Winter 18, 512 AV Malefic stared down at the four animal heads lying in front of him on the table. A cat's head, a rabbit's head, a rat's head, and a snake's head, all fully intact. He'd practiced malediction on his journey to Sahova, but that was awhile ago, and he knew everything there was to know about what he was maledicting. This was completely different. The main obstacle he faced was the lack of knowledge about what each animal's life had been like. This means the result of each individual malediction would be rather pointless. Simple and weak. Malefic pondered this problem, gazing deeply into the dead eyes of each creature in turn. What to do...? An idea popped into his head. Maybe...combine them? No, can't do that. Too many different parts, too challenging for the level I'm currently at. Maybe combining two instead? That sounds better. He searched for the two species he saw the most common ground in. Snakes, crawling through the dirt and hunting prey viciously. He also noted to himself the venom that the viper's fangs held. Rats, crawling through the sewers, carrying disease. Cats, prowling through the streets at night and stealthily stalking small vermin. Rabbits, hiding in a hole in the ground, and moving at intense speeds. Thankfully, he knew this much because of his time in the wild. Many animals he hunted, stalked, and observed, all to find out as much as possible about them. All these were among those he observed. Excellent. The nuit could see several traits each one had in common with another. Now to determine the wanted effect. It has to be something impressive. Something flashy and effective, handy but with wide range of use... He contemplated this for a moment or two. Stealth. That meant using the cat. Cat's have light feet and great balance. Surprise That meant using the snake. Snakes slither silently and then spring suddenly to strike their prey. With this in mind, he got to work. Mal rolled the rabbit head, and the rat head, to the side. He surveyed the surgical tools at his disposal. He equipped the scalpel, and leaned forward towards his specimens, cutting at the cat's lip and into the gums behind it, separating a single tooth from the mouth of the feline. It made a small *click* upon falling onto the table. He worked his way through several more inches of gum, several more clicking noises echoing through the lab. six teeth were lying on the table, all of them of equal size and length. Following this came the stripping of scales from the snake's head. One by one Malefic chipped the scales off until there remained only a small fraction of what had lain there before. Now he had two products. Scales and teeth. To intertwine them.... He drove a nail through the tooth, using the bottom of another tool as a hammer to ram it through. Unsuccessfully. The tooth chipped and broke in two. He tried this again with another tooth. It, too, broke. The third attempt proved acceptable, as he only chipped the tooth. He then used the scalpel to cut a thin slit on the dull side of the tooth,the part where the gums would connect, and stuck one of the snake's scales into the shallow slit. It fit, though it would easily fall apart. Now what? He tapped his finger on the desk, and then took a leisurely stroll over to the library, and to the malediction section, browsing the titles of books for something about basic maledictions with two creatures. Hmmm... |