, of the sons of Aysaw
Birthday: Summer 46, 488 AV
Age: 24 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Human, Benshira
Weight: 113 lbs
Height: 5’6’’

Yousef’s take: “Devil woman.”

Maryam and Yousef’s relationship as siblings have always been rocky. They have a love-hate relationship going on, mostly leaning towards the latter. But beyond their usual sibling squabble, Yousef actually cares deeply for Maryam and is irritated with the fact that she married Jamil (the suitor that he least liked). Maryam is smart and manipulative, and she insists on getting the things she wants. Usually this is the reason why she clashes with Yousef.

Although not spoiled, she was given everything she wanted as a child. Ishmael never had her do any physical work so she’d often spend her days at the Seat of the Sons where she frequented the Gageteering room. But not because the discipline interested her in particular, but because she took a liking to the instructor’s son (who surprisingly returned her affection). Her childhood romance ended when her father decided to travel the deserts of Eyktol once more, to grow sheep and continue her grandfather’s business. But a promise was left before they left Yahebah, Safiya was good friends with the instructor and it has been decided that their children will marry when the time is right.

While away from Yahebah, she took a great interest in dancing and excelled in the activity. During a few Mashas she’d be asked to perform along with other talented dancers of her age. This is where she caught the eye of many suitors, all of which she turned down, for she’s already arranged to marry Jamil.

Skill Points Proficiency
Dance 30 XP Competent
Gadgeteering 5 XP Novice
Intelligence 15 XP Novice

ImageName: Ayesha from the tents of Ishmael, of the sons of Aysaw
Birthday: Winter 89, 504 AV
Age: 8 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Human, Benshira
Weight: 52 lbs
Height: 4’1’’

Yousef’s take: “Our angel! If anybody so much as hurt her, they'll have to answer to me and father and oh, Maryam too.”

Ayesha is unsurprisingly the family’s favorite. She is a lively child with a charming smile and a sunny personality. Ayesha is also the most effective way to get Yousef and Maryam to stop squabbling, both having to call a truce as to not upset their youngest. She takes after their father when it comes to demeanor, quiet but bustling with energy when doing what she loves (singing or drawing).

Like her sister, she was born in the city of Yahebah and had spent her first few years growing up there. She’d attend Art classes at the Seat of the Sons, usually with Yousef or Maryam watching over her. She is a well-behaved child and is very eager to learn, something Ishmael prides himself in.

Skill Points Proficiency
Drawing 10 XP Novice
Singing 5 XP Novice

Name: Hassan
Age: 9 years old (years spent with Yousef, actual age is unknown)
Size: 16hh
Breed: Eyktolian Desertbred
Color: Black with a white blaze
Character: Intelligent, stubborn at times, overcautious, high spirited

ImageYousef found Hassan in the middle of the desert, the pony was grazing contently and there was no rancher nor horseman with the young stallion. Yousef on the other hand, was ten and lost. Tired and hungry, he approached the horse and talked to it until he fell asleep. They were found together that night, and since then Yousef was convinced that Yahal had brought them together. After that incident, the boy and his horse have become inseparable.

Hassan is extremely stubborn and would not let anybody ride him, not even Yousef. Although the Benshira had tried to ride him once he only ended up with a bruised face and a twisted ankle. During their journey to Avanthal however, Hassan has become less adamant and would occasionally let Yousef ride him (though it would be Hassan who did the controlling and not Yousef, much to the Benshira’s annoyance).

If someone didn’t know Yousef well, they’d think he was crazy for he spoke to Hassan like a real person. Often he’d make faces at the stallion or he’d joke around with it. Yousef likes to think that the little noises and gestures that Hassan makes are his way of replying to him. Hassan is the closest thing that Yousef has to a best friend and guardian (at the moment).

Ledger table was coded by Elli because I am a lazy bastard.
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Posts: 94
Words: 52483
Joined roleplay: February 24th, 2013, 3:32 am
Location: Avanthal
Race: Human, Benshira
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