Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Hender on April 21st, 2013, 1:12 pm

30th Summer 512AV

Hender approached the gates of Syliras his great hammer harnessed on his back, wearing the clothes he left his home city in. Leather trousers, a cloth shirt and some thick leather boots. His clothes were travel stained and his muscles ached from walking, but finally he had reached were he was heading and could see the gates and the
two knights in shining plate armor waiting to greet him.

"Halt friend, what is you're name". The guard's were young, no more than 20 years Hender felt, and it was clear that they were not used to seeing an Isur due to their intrigued expressions. "My name is Hender, yes i am an Isur, and i seek to live in this city, i mean you no harm and my skills as a smith would benefit the city". Hender hoped that he had preempted the guard's questions and it would spare him more time having to talk. They seemed pleased by his answers, however it was clear they
wanted to know more. They would have asked further if they didn't feel that Hender's body language was that of a man that had already ended the conversation.

The guard's allowed him through the gates, telling him that if he wanted work in a forge the ironworks were the place to go, and that lodging could be found in the various inns within. He intended to go to the ironworks first to get himself a job. The sooner he started to work the sooner his mind would be occupied. As he walked through the gates his ears were assaulted by the vast noise of the city and he winced, knowing that he would have to get used to this loud new city that he had found
himself in.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Berukansstel on April 25th, 2013, 11:21 am


"Aaaah... Syliras..." Beru stared at the all-too familiar gate of the fortress city of 'peace'. Peace... more like oppression... She huffed a disappointed sigh in her mind, the knights here acted all mighty and oppress the people in her opinion. Still, it's better than Ravok... heck, any city is better than Ravok, its ruler is a literal God of Evil for crying out loud. Beru approached the gate to do her usual routine. "Hail, Good sers" She smiled and greeted the guards. Her cold iron longsword elegantly rest ing on its sheath on her waist.

"Good day, M'lady, what business do you bring to Syliras today?" The tall muscular guard appreciated her polite attitude and greeted in return.

"Business and research, I'm an alchemist after all." She politely replied Heh, If I said I specialize in poison, they would become edgy and cautious, sigh...

"Ah, an alchemist, very well then, M'lady. You may enter. Have a good day" The guard said as he moved out of the way and gestured her to enter.

"Much appreciated, Ser" Beru slightly bowed and proceeded to enter the city. Same old procedure... same old...


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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Maduro Salvitary on May 6th, 2013, 1:37 pm

65th Of Summer AV

So here he was Maduro Salvitary at the pinnacle of human civilization and the only thing he could seem to think about was ale and women. He didn't know what to make of it really he had dabbled in a little of this and a little of that. He was a busy bee standing infront of a big ole pot of honey, his trade and skills would go far and the rewards would be sweet and plentiful. He was eager to start but first he had to make his way through the guards

I am Maduro Salvitary, I'm just looking to get my hands on a cold beer and the hips of a beautiful woman.

The guard waved was satisfied with his answer, he had probably heard it all at this point and his reason was probably just as good as anyone else's.

Maduro would pass the guard and jump right in where he felt the most comfortable, the bars.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Klaus on May 6th, 2013, 5:52 pm

14 Spring, 513AV

Klaus walked lazily along the Kabrin road. The hood of his cloak was pushed back to allow Zulravs gentle breezes to pass through his onyx hair. Spring was by far his favorite season, and the 14th his favorite day. With a smile on his face and little spring in his step, he approached the all too familiar sight of the Syliras Gates.

He smiled at the guards on duty.

"Good morning," he greeted them cheerfully. One Knight, a burly man simply nodded, while the other, a female greeted him back.

"Good morning to you too Klaus. You're up mighty early."

Her voice was kind, but as a Knight she still had a subtle sternness to her.

"Ah, you can never be up too early ma'am. Besides, I don't usually have the pleasure of watching Syna shoo away the night." he smiled again. "I would love to stay and chat, but there is work I must do. Have a wonderful day." And with that, he walked on through the Gates of Syliras. And even as he waded through the early morning crowds, he heard the voice of the female guard behind him.

"And you have a wonderful birthday Klaus!"
Hey everyone, sorry it's taking me so long to post back. My grandparents, who have been away all winter, just got back for the summer. So I will be spending as much time with them as I can. But don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you. I just may not post as often as I have been before. Thank you all for your understanding, and I will post as soon as I can.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Dragwore on May 9th, 2013, 7:42 am

Timestamp: Spring 59, 513

It was a bright and shining day, the type which annoyed the hell out of Dragwore. He had thrown a fold of his cloth robe over his head to block out some of the sun as he neared the city gates. Looking up at the imposing sight, he sighed. Having heard a few good things about this place he had to check it out for himself. Leading his Mountain Pony loaded with saddles and a small cart with the gear of his trade, he was soon stopped at the gate.

"A wandering Symenestra... You here looking for trouble?" One of the guards spoke up, moving forward to inspect the man and his ride, primarily Dragwore. The man lifted his free hand to show pale skin of the Symenestra species, but the lack of the black fingernails.

"Only half, and no. I simply wish to work my trade in Gadgeteering. Repairs, primarily, but if your city has resources for sale I do enjoy toymaking." The guard did not seem too impressed, but of course that was probably in the job description. Taking a quick look over Dragwore's beast of burden then around his cart, he nodded.

"Very well. Head inside, the guards can point you to the Employment Office. Maybe they can make use of your skills." The guard moves away to open the gates. Dragwore said nothing more as he moves on inside, a slight sigh the only sound of his relief the situation had gone so well.

First thing first, he would explore the city a bit, find shelter and a decent meal, something hard to find simply traveling the roads.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Varus on May 9th, 2013, 9:27 pm

Varus strolled his way towards the great gates of the city as fast as his small body could manage. "Yes! I made it!" he shouted out happily. He walked forwards before a giant foot stepped in his way. "Hey! What are you doing I need to go in there!" he shouted. The knight looked down at Varus and laughed. "And what would a pycon like you be doing in Syliras?" he asked. Varus looked up at the knight and brought his hand up to his chin. "I am adventuring and learning! Im going to become a knight! Or something... Im not so sure yet." he said as he scratched his chin. "What are you doing here?" he asked. The knight paused for a tic before moving his foot. "You may pass" he said avoiding the little Pycons question. Varus nodded and walked into the city.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Kayelin Mannering on May 14th, 2013, 3:36 pm

513 AV, 81st Day of Spring
The Main Gates

She'd finally made it, after nearly a full season on the road. Sunberth was far behind her. It felt like a lifetime ago when she'd left her home and family, and she'd worried about them ever since she stepped foot out of the city. She'd split up with the merchants she left home with a few weeks ago, after a particularly bad decision on her part, but she wouldn't dwell on that now. Mainly it had been a lot easier traveling with the trade caravan, riding in the back of their wagons when she and the pup got tired. The Falivan her mother gave her was still nameless, but they'd grown insuperable on the trip. The young hound was plodding along the road next to her, dripping saliva and radiating fatigue. Kayelin knew she didn't look much better.

But the Syliras city gates loomed up ahead, imposing yet oh-so inviting after the long trip. She halted for a moment, soaking it all in. The Falivan sat on her foot, waiting eagerly, a habit she'd picked up out of the blue the past few weeks. "This is where we'll be staying now." Her drooping ears perked up and she wagged her tail at the sound of Kayelin's voice. "At least I hope."

When they continued closer to the gates, the crowd streaming in and out became thick with all sorts of colorful people. Kayelin gawked at the knights in armor and finely clothed merchants shouting orders to underlings. A commanding voice pulled her attention in a complete 180, and she ended up face to face with one of the gate guards. She was rooted to the road by his scrutinzing gaze, mouth dry with fear and awe. "What's your business here, sir? You look lost." Kayelin instantly felt her face heat up like a fire. It wasn't new, being mistaken for a man, but it always stung. She decided she wouln't correct him, so she could save some face.

"I've come looking to become a Squire, Ser. All the way from Sunberth." The Knight instantly smiled, visibly relaxing. "You'll be looking for Ser Erik, then. If you go to the Dyres District, you'll be escorted to the Recruitment Office to talk to him. It's no wonder you look like you've fallen down a cliff, walking all the way from Sunberth. I wish you good luck. You may pass along now." But just as she was about to move away, he stopped her once more. "Sorry, one moment. I'll need to have a look at your dog there, to see if it's sound. We don't want sick animals in the city."

Kayelin nodded and backed away from the pup sitting at her feet, allowing the Knight access. "Of course, there you go." He stooped down, amor clinking in protest, and ran his hands along her back and legs, then lifted her jows to check her teeth. She growled and tried to pull away, but he held fast, looking in her ears and examining her eyes before standing again. "She's good and healthy, no abnormalities. Move along." Kayelin nodded hastily, eager to be on her way. Her stomach was in knots as she crossed the threshold into the city that held her future. Things weren't going to get easy anytime soon, but at least she'd made it this far.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Vassarka Oleander on May 19th, 2013, 7:15 pm

Vassarka slowly approached the gates on her horse, leading it along by the reigns as she checked for any danger. Nonsense. She was being over cautious. Ever since Mamma's death...no. She couldn't think about that now, not when she was so close to leaving the city that had entrapped her for so long. She was almost free, free of the enclosed cramped conditions, free of the stink, free of the racism. She could almost taste the fresh air, fresh air that she hadn't tasted since...before. She reached the outer gate, and was about to go through when a guard stepped in front of her. Human. Male. She pulled on the horse's reigns gently, and looked at him from under the deep black hood of her cloak. "Yess?" she said impatiently. She could smell his emotions, which was strange. All of a sudden, she felt a hunger upon her. A hunger that had never been triggered by anything before. What could it be? "Are you entering or leaving the city?" the food...no, fool of a guard asked. "Leaving." Vassarka hissed. "You may pass" the guard said stupidly. Yes! Freedom! Vassarka thought, as her horse trotted past the gates. She was on the road.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Aello on May 20th, 2013, 3:39 pm

Spring 87, 513 AV

There was an iron frame, the grated laticework having been drawn up hours before. Chains rattling softly against the breeze as Aello approached the intimidating doorway. Fist tightening around her father's old bow as she waited for the narrow line to dissipate, signaling her own turn with the guard knights.

Two men in shimmering silver colored armor who eyed her over without a single word, before asking for her name and purpose.

"Aello, a huntress, looking for work," she said simply. To receive a nod from the two men.

"And Lily, her trusty companion," said the pycon, causing the men to look wildly up and down at her, and around her, as though they were losing their minds, having seen nothing. "Over here," she said as she placed her tiny hands on two strips of fabric, and pulled her head out of Aello's pocket.

The men looked somewhat startled to see her, or maybe it was embarassed. It was hard for Aello to be certain given the glow their armor's light played upon their skin. The slightly burnt texture from having been exposed to the sun.

The one on the right waved her in.

And soon enough, Aello was walking forward into a city she had in a way, looked down upon of late, and never before thought to visit.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Zaed Martel on May 26th, 2013, 11:44 am

81st of Spring, 513 AV

Zaed strode through the gates of Syliras and took a moment to cast his gaze across the crowds of people milling around the city. There was something familiar about a busy city. A sense that you were part of something much bigger, a insignifigant being in a greater whole. Zaed grinned, and where people gathered,it was guaranteed there would be fun to be had. He glanced back behind him, towards Vassarka, his travelling companion and saw she was somewhat less excited about the prospect of entering the city. He considered going back to check on her, but already one of the guards to either side of the gate had aproached him.
He nodded towards them and called out a friendly greeting which they replied somewhat less enthusiastically. What did you expect, Zaed thought to himself, spending all day checking goods and lifestock isn't exactly the most exiting job to have...
Zaed glanced back to the guards as one called out to him, "What's your business in the city, friend?"
"Looking for some work first, then travelling out by sea to Alvadas."
The guard nodded, looking bored, and glanced over Zaed posessions and horse. He inspected Ally, Zaed's horse, for a moment, clearly checking for signs of disease of sickness, but finding nothing of any problem nodded to his companion and the two guards returned to their post by the gates. Grinning, and nodding his thanks, Zaed carried on through the gates and into the city.
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